Chapter 32 Are you taunting our Temple of Light?

In the dark dense forest.

Joyce held a magic scepter and was releasing a magic shield to protect Miss Nicola next to her. As for himself, he was staring at the subterranean dragon.

And the underground Dragon was also glancing at him slantingly.

Don't look at it seriously leading a large group of sheep in the dense forest.

It really didn't have the idea of ​​running away, because it was used to living a luxurious life in the Goblin Kingdom where it has so much food that it could not finish eating, and it is too tiring to go hunting beasts on its own. And now that It is going to the human society to live the life of the nobles who has both "good food and clothes" why would it run.

And the most important is.

It was afraid that if it would run away and the evil elf king can't make a million gold coins of it, it would catch it and turn it into a sheep…

It was terrified just thinking about that kind of scene.

At this time, its stomach was groaning with hunger.

It remembered that the group of evil Nature elves had not given it a sip of water from yesterday to the present, and it was too hungry to walk.

The underground Dragon looked at a group of sheep behind his ass. These were ready-made food, and they were tender, juicy, and full of irritation.

It did not hesitate.

Opening his mouth, he grabbed a big fat sheep and swallowed it into his stomach.

The sheep around were so scared that their faces were distorted.

Joyce also exclaimed: "Hey, stop! They are all humans, you can't eat them!"


The subterranean dragon roared violently.

A pair of bloodthirsty eyes glared at Joyce fiercely, his mouthful of hideous teeth was also stained red with blood, and there were still fleece and wool hanging in the gaps between the teeth, which looked very vicious.

Joyce swallowed and said, "You bear with me for a while. When you return to the Chamber of Commerce, I will let you eat as much as you want! Besides, these sheep are not delicious. They are all hairy. I will prepare a rich live cattle for you."

Ah, now we are talking!

The Underground Dragon glanced at him contemptuously and continued to walk in front of him. It is afraid of that evil elf king, but it is not afraid of this skinny human wizard.

Joyce breathed a sigh of relief and Hastily brought Miss Nicola and a group of frightened sheep to follow.

"Don't worry, I will immediately send someone to the Temple of Light after I go back, and invite people from the Temple of Light to help you dispel the sheep-changing skills on your body."

"Hey, blew~"

A flock of sheep shouted excitedly.

Listening to these weird calls, Joyce's old face twitched fiercely.

These were all the retribution knights and master magicians of the past!

In the aristocratic territory, the commoners and slaves had to salute them respectfully, even kneel when they saw them.

But now, they have all become sheep.

But no one will believe him if he said that to anyone.

Joyce also had a headache about how to explain this to the Marquis of Bauhinia.

In the morning, he took a group of powerful knights and magicians out, and returned with a group of sheep, he even wondered if the Marquis would believe what he said.

As for the underground world, Joyce did not go.

He was tired and panicked after driving this group of less than a hundred sheep and you are asking him to drive more than 30,000 sheep back to Sapphire City. He shouldn't be more exhausted?

"Where did such a huge number of sheep come out?"

Joyce couldn't figure it out.

But he can be sure that the sheep in the underground world must be related to the Druid Transfiguration of the Elf King. Although it is said that Druid Transfiguration can only act on the elves, it has disappeared for so many years. Perhaps the Nature elves have improved the Druid Transfiguration.

"In the Underground World, there are so many…"

"Could it be that those sheep are all goblins?"

Joyce's face changed slightly.

The box of human-made gold and silverware he saw in the Great Hall of the Elf King confirmed his inference even more. Because the goblin clan of the Dark Night Forest often ran out to rob human caravans.

"Nature elves wiped out the Goblin Kingdom, and not only did they seize a lot of gold and silver, but also turned tens of thousands of goblins into sheep and sold them to our Human Chamber of Commerce!"

Joyce took a deep breath.

He suddenly found out.

That Elf King, who seems to be very young, is terribly evil!

The time soon came to the evening.

Joyce, who was sweating profusely, finally drove a flock of sheep to the base of Sapphire City.

If they were ordinary sheep, he would have not cared about it a long time ago, but the point is that these are the knights and magicians of their Chamber of Commerce, and losing even one of them is a great loss.

Miss Nicola was sitting on the back of the subterranean dragon.

The subterranean dragon seemed to have a good impression of her and did not reject her.

At the gate of the city, a group of well-equipped guards raised their weapons and aimed them at the subterranean dragon.

However, after seeing Joyce who was in the dust, they immediately let go. The Great Mage Joyce is still very prestigious in Sapphire City.

"Dear Lord Joyce, please!"


Joyce didn't talk nonsense and took the underground dragon and a group of sheep into Sapphire City.

After returning to the headquarters of the Bauhinia Chamber of Commerce, he personally went to the Temple of Light and invited a ninth-tier priest.

"Joyce, you mean Druid Transfiguration? Isn't that lost thousands of years ago? As we all know, there are only three classes left in the Nature elves, archer, swordsman, and magician."

"It's all real Lester. I saw it with my own eyes that his majesty the Elf King released Druid Transfiguration, turning the knights and magicians of our Chamber of Commerce into sheep. Even the Grand Knight Conrad couldn't resist it. "

"Don't worry, I will try my best to release the magic dispelling technique!"

The old priest nodded solemnly.

Coming to the backyard.

The old priest raised the magic scepter in his hand and released a soft light to cover all the sheep in the yard.

Once, twice, three times…

Gradually, sweat started to appear on the old priest's face.

"Strange, why can't the powerful light magic technique dispel the heretical power from them?"

The old priest caught a sheep and inspected it carefully.

His old face darkened the more he looked, glaring at the Grand Mage Joyce he shouted.

"Joyce, are you teasing our Temple of Light? These are obviously real sheep, and there is no magic on them!"


Joyce cried out in surprise.


Thankyou, For the stones.

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