Chapter 64-Summoning the Dryads

[Open the ancient tree of knowledge template]

[Breed units: Dryad, Claw Druid, Mountain Giant]

[Dryad: As the relatively alternative to Nature elves; they are petite and beautiful. Legend has it that they are the daughters of the forest; in the forest, they will have the most powerful combat effectiveness. If the forest is the battlefield, it will be dominated by the dryads!]

[Stage Position: The Peak of Rank 7]

[Talent: Chronic Poison - The Dryad's attack can poison the enemy, and any antidote can not detoxify the Dryad's toxins; only a dispel magic spell can work against it.

Magic Immunity - The Dryad guards the beautiful forest, and is also affected by the forest. And with the shelter of the forest they can resist all magical attacks]

[Nurturing requirement: 1000 gold coins/person]

[Claw Druid: Although they are elves, they have their own beliefs. The claw druid worships the bear totem, which helps them to transform into a huge and ferocious bear, thus possessing amazing strength and endurance. Their powerful totem halo can improve the combat effectiveness of friendly forces in battle, and heal wounded friendly forces.]

[Stage Position: The Peak of Rank 8]

[Talent: Transformed Bear (Claw Druid transformed into a war bear form, possessing extremely powerful melee power); Bear King Roar (In war bear form, the Claw Druid can release the power of the totem halo.

Improve the combat effectiveness of nearby allies and heal injured allies at the same time]

[Nurturing requirement: 2000 gold coins/person)

[Mountain Giants: The mountain giants who believe in the goddess of the earth are not keen on war, but in order to protect their homeland, they resolutely joined the battlefield and took refuge in the camp of Nature elves. They once swore an oath to protect the beautiful and kind nature elves with their lives and drive away evil from this world!]

[Stage position; Ninth-rank pinnacle]

[Talent: War taunts (on the battlefield, no enemy can ignore the existence of mountain giants. Faced with the taunts of mountain giants, even the timidest race will resolutely choose to attack), boulder defense (Under the shelter of the earth, the mountain giant has extremely powerful physical defense and magical defense. If the enemy's rank does not exceed the mountain giant, then their attack is equivalent to tickling for the mountain giant ]

[Production requirement: 5000 gold coins/person)

Looking at the template of the ancient tree of knowledge.

Leon took a deep breath.

If he had to use one word to describe these three brigades, it would be abnormal.

Among the three high-level elven arms, even the dryad with the lowest rank is extremely scary. Not only are they immune to magic, and not afraid of any magical attacks, but their attacks are also accompanied by toxins that cannot be detoxified by any antidote.

Dryads are relatively alternative to Nature elves, and at the same time are defined as elven magicians by the system.

In other words.

Dryads can master the magic skills of the Nature elves.

Leon can even imagine.

When the beautiful dryads stepped onto the battlefield and waved their hands to construct a huge range of AOE magic, and then all the enemies under attack were instantly poisoned.

That scene would be simply too bloody!

Then Leon glanced at the gold coins stored in the system.


There are no gold coins in the territory anymore because all the gold coins were used by him to summon the elves, even those young elves Loli contributed their little money to him.

In other words, Leon, who is the Elf King, only has this much of gold coins in total.

"Twenty-eight thousand gold coins should be used to summon the dryads!"

"As for Claw Druid and Mountain Giants, we have to wait until we sell those magic cores. In addition, I still have a gold mine worth more than 10 million gold coins that I haven't mined."

"I heard Vivian say that the Bauhinia Chamber of Commerce once hired a dwarf master to explore gold mines. The gold ore contained in it can forge more than 15 million gold coins!"

"Mining the gold mines will have no other costs at all as I have miner elves"

"In other words, when this gold mine is completely mined, I will get at least 15 million gold coins!"

Leon can't wait to go to the Ash Mountains.

With that batch of gold coins, he can summon a larger number of high-level elves.

Of course, the elf archer and the elf huntress can't fall behind either.

Although their ranks are not high, their role on the battlefield is still very large. And when the elven archers' ranks are upgraded, the elven arrows will definitely be more powerful.

The mountain giant with taunting skills cooperating with the elven archer, the scene will be terrifying even thinking about it.

"System, all gold coins are used to summon the dryads!"

[Good host!]

A ray of light from the gold coin flew out from Leon's eyebrows and penetrated into the ancient tree of knowledge.

Suddenly, the branches and leaves of the ancient tree of knowledge began to tremble.

After a while, green rays flew out of the ancient tree of knowledge, and then fell on the open space near Leon.

"They are the dryads?!

Leon was stunned at once.

In front of him, there was a group of girls only about 1.34 meters long, wearing dresses woven from green vines and flowers, with their snow-white arms and long legs exposed.

They were wearing wreaths on their heads.

Long green hair like a waterfall draped over their shoulders.

Each dryad was holding a magic scepter.

They stand in mid-air with bare feet. Not with the power of magic, but because behind them, a pair of translucent wings are slowly flapping.

Leon discovered that compared to Nature elves, these dryads are more like the elves in the novels.

"Your Majesty the Elf King!"

This group of beautiful dryads gathered together, using their beautiful voices and perfect elves etiquette to express their respect to their Elf King.

They were the same as all the elves that he had summoned.

They all have absolute loyalty to Leon, the elf king.

Leon nodded and smiled: "Your presence has made my territory safer!"

With beautiful smiles on the faces of the Dryads, they said in unison: "It is the duty of us Dryads to protect your Majesty and guard the Nature elves!"

At this time.

Agatha hurried to the forbidden area.

Leon asked, "What happened?"

Agatha first glanced at the dryads with a surprised look, and then quickly said: "Your Majesty, there is a message from the elf huntress that their magic owls have found a group of sneaky human mercenaries who are approaching our territory."

"It should be the Fire Dragon Mercenary Group?

"Yes, there are about fifty of them."

"This mercenary group is really so courageous, they really dare to come over!"

Leon sneered and said: "Agatha, you go and inform the mountain giant, and follow me to solve this mercenary group."

As he said, he looked at the surrounding dryads.

"You too, let me see your abilities!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

The Dryads held the magic scepter in their hands and nodded one after another.

Agatha wondered: "Your Majesty, are they also elves? Why have I never seen them before!"