Chapter 22 Because, I want to protect your Majesty!

Watching Agatha walking down from the hero's altar.

The three elven army commanders of Usmarie were very envious, they can effortlessly perceive that Agatha has been promoted from the eighth to the ninth, and is only one step away from becoming a king-level elf.

At the same time, Agatha was also exuding a very holy breath.

"Is this an elf hero?"

The leaders of the three elven legions were looking forward to the full moon night next month.

Agatha was holding a magic scepter, and the magic robe on her body and the crescent moon mark on the center of her eyebrows all were releasing a mystical brilliance.

She said to Leon: "Your Majesty, I have changed my job to become the Moon God Sacrifice!"

Leon was puzzled: "Sacrifice?

Agatha explained: "Yes Your Majesty, the Moon God Sacrifice is an elven hero magician who prefers to be a support type. After being transferred to the Moon God Sacrifice, I have mastered three hero skills, namely Moon God Arrow, Falling Stars, and Ultimate skill The protection of Moon God!"

Leon wondered: "Why did you choose this elf hero? I think there should be many more powerful elf heroes in the hero altar which are more suitable for you!"

Agatha said: "Because, I want to protect the Nature elves, and protect your Majesty!"

Leon was immediately moved.

During the war with the goblin clan, Agatha rarely joined the battlefield personally, staying by his side to protect his safety. Now she has transferred to the Moon God Sacrifice to better protect him because the ultimate skill of the Moon God Sacrifice is called [Moon God's protection ].

He stretched out his hand to hold Agatha, who was full of holiness and radiance.

Agatha also stared at him tenderly.

In Agatha's heart, Leon is the most important, more important than her life.

At this moment.

Monica suddenly said hesitatingly: "Elder Agatha, are you now have transferred to the Moon God Sacrifice, then your faith…"

Usmarie and Eve also reacted after hearing this.

The Moon God and the Elf Goddess are two different true gods.

Agatha became a sacrifice of Moon God. Isn't it necessary to abandon her faith in the Elf Goddess and pray to the Moon God?

Agatha smiled and said: "Monica, my faith has not changed! I still believe in the Elf Goddess. Moon god sacrifice is the heroic profession of our elves, and it has nothing to do with the moon god."

The three elven legion leaders breathed a sigh of relief hearing this.

However, they didn't know, or Agatha herself didn't realize that her belief in the Elf Goddess was no longer firm. Her persistent belief has become to be the guardian of the elves, and her majesty the king of elves.

Leon came under the old war tree.

Behind him, stood Agatha exuding a holy radiance and three beautiful elven army commanders.

They were looking onwards to Leon's back.

Leon's mood at the moment is also not calm.

Because he was about to consume more than two million gold coins seized from the Goblin Kingdom, summoning a large-scale elven army. The number of elves summoned this time will be ten or twenty times more than the previous two summons.

Leon communicates the elven empire system with his mind.

"The system reserves five thousand gold coins for the construction of the moon well. The other gold coins, according to the ratio of 6:4, summon the elves with professions!"

[Good host! ]

A dazzling golden light flew out from Leon's eyebrows and penetrated the ancient war tree.

Leon then witnessed that the number of gold coins stored in the system had dropped from 2.3 million to only 5,000, which made him feel a little bitter.

Under the gaze of Leon and the four beautiful elves.

The hundred-meter-high ancient war tree shook slowly, and countless branches and leaves exuded a dazzling brilliance.

Immediately afterward.

Dense streams flew from the body of the ancient war tree and then fell to the ground one after another.

Each stream represents an elf.

Soon, countless figures of elves appeared in the nearby clearing. The number and scale of them made Agatha and the three elven army commanders open their mouths in shock.

"Oh, My God!"

"His Majesty has brought so many people from the kingdom of God!"

"His Majesty has attracted at least 10,000 elves to the lower realms, and every one of them is a professional elf! With such a huge elven army, it may not be a problem to conquer the ogre tribe ruled by the king of the hill. "

"Your Majesty~"

Looking at Leon's slender and tall back, Agatha and the three elven army commanders were full of admiration.


Leon opened his system template.

[Host: Melmiren·Leon]

[Identity: The Elf King of Nature Elves]

[Stage position: Early stage of the seventh stage]

[Equipment: Elf Crown (Seal Artifact)]

[Unlocked buildings: Tree of Life, Ancient Tree of War, Moon Well, Altar of Heroes]

[Subordinate Legion: 17,650 Elf Archers, 6,780 Elf Huntresses, 40 Elf Wizards, 19 Elf Swordsmen, 10 Mountain Giants, 10 Ballistas]

[Possess gold coins: 5000]

"I now have more than 24,000 elf warriors!"

Looking at the size of the Elf Legion under his command.

Even though Leon had been mentally prepared for a long time, he was still shocked.

Originally when he was attacking the Goblin Kingdom, the size of his Elf Legion hadn't reached five thousand. Now, nearly 2.3 million gold coins have been consumed, and the size of the Elf Legion has skyrocketed to more than 24,000.

"This army of elves has given me the ability to conquer the entire dark forest!"

Neither the ogre tribe in the west of the Dark Night Forest nor the Beast Territory ruled by the Dark Demon Wolf King in the south is adequate to make Leon feel threatened.

As for the east of the Dark Night Forest, because it is close to the human world, human mercenaries often come in to hunt, so there is no strong force there.

After Solving the ogre tribe and the dark wolf king, he will be the de facto ruler of the dark night forest.

"Next, it's time to destroy the ogre tribe!"

Ogres are a very cruel race, with the blood of giants, so ogres are generally very tall. And this ogre tribe in the Dark Night Forest is being ruled by a king-level hill giant.

At this time.

The sound of the system rang in his mind.

As expected by Leon, it was novice task four.

However, the content of the task surprised Leon so much that he even laughed out loud.