Chapter 11 Post-War Harvest

The goblin's lair was wiped out by the elven army.

A large number of gold coins were gathered in containers and carried box by box outside the goblin nest.

Usmarie said excitedly as She handed a few lustrous gems she found to Leon: "Your Majesty, these goblins are really rich! Just a lair, we have seized hundreds of thousands of gold coins, and there were also many extremely valuable gems!"

There were about a dozen in total, including rubies, sapphires, emeralds, and relatively rare amber gems, which look very exquisite.

Leon said, "You put it away first, then take it back and put it in the treasure house!"

In the Holy Land, gems were adored by human aristocratic women, who often spend a lot of gold coins to buy gems to suffice their own beauty. The most noteworthy thing is that these gems are not just for mere embellishments. Each type of gem has magical powers and can be inlaid on equipment to increase the power of the equipment, which also leads to high prices of gems.

"When the human trade group arrives in our territory next time, we will sell gems to them at high prices!"

In past transactions, the human trade groups have repressed the Nature elves quite much. Because the Nature elves had to buy fresh fruits and honey from the human trade group, they had to wrong themselves, thus fattening the human trade group.

But this time.

Leon has made up his mind to gain some blood back from the human trade group.

Agatha said: "Those Human merchants are more greedy than goblins."

Leon smiled and said: "This time things will be different! We don't need to buy fruit and honey from the human trade group anymore. But If they want to buy these gems and the elf equipment we built, they must use gold coins to impress me!"

Agatha questioned: "Your Majesty, without fruit and honey, what shall we eat?"

Leon said, "Don't worry, I have everything prepared."

Agatha nodded as for now, She believed everything Leon said.

Leon waved his right hand and collected all seized gold coins into the system.

What he thought in his heart was that when he went back, he would build the [Moon Well] so that the elves could directly drink the water of life. The water of life will not only prevents the elves from being hungry but also improves the magic power of the elves, which is very effective.

At that time, fruit and honey will be nothing but snacks for the elves.

And if the human trade group still wants to rely on these two things to hold the lifeblood of the elves?


Leon said: "Counting the time, the human trade group should also be here."

Agatha struck his arm and said with a smile: "Your Majesty is right. At the end of each month, the Bauhinia Merchant Group from the human world will arrive in our territory on time to trade with us. Now it's a week before the end of the month, there are still seven days."

Leon said: "Oh, well these Seven days, should be enough for me to destroy the Goblin Kingdom!"

After cleaning the battlefield.

Leon scattered the elven army under his command to clear the beasts in the forest.

beasts are also native species of the Holy Land.

divided into ranks from low to high according to strength, after that, it is divided into ranks one to nine, king rank, holy rank, demigod rank, and true god rank.

Tier 1 to Tier 3 is low-level monsters.

Tier 4 to Tier 6 are intermediate-level monsters.

The seventh to ninth ranks are advanced monsters.

Generally speaking, these high-level monsters possess wisdom no less than human beings, and king-tier monsters can speak human language. Legend has it that holy-level monsters can even become human for a short period of time. As for demi-gods and true-level monsters, they are even more powerful.

Unlike all the other races of the Holy Continent, the monster has a magic core in its body.

The value of these magic cores is only second to that of precious gems, and they can also be inlaid on the equipment to enhance its power.

This time, clearing the monsters in the dark night forest is a good choice, as the collected magic core can be used whether it is for personal or sold to a human trade group.

For Leon, as long as it is something that can earn him gold coins, he will do it.

The time came in the evening.

Compared to the outside world, the Dark Night Forest went ' dark' faster.

even Before the sun went down, the dark night forest will be already dark. Normally this is the time or point when the monsters came out of their nests and hunted for food, but with the clearance of the three elven legions, the surrounding monsters had almost disappeared. Many high-level monsters with wisdom have fled into the further forest, afraid to get in front of the Elf Legion.

As the sun went down Leon returned to the territory with his elven army.

As the goblin lair was wiped out, none of the elves died, which can be considered a glorious victory.

As for the other two elven legions, they have not yet returned.

But Leon is not worried about their safety.

The two elven legions were equipped with three ninth-tier mountain giants, with them even the creatures of the king-tier can't wipe them out.

Before long, Leon heard the voice of the system.

[Congratulations to the Elf Legion under the host for successfully destroying the goblin lair, evil spider cave, and demon wolf race, ruling the area within a radius of 5,000 meters, and seizing a total of 180,000 gold coins! ]

[Congratulations to the host for completing novice task two and getting a chance to draw a prize for equipment. ]

[Please keep up the good work host! ]

After receiving the system prompt, more than ten minutes passed.

Leon finally saw the two elves' legion led by Eve and Monica return to the territory.

"Your Majesty, this is the magic core we collected from the magic wolf!"

"Your Majesty, we have found many human bones in the evil spider cave, and we are also lucky to have harvested a lot of gold coins!"

As they both said Boxes of magic cores and gold coins were carried over.

The two beautiful elven army commanders were very excited like little kids asking Leon for credit.

Leon also praised seeing this: "Good job!"

After some checklist.

The three elven legions harvested a total of 180,000 gold coins, more than 1,400 magic cores of various levels, and a few gems and other exquisite tools.

All in all, It was a big harvest.

Leon put all the gold coins into the system, and let the elves carry other things into the treasure house.

In fact, the biggest gain this time is not gold coins, gems, and those exquisite utensils, but more than 1,400 magic cores of various levels. These magic cores are worth at least hundreds of thousands of gold coins.

After having dinner Leon took Agatha and the three elven army commanders to the forbidden area.

In addition to increasing the size of the elven army with the help of ancient war trees, this time he will also build a moon well to free the elves from being restricted by the human merchant group.