Chapter 46 Opening up a sub-base?

[Ding! Dear host…]

[One of your ultimate tasks is to build a powerful empire of Nature Elves, conquer the various races of the Holy Continent, and rule the world. So your eyes cannot be limited to the dark night forest, you should go out, and build a sub-base, to expand the area ruled by the Nature elves. ]

[Ding! Posting task]

[Task content: destroy the kobold tribe that is occupying the gold mine of the Bauhinia Chamber of Commerce, obtain the ownership of the gold mine, and establish your own sub-base by growing a second tree of life. ]

[Task Completion Reward: Unlock Elf Class-Ancient Treant]

[Punishment for Mission Failure: Permanently Seal the Elf Class Ancient Treant]

[Ding! Dear host…]

[The demise of the ogre squad has made the hill giants who rule the ogre tribe extremely angry. Under its orders, the ogre tribe has taken up weapons and sounded the horn of war. This war between the Nature elves and the ogre tribe will determine the real king of the dark forest! ]

[Ding! Post the ultimate novice mission]

[Task content: Kill the hill giant, destroy the ogre tribe, and become the ruler of the dark night forest. ]

[Task Completion Reward: Unlock Elf Building-Ancient Tree of Knowledge]

[Punishment for mission failure: none]…

Leon's face changed slightly.

He didn't expect another task to appear so soon, and it was the gold mine of the Bauhinia Chamber of Commerce that guided the system task to appear.

"Occupy gold mines and open up a sub-bases?"

For such a task, Leon naturally has no reason to refuse.

What's more, the system didn't even give the option to refuse the task, either, it was to complete the task and get the reward or to fail the mission and be punished.

"According to the records of the elves…"

"Ancient treants are one of the most powerful guardians of the Nature elves. Although they move slowly, they have terrifying powers."

"However, due to the disintegration of the Elf Empire, the summoning method of ancient treants has been lost.

At the same time, the druid profession of the Elf clan also disappeared."

"Now, as long as I completed the task, I can unlock the ancient treants!"

"With the protection of the ancient treants, my territory will be invulnerable, even if the giant dragon attack, they will have to be rubbed against the ground by the ancient treants!"

Leon looked at the second task released by the system.

The ultimate novice mission.

In other words, this is the last mission without any penalty for failure. After completing this mission and ruling the Dark Night Forest, he will leave the novice stage and truly embark on the path of conquering the world.

"It seems that it won't take long before my elven legion is about to go to war with the races of the Holy Continent!"

"And the kobolds occupying gold mines?"

"Looks like my first knife will be to cut the heads of the orcs!"

Kobold, it's easy to identify them by their name.

This is a race with the head of a dog and the body of a human.

Kobolds, werewolves, pig heads, bears, lions, foxes, etc. are all different forms of the orcs. The only difference between them is that they generally live in their respective tribes, and only the royal orcs can order them.

"Your Majesty?"

Agatha reminded Leon softly as he had been silent for a long time.

Leon came back to his senses, looked at Vivian standing in the middle of the main hall, and said, "Miss Vivian, I'm very curious, where is this gold mine worth 10 million gold coins in your mouth?"

Vivian said: "The gold mine is located in the southeast of the Dark Night Forest, about 500 kilometers away. It is hidden in a mountain range, and only our Bauhinia Chamber of Commerce has the exact location of the gold mine."

Leon looked at Agatha beside him.

Agatha nodded and said, "Miss Vivian, if I remember the location correctly, the name of that mountain range should be Ash Mountain Range, which is in the territory of the Orcs."

The corners of Vivian's mouth twitched slightly.

Then she smiled bitterly: "Elder Agatha, you are right, the gold mine is indeed in the Ash Mountains. But you can rest assured that although it is close to the border of the orcs, there are not many orcs there."

Agatha said: "Thousands of years ago, the Ash Mountains were ruled by the Orcs until a giant dragon came and burned everything in the mountains to ashes with its powerful dragon flame. Due to this several Golden Beamon joined forces and killed it, but its soul did not fall into the arms of the dragon god, instead, it turned into a resentful dragon ghost, shuttling through the corners of the Ash Mountains."

Vivian shook her head and said, "Elder Agatha, the dragon ghost is just a legend and cannot be taken seriously."

Agatha said: "The noble nature elves will not use their lives to test whether this legend is true or false."

Vivian was silent for a moment, and said: "In this case, I hope that your majesty can give us a few days to raise the gold coins ."

In any case, she must buy the gold and silver wares, magic cores in Leon's hands, and the corpse of the king-level monster.

The most important thing is that she can't let the Nature elves make money for other chambers of commerce.

Leon smiled lightly and said, "Don't worry."

With a wave of his right hand, many wooden boxes suddenly appeared in the hall. There were more than two dozen boxes.

each box was gleaming with gold and silverware and crystal clear magic cores.

Seeing this scene, Vivian, Joyce, and Nicola were all shocked.

The quantity was just too much!

The gold and silverware and the magic core here are worth millions of gold coins.

Vivian said in doubt: "Your Majesty Leon, I don't understand what you mean."

Leon said, "Ms. Vivian, you first count the total value of gold coins here, and we will talk about other things later."


Vivian nodded.

Immediately she and Joyce began to count.

Leon took Agatha to the room behind the main hall.

"Agatha, since you already know that the location of the gold mine is in the Ash Mountains, can we find it out?"




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Thankyou, For the stones. lets aim for 200 stones.

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