Chapter 89 this is simply a miracle!

Agatha came to Leon's side.

And asked suspiciously: "Your Majesty, what are you doing?"

Leon smiled and said: "I am going to build a tree of life here, so that the Ash Mountains will become the second territory of us Nature elves."

Agatha was surprised.

"Your Majesty, because of the dragon's breath influence, the Ash Mountain has become barren, and for so many years, it has been like this. And even if we want to change this state, we must let the tree of life grow so much that it can breed elves. which will take at least hundreds of years."

At this time, the three elven army captains also came over.

After knowing Leon's thoughts, they also have incredible expressions.

Like Agatha, they also think Ash Mountain was not suitable for being the second territory of Nature elves, because it was so barren.

Leon said, "Don't worry about it, I have a way."

He asked Agatha, who was full of doubts, and the three elven legion leaders to stand aside, and then buried the seeds of the tree of life allocated to him by the system into the dry stony soil.

"that's fine!"

Agatha and the three elven army commanders were silent.

If it was as simple as planting the seed to grow the tree of life, Dark Night Forest would not have only one tree of life.

Because the cultivation of the tree of life is very difficult, it requires extremely large life energy, and at the same time, it also needs soil suitable for its growth.

And after hundreds of years of slow evolution, the tree of life may have grown into an ancient tree, and developed the ability to breed elves.

But the bare mountain at its foot didn't seem to have a huge life force.

As for its soil, it is so hard that even the plants that can grow in the great desert can't thrive.

Watching Leon bury the seeds of the tree of life in the soil.

Agatha and the three elven legion leaders looked at each other.

'His Majesty is not being serious, is he?'

Soon they suddenly noticed that the ground under their feet started shaking.

Like if an earth dragon was tumbling.

It also seems that something is about to break through.

Immediately afterward.

Agatha and the three elven army commanders saw a scene that shocked them extremely.

The seed of the tree of life that Leon had just buried, sprouted into a green shoot at a very strange speed, and then quickly grew into a small tree.

But this process didn't stop.

The small trees keep uprooting and thickening, and countless branches and green leaves grow out of them.

Just in one minute.

An ancient tree with a height of one hundred meters appeared in front of them.

With dense and luxuriant leaves, like a giant canopy that blocks the sky above them.

"Oh my elven goddess, is this really the tree of life?!"

They were shocked completely.

"The breath of life here is too strong!"

"It's almost exactly the same as the tree of life in our territory!"

"It's really the tree of life!"

"It is incredible to grow from a seed to an ancient tree so quickly!

Except for a few of them.

A large number of Nature elves gathered around the tree of life, exclaiming one after another.

The mountain giants also looked at the tree of life that appeared suddenly, feeling incredible.

Although these elves and mountain giants were summoned by Leon, they were not given this aspect of knowledge by the system.

Apart from their own talents, they are no different from the Nature elves and mountain giants of the Holy Continent.

So they were surprised to see a tree of life appear out of thin air.

"Wow, what a beautiful tree of life!"

"I can feel an extremely strong breath of life!

"I want to sleep in it!"

The beautiful dryads flapped their translucent wings and flew around the tree of life.

The soft light from the trees of life set off their petite figures with incomparable beauty.

Usmarie exclaimed.

"Your Majesty, is this a gift from the goddess?"


Leon nodded with a smile.

The three Elven Legion Commanders, including Usmarie, are still followers of the Elf Goddess.

However, he believed that when the three of them became elven heroes, their belief in the elven goddess would gradually disappear.

Just like Agatha now.

She had overlooked the morning prayers to the elven goddess, which she used to do every day.

So Leon didn't mind it and continued to manifest miracles under the guise of the elven goddess.

He believes that one day, there will be no elves in his territory who believe in the elven goddesses.

They will only be loyal to the Elf King, loyal to the Elf Empire established by the Elf King.


On the clearing.

Around a hundred meters from the tree of life, all the land was still bare.

Leon communicated with the system again.

"System, it's up to you!"

[Ten Thousand Gold Coins]"I know."Leon rolled his eyes, this system really requires gold coins!

A golden light flew from the center of his eyebrows and penetrated into the tree of life in front of him.

In an instant, the luxuriant branches of the Tree of Life began to vibrate, emitting an extremely rich green light in the shocking eyes of all the elves.

When the green light swept across the surroundings.

With the tree of life as the center, countless green buds suddenly appeared on the bare ground.

Soon, countless big trees, plants, and flowers grew over the entire mountain at a speed visible to the naked eye.

A short moment.

This originally bare mountain has become a forest shrouded in green.

The rich breath of life was flowing in the air, and the dead spirit energy that originally existed on this mountain was directly purified.

"So beautiful!"

"This is simply a miracle!"

Many nature elves cheered excitedly.

Breathing the life force in the air, a bright and beautiful smile appeared on the face of every Nature elf.

Leon came under the tree of life.

Ready to breed the elves to mine underground gold mines.

These elves mine gold in a very peculiar way.

They drill directly into the gold mine, then release their power to wrap the gold ore, extract the gold contained in the stone, and finally spit out a complete gold coin.

This is really incredible.

"System, how many gold coins can an elf can collect every day?"

The system hasn't answered yet. Leon suddenly heard a dull dragon's roar.

That is the voice of the dragon ghost!

Leon's face changed slightly.

His first reaction was to thought of Bone Dragon Bazahei, but he was obviously wrong.

Because he discovered that the dragon's voice was coming from the ground, to be more precise, it came from the gold mine under his feet.

"So you are hiding here!"