Chapter 102 Sea Elf or Dragon Elf?

Leon looked at the old murloc and said, "I have felt the respect of your tribe. This is the luck that misty pearl brings to your tribe which may protect you in the future!"

The old murloc was suddenly excited.

The murlocs in the big river also cheered.

The old murloc quickly said: "Your Majesty, are you planning to cross the river? If so, our Murloc tribe would be pleased to open a broad road for you and your army!"

Leon said lightly: "No, you can withdraw!"

"Goodbye, your majesty the noble Elf King!"

The old murloc bowed to salute.

He didn't dare to stay for a long time, and quickly knocked its crab mount with the fish-bone magic wand in his hand, and two big scarlet crabs crawled back into the river.

The murlocs on the river also got into the water one by one.

After a while, they were imperceptible in the river.

After the Murloc tribe left.

The dryads flew to the shore.

One after another, they waved the magic wands in their hands and planted the seeds of trees containing Nature magic on the banks of the river.

With a burst of strong green light.

In an instant, hundreds of green trees and vines appeared on the bank of the river.

These tree vines were like snakes that were winding and swimming around each other, and they extended out all the way, and finally crossed the river of several thousand meters and plunged directly into the ground on the other side of the river.

Just one minute.

A wooden bridge, which was a mixture of the tree and vine with a width of nearly 100 meters was formed.

And under the magical power of hundreds of dryads, this wooden bridge has become so strong, that it can fully carry the weight of the mountain giant.

"Your Majesty, the bridge has been built!"

A beautiful dryad flew back.

Leon first praised them, then let them return to the camp.

What surprised Leon was.

These beautiful little dryads who don't want to see mountain giants are happy to be with those claw druids who look like orc bearmen.

Similarly, the claw druids also take great care of the Dryads, and some even take the initiative to become war bears, allowing the Dryads to use them as mounts for transportation.

"Perhaps, the claw druids themselves are the mount of the Dryad!"

"just like the elf archer's mount is a Hippogryph!"

Think of the Hippogryph.

Leon's heart is also a bit moved.

Hippogryphs are flying beasts of the 7th rank, and they are also elven combatants.

Hippogryphs not only have the ability to fly, but also their own combat effectiveness is quite good.

"When I summon those horned eagle beast, then the elven archers of my army can form a powerful air cavalry with the horned eagle beast!"

Leon was looking forward to that day.

It's just a pity that he hasn't received a task that can summon the Hippogryph. [T/L-Hippogryph=horned eagle beast]

The system only tells him that there are horned eagle beasts, raptors druids, and elven dragons, but there is not much information.[[T/L- raptors druids are claw druids that can transform into eagles]

Through the wooden bridge, the elven army crossed the Mager River very smoothly, which was thousands of meters wide.

And following the magic mark on the fox girl, entered the orc prairie.

The area of the orc prairie is very vast, even larger than the territory of the Betema Empire.

Plus, there are countless orc tribes.

There are many demihumans like- weak kobolds, bunny people, and rat people, as well as a large number of pigheads and sheep people, as well as powerful tiger people, lion people, and various orc behemoths.

For example, Kodo behemoth, Golden Beamon, Mammoth Colossus, and so on.

It can be said that in the power comparison between humans and the orcs; orcs are very powerful.

If all the orc tribes unite together, they may be able to fight against the three human empires.

If they fought against a single human empire, the empire would not be an opponent of the orcs at all.

But the problem is that the orcs have too many races.

So they have fewer close allies than natural enemies who will kill them.

Even with the orc royal court, it is difficult to unite all the orc tribes.

This also led to less stability and insufficient offensiveness.

The situation of the Orcs and Humans in the Holy Continent is that the orcs are like scattered sand and can't beat the three human empires, and the three human empires have no guts to go to the prairie to fight the orcs.

At this moment.

Agatha suddenly said, "Your Majesty, the two fox men have stopped moving!"

Leon said, "That means the Fox Tribe is not far from us!

Agatha asked curiously: "Your Majesty, you said before that you saw a creature in the misty pearl?"

"I saw one, but I don't know if it was a hallucination."

Leon took out the big pink pearl from the space ring.

The diameter of this pearl was about 30 centimeters; its whole body was pale pink, and its surface was round and smooth.

It was the largest and most beautiful pearl he had ever seen.

This time, he saw the little guy wearing a translucent dress has a pair of wings.

It looks like a downsized version of the dryad, with a very delicate face.


The little guy in the pearl seemed to be angry.

It stared at Leon angrily, then murmured a lot, and from time to time she waved her little hand to make gestures.

Anyway, Leon can understand neither.

Agatha looked at Pearl and said in doubt: "Your Majesty, there is nothing in it."

Leon's mouth twitched.

But he can now be sure that he did not have hallucinations.

"There is indeed a little guy who is more than ten centimeters tall and looks like a human being. It's not right. It should be said that it looks like a dryad, like an elf, with pointed ears, and a pair of wings."

Heard this.

Agatha seemed to think of something.

The beautiful cheeks that were dull gradually turned into shock.

Leon said: "Do you know what she is?"


The little guy in the pearl seemed to understand what Leon said.

She hung her waist angrily and made a very angry cry.

Leon said: "Cry again, and I smashed this pearl!"


The little guy looked at him expectantly hearing this.

Leon was surprised: "It looks like you are trapped inside."


The little guy nodded her head aggrievedly.

Leon ignored her and looked at Agatha.

Agatha took a deep breath and said, "Your Majesty, in the Holy Continent, there are two kinds of elves that are very small, as you described only a dozen centimeters. One is the sea elves, and the sea elves are the ocean's daughter, they have an extremely powerful water magic. They believe in the goddess of the ocean and manage the sea for the goddess of the ocean."

"The sea elves, like the dark elves, are also a branches of our Nature elves."

"The other is Dragon Elf!"

"Although the dragon elves are also elves, this is only a title, and it has nothing to do with us Nature elves. Because the dragon elves are alien elves formed from the soul of the dragon after a series of mutations."

"The power of dragon elves is no less than that of giant dragons. Although they don't know how to breathe dragon breath, they have mastered dragon language magic and rare soul magic."

"For dragons, dragon elves are very precious, because their existence can make dragons grow faster. The importance of dragon elves is like the tree of life for our Nature elves!"

"But dragon elves are very rare. Many dragons have never seen dragon elves in their lives."

After listening to Agatha's narration.

Leon looked at the little guy in the big pearl and said, "So, is this little guy the sea elves of the Nature elves, or the dragon elves of the dragons?

The little guy also looked up at him: "Guckoo!"
