Chapter 9

I sat on the seat and he sat on the desk.

"I'm fine really."

"Your cheek turned red. Did they slap you?" He asked with a bit of an angry tone.

"Not much as I punched them." I said with a smirk.

"Strong. Here it should help." He said while keeping the cold orange juice on my cheek where they slapped.

"It's cold." I moved away from it.

"Stay still, it's like an ice pack. You don't want your mom to see the mark on your cheek right?" He said holding my chin and kept the juice can on my cheek again.

I looked at his face and for the first I didn't see any sort of angry or irritation or tease, I saw concern...… about me. My mind couldn't think much of anything, all that running on my mind or all that mattered for that moment was his concern about me. But why?

Why would a guy like him have concern or worry about me?. I stayed there looking at his face, his viridian eyes were looking at mine with concern. We were looking at each other and stayed the same for..... I don't know how much time.

We lost eye contact when we heard a thud sound. Must be the door of the class next to this. He left my chin and gave me the orange juice.

"You okay?" His voice was slow and concerned.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine." I said in between my breaths.

"Let's go home. We have practice too." He said while standing up.

I took my bag and he took his, we were walking through the hallway, when a question struck my mind.

"Yuri?" I said in a small tone.

"Yeah?" He looked at me confused.

"You didn't have punishment, so what were you doing in the school this long?"

"Oh that. I was playing football on the ground. " He answered looking away.

"Then why did you come to the classroom?"

"I thought I heard some noise, so I was checking all the classrooms." He said looking around.

"Why didn't you tell me that you work as a guard here?" I said mockingly.

"Roze, don't get on my nerves, I'm not in a mood to fight."

"It's fun teasing you. By the way, what about the orange juice you brought? You brought it for the person who made sound too?" I asked

"Did anyone tell you that you ask too many questions?" He said in an irritated tone.

"Nope, why do you ask?"

"Someone should have told you. You really annoy people with those questions of yours." He said with a big sigh.

"Am I supposed to feel bad or happy for that?"

"Just tell me one thing, what I said earlier clearly states that you annoy me. Why will you be happy about that?" He asked with confusion.

"Cos, I succeeded in annoying you." I said with a small smile.

"You really are mad. " He said with a smirk.

"What am I supposed to say now?"

"A thank you for earlier help." He said looking at me.


"For saving you from them." He said in annoyance.

"You saved them from me. So, they should say thanks to you." I said with confidence.

"Yeah, right." He said rolling his eyes.

"You sure have a lot of fans." I asked. I don't even know why I asked about this. It's not like I care about his fans or something.

"Seems like it. They are really out of their limits now." He said, shaking his head.

"Why didn't you like any of them? Sure some of them look pretty."

Wait a second, did I really ask? Why the hell did I ask that? I always talk or act out of control around him. But around him feels like I know him for a really long time. I think my head needs rest from that overthinking.

"Why do you ask suddenly? Are you interested in knowing my love life?" He asked with a small smirk formed at the end of his lips.

"N-no. I just asked in random. Answer if you wanna. Or else forget that I asked." I said looking around.

He let out a small giggle.

"I didn't like anyone. Never felt warm or loving towards anyone. When it comes to my girlfriends, you can keep the count to zero. Never found the one who makes my heart warm." He said holding his pendant and with a small smile.

"Looks like you've got yourself a love story."

"Maybe. I don't know if it's called love or waiting. But it feels more than that." He said in a small tone.

"Waiting?" I asked.

"Yeah, there was this girl when I was small. She promised to come and play with me and asked for me to wait till she returns. I don't know if she'll return or not. But I'm still waiting." His eyes were happy when he said those words.

"A girl? When did this happen?"

"I was five or six back then." He said trying to remember the lost unforgettable memory.

"It's almost been 10 years, and you wait still?" I asked in surprise.

"Yes." He said in a small and soft tone.

"Why? She must've forgotten you by now. Why wait for someone whose return is unknown?"

"Cos, It makes me feel happy. Waiting for her all these years, maybe I've forgotten her face but her smile and the promise, those are the things that give me hope." He wasn't teasing or faking all this. His eyes were telling the truth.

"Seems like you love that girl."

"I don't know what this feeling's called. It's confusing, warming, calming at the same time. I never felt that warm towards anyone until…... " He paused looking at me.


"Enough about me. What about you? Didn't get any back there?" He asked.

"What? No. I don't have any boyfriend or anything. I mostly had fights with guys because of my short temper." I said with a scoof.

"Yeah, I can see that." He said in a teasing way.

"Stop teasing me. Why do you want someone who warms your heart? I don't see any relation there." I asked with a doubtful face.

"It's simple. I've started figure skating since I was 5. My half life till now was filled with an ice rink. That made my heart as cold as an ice rink. I don't feel much of emotions, to feel one I need someone who warm my heart and makes me feel emotions."

"That was deep. How can you find one if you aren't looking? You'll know how you feel when you come into a relationship. "

"I don't wanna waste time looking for one who warms my heart, instead of one who already warmed it."

"You won't find an answer for a solution if you already think of one. Empty that place, you may have found that girl already. Try to look for an answer without you having the answer. I'm sure you'll find her."

"I hope I find mine soon."

"I wish that to happen too. Or else the girls will keep on getting stabbed by an ice sword. That hurts" I said with a smile.

"You always find a way to tease me."

We both went to our homes and met at the practice. We both were so good together that Yakov asked us to help each other in practice. So, we started practicing together. Our friendship grew stronger than before.

The next day I was in my seat in the classroom, when the girls who used to glare at me came and spoke to me like they knew me their whole life. Even for a second I believed that I knew them.

They brought me snacks too, well that was weird, this much affection on the first day, it's too much for me to take. We were talking, technically they were talking. I was just listening to them when Yuri came and patted my head and sat on the chair next to me.

"Hey." He said while patting my head.


"Hai Yuri. You know I'm Cordina's friend." The girl said with a shy face.

Damn now I know why they were showing so affection towards me. I was wondering what could've happened, but now I understand everything. Seriously, these girls…. Ugh.

"Oh, Okkay." He said and looked at his phone.

The girls waved and went away babbling something.

"Seems like you made friends." Otabek said with a smile.

"All thanks to your friend." I said looking at Yuri.

"Him?" Otabek asked in confusion.

"It's all happened because Yuri saved me yesterday. And the girls thought they would get close to Yuri if they get close to me. I never thought they would think of something like that." I said with an annoyance.

"Not bad Roze, you aren't the idiot you look like." Yuri said without lifting his head from his phone.