Chapter 16 The war between elves and goblins!

The passage was in front of him, but Leon frowned.

Because the passage is too small, the maximum diameter is only five or six meters, which is not enough for the mountain giants of more than 20 meters to pass, even if it is crawling forward, it is very difficult. If it gets stuck in the middle, this will not work.

Seeing this Leon said: "The mountain giant will be guarding here, and others let's go in!"

Usmarie hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, there are five ninth-tier powerhouses in the Goblin Kingdom. If there were no mountain giants to resist, we would probably lose a lot."

Monica and Eve also nodded hearing this.

Except for the mountain giants, only Agatha was at the eighth level, and their three legion leaders were only at the seventh level, and it was almost impossible to withstand five ninth-level goblins elder with this strength.

Leon said: "Don't worry, I have a way to deal with those ninth-tier goblins! The victory of this war will only belong to us Nature elves!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

The three elven army commanders also relaxed as they hear this because now they have absolute trust in Leon.

Now that Leon said so, they didn't hesitate any more and immediately led the Elf Legion into the passage, while also carrying ten Elf Ballistas.

elves swarmed into the tunnel like a Snake, heading towards the kingdom of goblins deep underground.


In the channel.

The elven troops encountered many goblin guards, but these goblins instead of feeling scared, shouted excitedly, 'Elves are here, and there are no mountain giants with them! ', and then ran away hurriedly.

Leon sneered: "These big black mice think that my elves can't win this war without the help of the mountain giants?"

Agatha questioned: "Your Majesty, what is the big black rat?"

Leon smiled and said, "Big black rats are mice. Look at those goblins, don't they look like mice that drill holes into the ground?"

"Your Majesty~"

Agatha grunted happily.

The goblins are the sacred race of wisdom in the sacred continent, how can they be comparable to those mice without wisdom.

There was no harassment from any goblin on the way.

The elven army of nearly five thousand scales traversed hundreds of meters long passages very smoothly and entered an extremely large underground world.

In the center of the underground world.

There is a huge city, that is, the Kingdom of Goblin!

Looking at the clusters of magnificent underground buildings, Leon who came from the earth metropolis couldn't help feeling shocked.

Agatha said: "Although the goblins are a greedy and timid race, their achievements in underground architecture are the highest in the Holy Continent. Even the dwarves are not as good as the goblins in this respect."

Leon said: "This is captivating!"

Leon agreed with Agatha's words.

Because the incomparably magnificent underground giant city ahead is the best proof.

Leon led the Elf Legion towards the Goblin Kingdom.

The footsteps of all the elves were neatly aligned.

At the forefront of the team are the Elf King Leon, Agatha, and the three Elven Legion Commanders. As Dozens of Elf Magicians and Elf Swordsmen guard them. In the middle is the elf huntress riding a black panther, and at the back is the elf archer holding an elf longbow and carrying a quiver.

As the dull footsteps gradually resounded throughout the underground world.

The faces of the goblin warriors on the wall of the goblin kingdom changed drastically. Some goblins even squatted down, showing only a pair of eyes, because they were afraid of being shot headshot by the elven archer.

Three hundred meters away from the city wall, the Elf Legion stopped.

Leon waved his hand and ten elven ballistae were pushed over.

The piercing arrow has been wound, and the beginning of the war was only a command away.

Just at this time.

The gates of the Goblin Kingdom opened suddenly, and an underground dragon ten of meters long dragged a luxurious chariot and ran out. followed by a large-scale goblin warrior.

The two armies were only more than a hundred meters apart.

Looking at each other!

The atmosphere of war grew stronger, but the entire underground world was silent.

It wasn't until the subterranean dragon roared that a fat goblin wearing a crown and a gorgeous robe walked out of the chariot with the help of two female goblins.

It was the ruler of the Goblin Kingdom, King Zaza.

King Zaza looked at the Elf Legion a hundred meters away, then turned his gaze to Leon, and said, "Elf King, you will pay the price of your arrogance with your blood!"

Leon said: "if you timid goblins, thinking that without the help of the mountain giants with us, you will be able to defeat us Nature elves?. then you are very wrong This time, I will destroy your goblin kingdom!"

King Zaza laughed wildly and said: "Elf King, our goblin kingdom has five ninth-tier powerful men and 30,000 elite goblin warriors. You are not an opponent of my goblin kingdom at all. The reason why I did not order to attack your army in the passage, It's because this king wants to kill you personally!"

"King Zaza, I admire your ambition, destroy them for me!!"

As Leon gave the order.

More than 3,000 elven archers in the rear immediately set up their arrows and drew the elven longbow into a full moon.

Hh hh hhhh…

In an instant, dense arrows rose into the sky, falling like rain at a perfect pace. The scene was shocking.


King Zaza roared.

Suddenly, a large number of goblins raised their wooden shields and put them on top of their heads.

It's a pity that they underestimated the talent of the elf archers [shooting skills] (attack strengthening), and also overestimated the defensive capabilities of those wooden shields.

The sharp arrow pierced the wooden shield directly.

With countless screams, the elite goblin warriors fell to pieces.

King Zaza's face is also green seeing this.

"Offense! Offense! Kill all the elves of Damn it!!"


The goblins roared weirdly, rubbing their short legs to the ground and running wildly.

"Catch the Elf King alive!"

The four ninth-tier goblin elders rushed after hearing their king's order, and their bodies also started emitting a green glow, which was a sign of magical power.

Leon smiled faintly, holding the artifact- the finger of the god of death.

"It just happened to be your time to turn into sheep!"