Chapter 86 How many times have I said that we are not dogs!

A huge army of elves walked on the bare ash mountains.

Their goal was very clear; that is, the gold mine occupied by the Kobold tribe on the west side of the Ash Mountains.

"His Majesty."

Agatha rode a snow-white unicorn alongside Leon.

And asked in a low voice: "Chapman and Bazahei, one of them is a necromancer and the other is an undead bone dragon. And now that you have taken them as a slave, this may affect your reputation in the Holy Continent."

"Do not worry."

Leon said: "No one will know that Chapman and Bazahei are my servants, and no one will realize that they are related to me. They are just two knives that I have hidden in the dark to cut Betema Empire and the Temple of Light!"

Speaking of the Temple of Light, Leon's expression went cold.

Although he has no impression of Goddess Lake, Goddess Lake is a holy place for the Nature elves.

Now the Temple of Light not only occupies the Goddess Lake, but also built a damn huge city on top of the Goddess Lake, named Sacred Mountain, which is completely desecrating the dignity of the Nature elves.

As the elven king, Leon felt the same humiliation.

What the Temple of Light did was like slapping him in the face.

He is a Nature elf, and instinctively hates the undead, but in order to deal with the Temple of Light, he still chose to pick up these two knives.

Leon said coldly: "Sooner or later, I will uproot the Temple of Light! Destroy all the altars of Light and let the followers of God of Light disappear from the Holy Continent!"

Agatha looked at Leon worriedly.

She could feel the anger and murderousness in Leon's heart.

Leon shook his head slightly, indicating that Agatha didn't have to worry.

The sun is about to go down.

But at Ash Mountains, it was still like noon, because there were bare rocks reflecting the light of the sun.

In the Dark Night Forest, it was already nighttime.

At this time, the army of Nature elves finally reached their target location.

Agatha held the Stone obtained from Vivienne in her hand, which has the recorded map of the Ash Mountains, and the exact location of the gold mine.

She looked at the big mountain ahead.

"Your Majesty, the gold mine is on that big mountain!"

Leon looked up.

The gold mine was buried in the ground, it is definitely invisible, but he could clearly see many buildings on the top of the mountain, and dense moving figures moving here and there.

"Sure enough, there's a tribe of kobolds there!"

"Their numbers are also great!"

Agatha said: "There are about four to five thousand orc kobolds! It's really strange. The Ash Mountains have become a dead place and it has no food. Why would they build a tribe here?

Leon said: "The harvest season of the humans is approaching. Most of these kobolds want to take this opportunity to enter the human towns of the Betema Empire to plunder food.

Agatha also thinks about this possibility, which is likely to be true.

Unlike humans, the orcs have vast prairies, but it is not suitable for growing food crops on the prairie, and the orcs have no planting skills.

So the way of survival for the orcs is very simple.

Grazing, hunting, and plundering the human world.

Although the three human empires occupying the fertile territory of the Holy Continent are very powerful, others live on the other sides side of the prairie.

The Betema Empire, which is close to the Orcs, is unwilling to go to full-scale war with the Orcs if they have not crossed their bottom line.

Moreover, the orcs only robbed the border towns of the Betema Empire, and they did not dare to penetrate into the hinterland of the Betema Empire.

Therefore, Betema Empire is very passive about defense.

At most, when the orcs came to grab food, they would send knights to suppress them.

This is the current situation between the orcs and the human empire.

Apart from minor frictions, the relationship between the two races seems to be peaceful.


The arrival of the Nature elves also alarmed the kobold tribe on the top of the mountain.

After all, the size of the elven army was too large.

At first glance, all of the mountain was packed with Nature elves riding on the backs of Black Panthers.

So the army's campsite, which was extended for a long distance, was impossible to ignore.

"Bow bark…

On the top of the mountain, countless dogs' barks sounded abruptly.

A large number of kobolds were running around on the top of the mountain.

The appearance of these kobolds was very weird.

They had a dog's head and a human body which was covered in black-gray hair.

They look a lot like werewolves, and they can't even be distinguished from one another.

But in terms of combat effectiveness, kobolds are far inferior to orc werewolves.

In the human world, there are terrible legends about the orc wolf cavalry. The wolf cavalry is a combination of werewolves and giant wolves.

Kobold's reaction speed was not slow.

Soon a large number of kobolds gathered with their simple weapons such as clubs and stone knives; On the top of the mountain.

In this kobold tribe, most of them were grown strong kobolds, only a few appearing old and young because this is not a fixed tribe.


They came to the Ash Mountains for the same purpose as Leon said; waiting for the harvest of the human world, they would go down the mountain to plunder, and then quickly retreat to the orc prairie.

" is it a human army under the mountain?

"No, they have pointed ears, they should be the Nature elves!"

"Nature elves? The legendary high-level races of the Holy Continent? why would they appear here, and there are so many!"

"I wish they are just passing by!"

"Woof, elder, what should we do?"

An elder kobold with a magic scepter came over.

And kicked the kobold warrior in front of him to the ground with one kick, and said viciously: "How many times have you said that we are not dogs, we are orc kobolds with wisdom!"

"Woof, woo~~"

The kobold soldier got up from the ground, and just as the elder was about to kick him again, he sobbed and hid away in terror.

The Kobold elder stood at the top of the mountain.

Looking at the elven army slowly approaching their tribe, his heart was horrified.

"Woof, it seems that a friendship negotiation is needed with these Nature elves."

"Elder, You just barked."

"You must be hallucinating."

"No, I hear it clearly, you just barked."


The talking kobold was sent flying by a bushy black paw.

In less than a minute, the entire mountain was surrounded by the army of Nature elves, and the elves were still gathering at the top of the mountain at a rapid speed.

The kobolds who had stayed on the mountainside had fled to the top of the mountain.

The kobold elder held the magic scepter in his hand; he first let out a horrifying howl, and then led a group of kobold warriors toward the elves.

He came directly to the Elf King who was riding on the back of a majestic Unicorn.


"Doggel, the elder of the kobold tribe, meet the great Elf King!"