Chapter 40 Go away, I am your king!

The Dark Demon Wolf King noticed.

When the sheep's cry came from its mouth, the eyes of the dark magic wolves became redder, and they were snarling and drooling at it.


He is the king of the demon wolf clan, a powerful king-level monster!

In the past, it could pat these few dark wolves that disrespect it into meat sauce with a single paw.

But now, it was so scared that it backed away again and again.

Because after being turned into a sheep by the elf king with the weird elf magic, all its power was sealed, it couldn't mobilize a trace of magic at all,


The few dark demon wolves didn't know that the sheep in front of them was their king.

Driven by instinct, they made a howling noise that made the Dark Demon Wolf King twitch.


The Dark Demon Wolf King yelled in horror.

[Get out of here! I am your king! ]

The eyes of a few Dark Demon wolves were faintly green, and their saliva flowed.

Wolf hunting of sheep is completely instinctive behavior, as an excellent gene, it was passed down from the ancestors of old wolves.

They surrounded the sheep from several directions, cutting off all escape routes. Then he rushed forward at the same time, biting the fat sheep's body with their sharp wolf teeth.

Soon they tore off the lamb into bloody pieces and feasted on it.


The dark demon wolf king's eyes were red with pain.

It never thought that one day it would become a fat sheep, let alone that it would be treated as a feast by its own kind.

The Dark Demon Wolf King screamed while struggling to escape desperately.

Unfortunately, after being turned into a sheep, it lost all its power. It was now a real sheep, no matter how hard it struggles, it can barely escape the wolf's mouth.

It can only cast its pleading gaze on Leon.

Yes, this evil elf king who turned himself into a sheep is his only way, he must have a way to turn himself back into the dark demon wolf king who masters the power of a king.


[Elf, this king is immoral, quickly change this king back! ]

The dark demon wolf king begged Leon with a wailing voice.

Several demon wolves were biting on it, and the intense pain almost made it faint. If it was someone else, he or she may really have hit the street.

If it wasn't saved today It will become the only wolf king in the history of the wolf clan who was turned into a sheep and then eaten by his own wolf cubs. That will simply be a shame to the wolf clan.

Leon watched this scene calmly.

His task is to kill the Dark Demon Wolf King, so he naturally will not save it.

Furthermore, the Dark Demon Wolf King brought thousands of demon wolves to siege the unicorn, including his mount, the Unicorn King.

No matter from which aspect, the fate of the Dark Demon Wolf King is already doomed.

Just at this time.

The god of luck seems to have favored the Dark Demon Wolf King.

Arrows from the elf archer fell from the sky, piercing and killing the few dark magic wolves with great precision.

The Dark Demon Wolf King also escaped from the wolf's mouth.

It just didn't breathe a sigh of relief, and another arrow flew in and shot through its body in an instant.

The Dark Demon Wolf King opened his mouth and spewed a mouthful of blood.

It looked at the arrow on its body in disbelief. This arrow has pierced its heart cutting off its last ray of vitality. Even if it changed back to the main body of the Wolf King again, it would not survive.

The Dark Demon Wolf King looked at Leon with despair.

This evil elf king caused it to experience the most painful, bizarre, and tragic death, which is more evil than the devil.

As Leon waved the magical 'Sheep Knife'.

The dark demon wolf king's state of sheep also lifted.

After returning to its real body, the Dark Demon Wolf King was still lying in a pool of blood, his heart penetrated, and its vitality was quickly fading.

" Elf King, I undervalued you!"

If there is another chance, I will definitely take my people out of the dark night forest. Being neighbors with Nature elves is simply the worst thing in the Holy Continent.

The Dark Demon Wolf King asked unwillingly: "What kind of magic is that?"

Leon said: "Druid Transfiguration!"

The dark demon wolf king's eyes widened.

"The legendary Druid Transfiguration is really horrible! Elf King, you have won and defeated the powerful Dark Demon Wolf clan. The southern part of the Dark Night Forest belongs to you."

The Dark Demon Wolf King stood up with only a little strength and tore the few demon wolves that had just bitten its body into pieces, and then fell to the ground again, closing his eyes weakly.

It was almost eaten by its wolf cub, which is the greatest shame of its life.

Even if it is dead, it has to wash away its shame.

Leon looked at the corpse of the Dark Demon Wolf King and then he looked at the artifact in his hand [Trick or Treating Grim Reaper's Finger].

Although this artifact could not enhance his strength and had no offensive power, its capabilities were terrifying to the extreme.

The mighty Dark Demon Wolf King, the king-ranked beast who ruled the southern forest, was so easily shot and killed by the elven arrow, which made him feel a little unbelievable.

Before long, the battle in the valley was over.

Faced with the encirclement and suppression of the elven army, all thousands of dark wolves have fallen.

Although the Nature elves occupy a favorable geographical position, it also shows that a large-scale army of elves is very powerful in combat. When more than 10,000 elven marksmen fired a volley of arrows, it was hard to stop.

Leon put away the magical 'Sheep Knife' and walked toward the unicorns.

After the demon wolf clan was destroyed, the unicorns lifted the sacred shield.

The Unicorn King dragged his injured body towards Leon.


When it came to Leon's side, it touched Leon's face with its head, making a low whining sound in its mouth.

"It's okay, you are home now!"

Leon patted the Unicorn King with a gentle voice.

The Unicorn King gave a long cry and spread out his blood-stained wings. Although it looked miserable, the aura on its body was very sacred and full of momentum.

The unicorns not far away also screamed excitedly.

After all the difficulties and obstacles, they finally reached home!

From The former goddess lakeside to the dark night forest today.

Where there are Nature elves, it's the home of unicorns!



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I am sad to inform that one of our Baron named - Michael martyred in the Battel against the human kingdom on date 01/06/2022


Thankyou, For the stones. lets aim for 300 stones.

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You made me very happy.