Chapter 77 Elven Archers vs. Skeleton Legion

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In the Holy Continent.

Whether it is the undead or the undead magicians who control the undead, they are the targets of various races.

Especially the Temple of Light, it is even more aggressive towards undead magicians.

Even many ordinary people who were only suspected to be Undead magicians will be burned by the Temple of Light as being "Unholy creatures."

Leon expressed sympathy for the necromancers.

In his opinion, necromancers are the same as all professionals; they are all pursuing to become immortal gods, but each profession has a different path.

It's like all roads lead to Rome.

They could have coexisted peacefully, or both had nothing to do with each other, but because the necromancy involves the undead, it became the target of annihilation.

Of course.

Sympathy is sympathy, Leon will not help the necromancer.

As the elven king of the Nature elves, he has the ultimate pursuit of holy and beautiful things. He will only feel disgusted by these undead magicians who spend all day with corpses and are companions with dead souls.

Agatha also looked at the skeletons on the mountain with disgust.

"Your Majesty, there are two undead mages on the top of the mountain, shall we vacate from here?"

"Don't go."

Leon said: "These two undead magicians saw the arrival of my elven army, not only they did not retreat but also summoned the skeletons, and at first sight that they are not at ease."

"what do you mean?"

"Give an order to clean up all these skeletons!"

Leon looked at the two black-robed figures on the top of the mountain coldly, and said, "I want to see what is it that they are fighting for!"

Soon, Leon's order was passed on.

In an instant, an army of elves gathered and marched toward the skeleton army up the mountain.

Running in front are naturally ten mountain giants that are more than 20 meters high.

They are also quite clear about their positioning; that is, a physical shield that protects the Nature elves, and uses their body; that is harder than a stone to attract firepower away from the Nature elves behind them.


On the bare mountain.

There was a roar from the mountain giant.

Facing a large number of Skeleton Legions, they quickly dispersed, and then directly rushed into the Skeleton Legion's camp, and at the same time activated the skill [War Taunts].

Those skeletons who were planning to attack the Nature elves; under the control of the old man suddenly stopped listening to his commands.

And carrying their rotten long knife, or bare-handed, flocked to the ten mountain giants.

Soon, a large number of skeletons gathered around the mountain giant.

Although their attacks are like tickles to the mountain giants, and they can't even do a single amount of damage to the mountain giants, they were still fierce and undaunted, attacking the mountain giants frantically.

The top of the mountain.

The elder, who claimed to be Chapman, the holy necromancer, was stunned.

"What's the matter? How did those mountain giants make my summons no longer obey my orders!"

Chapman was taken aback.

He had never encountered such a weird thing.

The woman next to him said: "Teacher, I heard that every giant has a unique talent. Will this be that power; and the mountain giants just released their giant talent?"

Chapman nodded: "It's very possible!"

At this moment.

A dense rain of arrows appeared in the sky above the Skeleton Legion, tracing a perfect arc, and then quickly fell down.

Chapman sneered: "Stupid Nature elves, the undead are least afraid of physical attacks. In the Holy Continent, the only thing that can harm the undead is the power of light!"

Sure enough, when the arrows fell.

When the skeleton soldiers and skeleton warriors were shot through, they did not fall and were still attacking the mountain giants.

The dense arrows rained wave after wave.

Countless skeletons were shot into hedgehogs, but they still stood tall.

It seems that the undead skeletons summoned by the undead magicians are born like the nemesis of the elven archers.

Agatha said: "Your Majesty, the attacks of the elf archers seem to have no effect on these skeletons. If it was another race, it may have already fallen to the ground."

Leon frowned.

Can these undead skeletons can't be killed?


No creature in this world is immortal, even those gods sitting on their throne.

God only has eternal life, but when encountering a power that can kill God, God's eternal life will also be ended.

Agatha suddenly said: "Your Majesty, I suddenly remembered that undead creatures have soul fire. As long as their soul fire is destroyed, they will die!"

"Soul Fire?"

Leon said to himself.

At this time, he suddenly heard the sharp sound of something breaking through the air.

Looking up, he found that it was an elf arrow from Monica, the archer legion commander.

This arrow penetrated the head of a skeleton warrior.

With the power of Monica, the arrow shot straight from the center of the skeleton warrior's eyebrows, and the elf magic contained in the arrow tip directly dissipated the flame of the skeleton warrior's soul.

Soul fire is the power source of all undead creatures.

Just like the human soul, it's hidden in the head.

However, the soul fire of the undead creatures can be seen with the naked eye; it is like a greenish fire.

If the soul fire is lost, the second life of the undead will also be ended.

Sure enough, when the soul fire dissipated, the skeleton warrior's body instantly decomposed and turned into rotten bones scattered on the ground.

Monica said in a cold voice: "elven archers listened to the order, attacked the skulls of these skeletons, and used magic to disperse their soul fire!



Soon another wave of arrows rose into the sky.

And this time, all the elf archers were aiming at the heads of undead skeletons.

Arrows fall like raindrops.

Suddenly, a large number of skeletons were shot through the head, and their soul fire was also scattered by the magic power contained in the arrow tip.

Over time, fragments of the skeletons began to fall.

Less than a minute.

After a few rounds of arrows rain, there are no more skeletons standing on the battlefield.

Leon laughed and said, "What about the undead? Facing my army of elven archers, the whole army was still wiped out!"

Hearing the appreciation from their Majesty, the elven archers on the battlefield cheered.

However, Chapman, the undead magician on the top of the mountain, trembled with anger.

He was angry!

"Ignorant Nature Elves, do you really think that a powerful holy undead magician has only this ability?"

Chapman waved the bone magic scepter in his hand.

A gray gate was condensed in mid-air, which was oozing terrifying necromantic power.

"Come out! My bone dragon! Bazahei!!"

When the gray door opened, there came a roar of the dragon.




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Thankyou, For the stones. lets aim for 1000 stones.

You made me very happy.(~ ̄▽ ̄)~