Chapter 11

Yuri's pov:

It's another boring day of school, a girl again approached me saying she likes me, to which I rejected. Otabek started scolding me again to behave properly with girls.

"Yuri, how many times do I have to tell you? It's not the right way to talk to a girl."

"Whatever, I'm sleeping, wake me up when the teacher comes." I said and laid my head on the desk.

I was sleeping peacefully when I heard the teacher shouting, in his sense it's called 'talking'. I woke up and saw Otabek missing. I stood up and there Oat was, a few desks in front. I asked the teacher and he warned me not to sleep.

Just tell me one thing, how is me asking about Otabek and him threatening me not to sleep is relevant? I always told Oat that our class teacher's mental, now I have proof too.

After that there she was the same cross breed I hate with every nerve she sat beside me. I hated her, I was staring at her thinking why did she join the school? Why did she join Yakov's academy and why the hell is she sitting beside me. But even after all that, her brown eyes were not allowing me to look away, they reminded me of someone, someone I know but can't remember.

I don't know when the class got completed, I came to my senses when I saw her giving death glare to me and asked me why I was staring at her. I replied and she replied then, as everyone expected we ended up in an argument. I took her book to tease her and she tried to take it back, I extended my hand backwards and she came towards me, I didn't know how close we were until she looked at me.

I hate to admit but she really looks cute when she's up close. No wonder Oatbek likes her. She immediately moved away, I gave her book back with apologies for taking and went out of the room. Yeah, I didn't believe either that I apologized, but... it happened can't undo. I thought when I came back everything would be normal but it didn't instead of us both fighting, the situation became awkward.

The school was over and I went to the academy and was talking to Oatbek when I saw her coming. Have to admit she really does good at figure skating. Finally the practice was completed and I came out of the academy along with Oatbek. We both were discussing about the place where we should eat, when someone bumped into me. I swear if it's that cross breed I will kill her right away.

And guess what it indeed was her, we both were about to get into an argument when Oatbek came and helped her. And what the hell does that mean I'm foul mouth? Damn it Oat, I will kill you.

They both talked like they knew each other from the beginning and don't know why it irritated me. She got into a cab and even this damn Oat invited for dinner thank god she didn't come and….. She left.

"So, I'm foul mouth ha?" I asked, cracking my knuckles.

"Hehe, I was just making her feel good. How can you argue with such a cute one?" He said smiling vividly.

"She's not cute, more like a fierce dog." I corrected it, even when I know it's not true.

"Come on Yuri, why do you hate her anyway?" Otabek asked while walking to the restaurant along with me.

"Cos she's foul mouthed and short tempered." I answered.

"Complaining the one, who has the same traits." Otabek firedback.

"I don't have the same traits as her."

"I have been with you all along, don't even try to fool me." Otabek said.

"Fine. But why do you act all nice and good to her?" I asked. I have a doubt and wanted a verbal confirmation.

"I don't know, looking at her cute face, makes my words sweet. Maybe I like her." Otabe said, looking at the sky.

"I knew it. Don't even try, she's not what she looks like." I warned him.

"I will take care of it." Otabek said with a confident voice.

"If you're willing to spoil your life, then who am I to object." I said showing pity to Otabek.

"Don't act like that Yuri. Try to talk to her like a friend, you will see her good side." Otabek suggested.

"I bet if she has one." I said looking at him.

"First try to be nice to her," Otabek said.

"I will try"

We both had dinner and the next day, and we went home. I laid myself on bed after doing the homework and all I saw was her face. Her breath touched my cheeks, the way her face became red and the fast beat of my heart. Why the hell do I think of that crossbreed? Ugh... I tried every way and finally I got to sleep.

The next day, I wanted to remove awkwardness between us and mostly I wanted to have revenge on her for disturbing me all night. Even though she's in my thoughts that's her fault.

I found her in the classroom reading something with a stern face. I asked Otabek to record and I slowly went towards her and scared her. She startled and the face she made was the funniest one. Otabek gave me my phone and she was asking me to delete it. We were in the middle of conversation when she asked Otabek for help.

Otabek denied saying I wouldn't help and what hell does it mean 'He likes to save the videos of the people he likes.' I was about to smack his head when the teacher came.

