Chapter 50 Sister, look, that’s a unicorn!

1 extra chapter if we got 1000 stones


Soon A carriage was pulled in front of Leon.

In the carriage, there were a large number of boxes, and each box was filled with gold coins. The gold was blazing that much that it can almost dazzle the eyes of every man.

At least from Vivian's point of view, His Majesty the Elf King beside her had been attracted by the gold coins.

Vivian said: "Your Majesty, there is a total of forty boxes here, and each box contains one hundred thousand gold coins, for a total of four million gold coins."

Leon waved his right hand.

All the gold coins in the box floated up, and then entered his spatial ring one after another.

Although It seems that the gold was taken into the space ring. But in fact, after the gold coin entered the space ring, it was collected by the system at the same time.

Leon glanced at the skyrocketing gold coin value in the system.

A total of four million and one hundred and thirty-five gold coins, a hundred gold coins more than the said amount.

Vivian asked in confusion: "Your Majesty Leon, don't you want to know the number of these gold coins?"

Leon smiled and said, "Miss Vivian, we are friends, of course, I believe you."

Vivian was moved incessantly.

If the Elf King was not obsessed with gold coins like the dragon, she would be even more touched.

Leon asked Monica to send a batch of equipment worth 600,000 gold coins to Vivian.

Vivian hesitated for a while and chose not to count the elf equipment.

As Leon didn't count the gold coins she delivered. Now if she counts the number of equipment. Doesn't it mean she doesn't trust Leon? In that case, Leon might get annoyed by this, and if there is another big price increase in the next transaction, then it will really be a big loss.

Vivian put all the elf equipment into her space ring.

She was ready to say goodbye to Leon.

Her space ring now stores goods worth millions of gold coins. If she doesn't go back earlier and put the goods away, she will be worried to death. Moreover, she had to go to the underground world to move the more than 30,000 sheep back. After all, she had spent 400,000 gold coins to buy it.

Vivian patted her forehead suddenly.

She suddenly remembered that there was still a very important thing that had not been resolved.

That is the flock of sheep she brought.

Those sheep are all knights and magicians of their Chamber of Commerce, and among them is the Grand Knight Commander Conrad, who is at the ninth rank, and she must ask King Leon to change them back.

Vivian hurriedly brought the flock of sheep over.

Every sheep looked at Leon eagerly.

The experience of this transformation is definitely the darkest time in their lives, and it is also the most unforgettable thing in their entire lives. Until now, they are still hungry, because sheep eat grass, And they can't eat grass. After all, after eating grass, didn't they truly become sheep?

Vivian performed the etiquette of a human nobleman towards Leon.

"Your Majesty Leon, can you please lift your magic from them? Before coming, my father, Marquis Bauhinia specially asked me to say this to you. Those greedy nobles blinded his eyes and made him unable to see who he really was. That they are not his true friends. But now, my father has understood that only the noble nature elves are our truest friends."

"The Marquis of Bauhinia is a clever noble!"

Leon smiled faintly: "Maybe it won't take long before I will be a guest in the Marquis's territory. I hope that when that time comes, you will not unwelcome me!"

Vivian hurriedly said: "We will prepare the best wine, and the most sumptuous dinner, to greet His Majesty the Elf King with the most perfect etiquette! Your arrival will definitely bring glory to our territory!"

"I hope!"

The magical "Sheep Knife" appeared out of thin air in Leon's hand

And with a swipe of the sheep knife, the sheep knights and sheep magicians of the Bauhinia Chamber of Commerce changed back to their human appearances. It's just that their movements were very unsightly, with their hands and feet supporting the ground, like four-legged beasts.

With a big mystical cough from Joyce.

The knights and magicians reacted quickly and stood up.

The Grand Knight Conrad even wanted to find a hole to get in, and he said with gritted his teeth: "no one is allowed to spread any information about this! Otherwise, I will personally send him to see the God of Light."

Everyone: "…"

Vivian looked curiously at the magical 'Sheep Knife' in Leon's hand.

This is a dagger, which looks like it is made of pure gold. After watching for a long time, she felt that her soul was about to be swallowed.

She quickly shifted her eyes.

Intuition tells her that Leon's dagger must not be that simple.

Leon put away the sacred 'Sheep Knife' and said, "Miss Vivian, the Dark Night Forest is still far away from Sapphire City, so I won't keep you."

Vivian nodded: "I am also preparing to say goodbye to you."

Just at this time.

There was a scream from not far away.

Vivian's face changed suddenly, and she said anxiously, "It's Nicola's voice!"

She and the Great Mage Joyce hurried in the direction of the sound. Conrad and the knights and magicians in the caravan also wanted to follow but were immediately surrounded by a large number of elf archers and elf huntresses.

They were so scared that they didn't even dare to move.

It didn't take long.

Vivian found her sister Nicola.

Nicola was not injured but was standing blankly on a small bridge.

"Nicola, are you okay?"

Vivian hurried over to Nicola and held her hand.

Nicola pointed to the distance and exclaimed excitedly: "Sister, look at it, it's a unicorn!"

Looking in the direction that Nicole pointed.

Vivian saw a crescent moon-shaped lake, and on the shore of the lake, large group of snow-white creatures were gathered around it. These creatures were exuding divine magic fluctuations all over their body.

They were noble, holy, and beautiful, they were the legendary unicorns.

"This, so many unicorns?!"





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Thankyou, For the stones.

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You made me very happy. (~ ̄▽ ̄)~