Chapter 93 The Three Talents of Ancient Treants

The system quickly responded to Leon.

[Respectd host, you can summon an ancient tree by transforming a thousand-year-old tree into an ancient treant by consuming 10,000 gold coins. Every ancient Treant will possess combat power up to the pinnacle of King Rank!"]

"Ten thousand gold coins?"

Leon considers this amount of gold coins to be not too much.

After all, it takes five thousand gold coins to summon the mountain giant at the ninth-tier peak.

The price of the ancient treant up to the peak of the king's rank was only twice that of the mountain giant.

It's just that to summon an ancient treant, he needs to find a thousand-year-old tree. There are definitely no such old trees in the Ash Mountains.

There should be in the Dark Night Forest, but their numbers are not many. There should be around three to five of them.

"If I want to find a large number of thousand-year-old trees, I'm afraid I have to go to the mountains of the gods!"

The location of the Mountain of the Gods is to the north of the Holy Continent, where is the territory of the dwarves.

The kingdom of the dwarves is located in the mountains of the gods.

Thinking of dwarves.

Leon's expression sank slightly.

In the era of the Nature elves empire, dwarves and Nature elves had a very close alliance, even to such an extent that in the army of Nature elves back then, there used to be a dwarven brigade named as the raging goat army.

When the elven empire fought against the abyssal demons, the dwarves' raging goat army also made great achievements.


After defeating the abyss demon, the elven empire fell into civil strife due to a conspiracy, and then under the oppression of the four races, the empire collapsed.

Among these four races, the dwarves were also included.

In other words.

In the Five Races Covenant, the dwarves also betrayed the Nature elves.

In the end, the dwarves got what they wanted, which was the mountains of the gods that originally belonged to the territory of the elven empire.

"System, open the template of the ancient treant!"

A virtual panel appeared in front of Leon's eyes instantly.

Shown on it was the information about the ancient treant.

[Ancient treant:

*One of the most powerful units of the Nature elves, they are born with the power to defeat the dragon, and they are the guardians of the Nature elves.

*When their battlefield is located in the forest, even the mountain giants and Golden Beamon of the orcs can hardly defeat this ancient guard of nature]

[Stage position: Pinnacle of King Rank][Talent: Nature's entanglement (Ancient treants can summon indestructible tree vines, entwining all enemies within a kilometer of the surrounding area; *only phantom ghosts can ignore this attack).

giant tree throw (the ancient treants relying on the power of nature. And condensed a sharp wood tens of meters long, and threw it at the enemy; no matter how towering and strong the city wall is, it couldn't resist its attack),

Revival of life (when the injured Nature elves gather around the ancient treant, they obtain Quick recovery and easily recover from injuries)]

[Summoning requirement: 10,000 gold coins, a thousand-year-old ancient tree]

Looking at the faith template of the ancient treant.

There was an expression of surprise on Leon's face.

Because he discovered that the ancient treant actually had three talents.

[Nature's Entanglement], [Giant Tree Throw], and [Revival of life].The first two are active talents, and the latter life resuscitation or Revival of life is a passive talent.

So far, all the elves he summons only have two talents; but now these ancient treants have three talents; and they really deserve to be called the guardian of the Nature elves.

"It seems we have to find time to go to the Mountains of the Gods!"

The Gods Mountain or the Mountains of the Gods is the oldest mountain range in the Holy Continent.

Legend has it that it is the place where the true gods of all faiths of the Holy Continent originated, and there are even rumors that the mystery of becoming gods is also hidden in the mountains of the gods.

Of course, this is not important.

At least for Leon, as he only fancies the old trees growing in the mountains of the gods.

In this ancient mountain range, there must be a lot of ancient trees of a thousand years of age, which can satisfy his requirement to summon a large number of the ancient treant.

"However, the Mountain of the Gods is located in the north of the Holy Continent, too far away from my current position, and I would have to go straight through the Betema Empire to reach it."

"Not so much of a hurry!"

"There are also thousands of old trees in the Dark Night Forest, which can be used temporarily."

"When I establish my kingdom in the dark night forest, and then upgrade the tree of life to the ancient tree after these two tasks are completed, I will slowly consider going to the mountains of the gods."

Leon would naturally not just simply go to the mountains of the gods to find thousands of years old trees.

He will also go to the dwarf kingdom.

Although the kingdom of dwarves is very mysterious, many races cannot find their royal city, but for the Nature elves, the location of the kingdom of dwarves is not a secret.

In order to win over the dwarves, the elven empire gave a corner of the mountain range of the gods to the dwarves as their territory, and the dwarves established a kingdom in that territory.

But obviously, the dwarves were not satisfied with the rewards from the elven empire; they wanted the entire mountain range.


Leon came under the ancient tree of knowledge.

Like the tree of life, the ancient tree of knowledge is an ancient tree with a height of one hundred meters.

But whether it is the tree of life, the ancient tree of knowledge, or the ancient tree of war, they all are of different species.

But Leon couldn't tell what kind of tree it was, and of course, he didn't care.

After all, in his eyes, they are not simply ancient trees, but the edifices of the elves.

Leon was preparing to summon some high-level elves.

At this time, he suddenly saw the little elves flying in the air, and remembered that; now that the dragon ghost has been resolved, these little elves should have also started their work.

Leon waved his hand.

Upon sensing the call of the Elf King, the elves in mid-air suddenly gathered.

A full 10,000 little elves around Leon, and the dazzling scene made the surrounding Nature elves amazed because it was so beautiful.

~ Buzzing…

The elves made a buzzing sound, expressing their inner reverence and joy for the Elf King.

Leon gave orders like the stingy boss of a company.

"Hurry up to work and mine the underground gold for me!"


The elves suddenly turned into streams of light and dived into the ground.

Soon the system informs Leon that the elves are already collecting gold from the mines.

(*Ten thousand little elves can mine one million gold coins every day.)

Agatha came over and asked in doubt: "Your Majesty, where has the elf gone?"

She was standing far away and whispering to Usmarie before, so she didn't see the elf diving into the ground.

And when she looked up, all the elves were gone, so she felt a little strange.

Leon said, "I let them mine the gold mines."

Agatha was stunned.

Only then did she remember that the elf had a talent for mining gold mines.

Here, Leon opened the template of the ancient tree of knowledge.

After looking at the gold coins stored in the system, there were still 4.39 million left.

This gold coin can summon a large-scale army of high-level elves.

"This time, the Druid of the Talon will also be summoned!"