The classes went good and as Otabek suggested I was talking to her nicely, and..... She seemed good, I mean she does have good traits. She was just like me, I can see myself in her.

She is good, kind and moreover she doesn't show that arrogant behaviour to me. It's like the hard rock became a soft plushie. I have to admit, I loved spending time with her. We both did homework together and we helped each other in practice too and I liked teasing her about the video.

I saw her drinking orange juice once and thought she likes it, so I grabbed one for her too. She said not to scare so I kept the cool juice can on her cheek, even for this she jolted. It's not my fault she's sensitive, but she does look cute like that.

When she asked about the orange juice I lied saying I grabbed it randomly. She wanted me to check if her cheek turned red because of the cold juice can. I touched her cheek to see and her cheek was so soft like a cotton candy, will it taste the same too?

What the hell are you thinking Yuri, damn it man. This girl got some nerves to disturb me like this. I wanted to hold her soft milky skin like that but I controlled myself and went away from her.

We both were drinking the juice, and it's my fault she felt a cold cheek, so I rubbed my hands to keep them on her cheeks, so she would feel warm. Think of it as an excuse to hold her cheeks, I don't care, it was my real intention even if you believe or not.

I called her name 'Roze', Yeah when I got to know her full name, Roze seemed more appropriate than Cordina, so I started calling her Roze and she didn't mind that.

I called her and cupped her cheeks. Like expected she asked the reason and I gave the reason I told earlier. I was holding the soft cheeks of hers, when her face started turning red. I don't know why and when I asked her the reason, she said the temperature is high.

I thought the same too, I liked holding her cheeks and her brown eyes were like a chocolate, I was drowning in that chocolate when some stupid idiot disturbed me and it was a girl asking for the solution for the math problem.

I denied saying I don't know and she said she saw me solving the problem, that's when I got doubt on them. Were they stalking Roze and I? If that's the case then Roze will be in trouble because of me. I can't let that happen, I have to protect her.

I kept an eye on those girls from then on. I even told Otabek about this and he suspected the same and he's helping me with that. It's been a week and nothing strange has happened to Roze.

I used to make sure I sent her home, but today damn it, how can she forget to do her homework, I wouldn't be with her in the class in punishment hours. I told her to complete the homework fast and left her with those girls.

I knew something's off, so I stayed back, after some time I saw the guys in the class come out but Roze didn't. I grabbed a juice can for her and walked towards the classroom. I entered the classroom and I saw those girls trying to beat Roze.

I know this was gonna happen, she was about to slap her and I shouted which made her stop and everyone stared at me. I was so angry at her that, if she's a guy, I would have made sure he would be admitted in the hospital for at least a week.

I scared those girls and they left the room, I held Roze and made her sit at the desk. And I saw one of her cheeks red. Those girls dared to slap her, I will make sure they suffer, I was angry at them but Roze's smile when she said she punched them, made my mind calm down.

But I was concerned for her. I can see the fingerprints clearly on her cheek, I grabbed the juice cane and kept it on her cheek like an ice pack.

I was looking at her cheeks when suddenly my eyes turned towards her eyes. She was looking at me. I didn't see anything but calmness, I found calmness in her eyes. I don't know how long I looked at her and so was she, but I liked it. The more I saw her eyes, the more I drowned into those chocolate brown eyes.

We broke eye contact when we heard the sound of the door of the classroom next to us closing. We stood up and started walking outside. We were walking in the hallway, when she asked why I stayed back and I lied saying I was playing football.

We were walking when she suddenly asked about my love life, after a while I told her about the girl I was waiting for. I don't know why Roze feels similar to her. Even though I forgot her face, I remember how I felt when I saw her. I felt warm, calm, that's what exactly I felt towards Roze.

Her eyes calm me and when I'm beside her my heart feels warm, I don't know what this feeling is called, but Roze feels the same like the girl from my past, I have been waiting for. Maybe like she said I already found one who warms my heart, but I still have this mix of feelings which I can't define.

I went to the practice, we both practiced together and on my way back Otabek asked me the question I know he will ask for sure.

"Yuri, why did you stay after the school?"

I told him everything and all the talk we had while walking through the hallway.

"They sure went off limits. We will make sure they learn their lesson if they mess again." Otabek said with a bit of an angry tone.

