Chapter 19 Human Race?

Leon walked straight over.

Holding the artifact [Finger of the Tricky Grim Reaper] in his hand.

King Zaza is a ninth-tier powerhouse, and his strength is higher than him, but he was not afraid of King Zaza's counterattack. First, he is guarded by the elf crown; second, the sacred weapon in his hand can turn King Zaza into a sheep in an instant.

"you're still thinking of gold coins when you are about to die!"

"No! Elf King, you can't kill me, I am the ruler of the Goblin Kingdom, I am the great King Zaza! Elf King, please be merciful, as long as you let me go, I am willing to divide all the wealth here with you. "

King Zaza looked terrified as he said this.

At this time, it saw Leon who wave the weird golden dagger.

the gobline king didn't put any resistance and become a sheep directly.


A transformed 'sheep king' rolled down from the mountain of gold coins, screaming in horror.

"Since I can own all the wealth here, why should I split it with you?"

Leon sneered, as he put away the magical 'Sheep Knife', and said to the elf behind him: "Drag this guy outside, we will deal with it later!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Two elven swordsmen came and dragged the sheep king who was struggling desperately.

Agatha looked at the gold mountain in front of her and said, "Your Majesty, there are at least one million gold coins here, and there is also a lot of gold and silverware from the human world! These greedy goblins are really too rich!"

Leon was also a little surprised listening to the numbers.

More than one million gold coins are nothing, after all, this is the treasure house of the Goblin Kingdom. Mainly those gold and silverware, there were too many of those, and they were all very exquisite items, and anyone can see that they were very valuable at first glance.

"It seems that the rumors were true. These goblins have actually robbed a lot of human trade groups."

Leon waved his right hand.

Suddenly, all the gold coins in the treasury began to blur and finally turned into countless golden lights that penetrated into Leon's body and were stored in the system.

Then he put all the remaining gold and silverware, magic core, and other things into his space ring.

His space ring can be considered to be top-notch in the entire Holy Continent. As its inner space is as big as one or two basketball courts, so it can hold these treasures without a problem.

Soon, the goblin's treasure cabin became empty.

Leon said to the three elven army commanders around him: "Pass the order, search the entire goblin kingdom, and box all the valuable treasures away! The goblin kingdom has been destroyed, and this will become an antique!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

The three elven army captains left quickly.

Leon took Agatha outside of the treasure house.

And saw two shaky fat sheep leaning against each other, their eyes were terrified.

Leon wielded the sacred weapon'Sheep Knife', and one of the sheep became an underground dragon with a length of more than ten meters. After switching back to himself, the Underground Yalong didn't attack Leon but took a few steps back in fright.

In its eyes, Leon is more terrifying than the devil.

Leon said: "You are a ninth-order dragon Beast, with the blood of the dragon family, it is a pity to become a sheep. In two days, the human trade group will arrive in my territory, and I will sell you to them at a high price. Of course, you can also resist, and the end is nothing more than being turned into a sheep by me, and then sold to the human trade group as well."


The underground dragon nodded his head frantically after hearing this.

It is an evolved monster, possessing wisdom no less than human beings. It certainly knows what it will be like to be sold to a human trade group after being turned into a sheep. It is better to be obedient than to resist. With its ninth-order rank and the dragon bloodline, it might be able to mix well in the human world.

"very good!"

Leon pointed to another sheep and said lightly: "The greedy goblin has enslaved you for so long, and you should have resentment in your heart. Now I give you a chance to take revenge, are you hungry? Eat it when you are hungry!"


The goblin king suddenly urinated listening to Leon say that and kicked frantically trying to escape with his four short legs.

It's a pity that he can't be as fast as the underground dragon's fear of Leon. As soon as Leon finished speaking, the underground dragon bit the goblin king and gobbled him up.

The Goblin King was eaten alive by its own mount amid the screams of 'Baa'.

A few hours later.

The Elf Legion ended the cleanup of the Goblin Kingdom.

Countless gold coins and treasures were packed into boxes and carried to Leon.

As usual, Leon collects gold coins into the system and other treasures into the space ring. When the human trade group arrives in the Elf territory, they will sell these things to them.

In the Holy Land.

If you ask which race is the richest, many people may say it is the dragon, because the dragon likes to collect shiny things like gold coins and gems. The title of Dragon Slayer is not only a supreme honor but also a way to get rich overnight.

But Leon knows that no race can surpass the human race in terms of wealth.

Because the human race rules the vast and rich land of the Holy Continent, occupying a large number of gold and silver mines, and even gold and silver coins are created by them.

In terms of wealth, no one can compare with the human race?

And those human business groups are synonymous with the term [money].

Now that the elves have the moon well, the human trade group has no way to restrict and squeeze the elves. Instead, Leon wanted to use the human aristocracy's enthusiasm for elven equipment, as well as the seized treasures such as gold and silver, and magic cores, and severely cut a few pounds of wealth from the human merchant group.

At the same time, Leon heard the voice of the system.

[Congratulations to the host for destroying the greedy goblin kingdom and seizing 2.4 million gold coins! ]

[Congratulations to the host for completing the newbie task three and successfully unlocking the hero altar! ]

[Please return to the elf territory and build a hero altar! Every hero who walks out of the altar will become a substantial person of the elven empire in the future! ]