"I will for sure make them even if I see some staring at Roze." I said cracking my knuckles.

"Yuri, don't you see it?" Otabek asked with a surprised tone.

"See what?" I asked in confusion.

"You like her don't you?" Otabek questioned and raised his eyebrows.

"No, I-I don't." I said looking away blushing, hopefully him not noticing.

"Fine then, anyway I was planning to ask her out this weekend." Otabek said looking away from me.

"What? No you can't." I demanded.

"Why can't I?" Otabek asked, looking at me.

Seriously, I even don't know the answer for that. But I hated him saying that.

"I don't know, you just can't ask her out, that's it." I ordered.

"Damn it Yuri. I never thought you were this stubborn. Admit it already you smart-ass." Otabek said in frustration.

"Admit what?" I asked in confusion. I seriously don't know what he's talking about.

"That you like her." Otabek said it out loud, to make it clear.

"No I don't that's it Oat, I don't wanna talk about it anymore." I shouted back.

"Say the same until you lose her and regret it. Yuri, I'm giving you a week time, tell her about it and if not then I will ask her out." He said and left the home.

"Whatever you say Otabek. I'm not going to allow it to happen."

I went home and laid myself on bed, but the thought didn't leave my mind. What Otabek said was running on my mind like a song on a loop. I don't know if I like her or not but I feel calm and pleasant whenever I am beside her. She reminds me of her, the girl I'm waiting for still now.

With all those disturbing thoughts I went into sleep. The next day when I met Otabek at school, the things between us were like before. We promised ourselves that we won't break our promise especially to girls.

We both walked into the classroom and when we came to my seat, I saw Roze talking to some girls...….. Well that was weird, I never saw her talking to anyone and she really seems uncomfortable with them.

I went to my seat and the girls introduced themselves as Roze's friends......… now I get it. They are getting close to Roze so I have a good impression on them, such a damn plan. I smirked and they left. When Otabek asked them about the girls she told the same. I will always be right when it comes to you Roze.

It's been 3 or maybe 4 days, hell who wants to keep the day count and the girls are acting the same. But Roze does have a short-temper more than me, she loses control every time. We were at the academy and were practicing. Everyone went home and I was too, Otabek didn't come because of his work and I have to go alone. I sighed and walked when I saw Roze on the ice rink. She was trying to do a Salchow. God she's doing it wrong, by this she will never do it right.

I thought of helping her so I took my skates and went into the ice rink......... and scared her. Well, I like to see her funny face when she's scared. I helped her with the Salchow and after an hour or two she was able to do it right. We got out of the ice rink and I asked her to change so we both can go home together.

I gave a stupid reason when she asked why, but....... I really don't know why I wanted to send her home. I like to spend more time with her and it feels good. She came out wearing a chain and that's when I noticed the pendant.

It's the same pendant like mine, my past memory started appearing in bits and pieces but not completely. She said it was her dad's memory, she also said about her dad's accident and I told about my parents too.

I felt sad and surprised too, sad because I remembered how they died and surprised because she's the first person other than Otabek to know about my parents. I don't know why but I felt like telling her.

She apologized for bringing up the topic, I didn't respond much, she came in front of me and suddenly hugged me. I stood still cos of this unexpected act but I slowly wrapped my arms around her and hugged her back.

The sorrow and sadness that I have kept hidden for a long time came out cos of her and I started crying. I didn't know it felt this good to let out those feelings. She was comforting me consoling me, I hugged her tight and didn't wanna let her go, and not did she.

I felt warmth and comfortable in her hands, the warmth I have been longing for........ Or maybe she was the one I have been looking for. I didn't wanna answer any of those questions. I just wanted to remember her and live in the moment.

I let go all of my questions and lived at the moment. We both broke the hug when her phone rang. By the time she was talking on her phone I booked the cab for her. She ended the call and it was her mum. She even told me grandpa asked them to come over for lunch.

The cab came and we both parted ways. I went home and had dinner with grandpa. He told me Roze and her mum will come tomorrow and it felt good. I completed my dinner and stayed up late night to complete my homework so I can spend more time with Roze. Finally after completing I laid on bed, but the thought of seeing Roze tomorrow felt good and with those thoughts I went into a sound and comfortable sleep after a long time.