Chapter 104 We are Naga, the Banshee of the Howling Sea

Noticing the wolf cavalry of the werewolf tribe.

Hossini has a very thrilling expression.

In his opinion, compared to the demands of the Elf King in front of him; the werewolf tribe was not too excessive.

Because what the werewolf tribe wants is only their food, and food can be bought with gold coins.

As long as he has enough gold coins in his hand, he can buy a lot of food from the human world.

"Your Majesty the Elf King, please forgive me I will withdraw first!"

The old fox man pivoted around his oversized fox and ran away.

As for his destination, naturally, it was towards the wolf cavalry coming from the west.

He was going to consult with the werewolf tribe again.

As long as they can get the assistance of this wolf cavalry, their tribe does not need the help of nature elves.

Leon looked at Hossini's happily leaving back, and whispered to himself: 'They all say that fox people are smart and cunning, but this old fox still can't see the situation clearly.'

He dispatched an army to come here.

Did he come here just to see the scenery of the orc prairie?

As time goes by.

The Naga clan from the north approached the fox tribe.

Finally, they stopped at a place only three or four hundred meters away from the fox tribe.

The reason they stopped was that they saw Leon and the army of elves behind him.

Especially the one hundred mountain giants that are more than 20 meters high, which made them impossible to miss.

And the acquaintance tribe is here.

The old man Hossini seemed to have negotiated the remuneration with the wolf cavalry, and the wolf cavalry with a scale of four thousand, quickly joined the camp of the fox tribe.

On one side were thousands of naga.

On one side were the four thousand wolf cavalry plus the fox warrior formed by the fox tribe.

The two races are separated by more than 300 meters, facing each other.

The wind on the prairie swept the green grass, and at the same time brought serenity before the war.

Time passed slowly.

Only the giant wolves under the wolf cavalry seat were growling in a low voice.


A group of warriors came out of the naga camp.

They twisted their long dark green snake tails and held weapons similar to tridents.

Seeing their actions, the fox tribe also became vigilant.

However, their target was not the fox tribe, but they walked straight toward Leon.

Agatha whispered: "Your Majesty, the Naga are indeed elves! Although their appearance has changed drastically, and their bodies are exuding strong dark magic power, they can't cover up the elven blood in their bodies."

Leon nodded.

"With the help of tens of thousands of years of heritage, Naga seems to have cleared away the influence of the power of the abyss, and has not become crazy killers, but it is a pity that their appearance can not be able to change back."

Agatha said: "Abyss power is the darkest power, more evil than the undead. Corroded by the abyssal power, the naga have lost the appearance of elves, and even transformed into another race."

Leon said indifferently: "Now it's up to them whether they still recognize their elves' identities. If they have forgotten this, the Naga clan are only worthy of sinking into the Howling Sea, as sea banshee!

As he was talking.

The group of naga had passed the fox tribe and came to Leon's front.

Leon's gaze fell on the group of naga.

Like the images condensed by Agatha's magic, these nagas have beautiful faces, slender figures, pointed elf ears, and snake tails 'reformed' by the power of the abyss.

These nagas are not as ugly as the old fox man said; on the contrary, they have a different kind of temptation.

When Leon looked at them.

The nagas were also looking at Leon.

However, seeing Leon wearing an elf crown and riding on the back of the Unicorn Queen, this group of naga were not as frightened as the murlocs or old fox people, but were rather calm.

In other words, they were disrespectful.

"The Naga clan of the Night Swamp, send greetings to your respected Majesty the Elf King!"

After a brief silence, the nagas saluted one after another.

However, Leon discovered that although these nagas were saluting, their faces did not show respect for the Elf King, but anger and resentment.

Perhaps they have forgotten their identity, but they have not forgotten that their ancestors were exiled to the Howling Sea by the elven empire.

It was because of being exiled that the Naga became the Banshee of the Sea.

Leon said, "You have made a very long journey from the Howling sea to the orc prairie. What made you appear here?"

Hearing this, the faces of these naga showed angry expressions.

The Howling sea is a taboo word in their hearts.

This taboo word was spat out from the mouth of the Elf King, once again uncovering the painful scars.

A naga said in a cold voice: "Your Majesty the Elf King, although your position in the Holy Continent is high, but this is a matter of our naga clan, you don't need to know!


Agatha said angrily: "Naga from the night swamp, do you know who you are talking to?"

"Of course, we know!"

An angry expression appeared on Naga's face.

And she said, with a hint of sarcasm: "No Naga will forget the tall figure wearing the elf crown. Although we live in a small swamp, we will never forget who banished us, and who made us naga a race to be spurned!"

Agatha said, "That's all because of the sins of your Naga clan!!

Naga said: "What we Naga has given, only we know. And you high-spirited nature elves will only enjoy everything we fought for!"

Agatha frowned.

Could it be said that the information recorded in the elven literature is not comprehensive, or that it is different from the real history?

Facing the angry and hateful eyes of the naga.

Agatha was speechless for a while.

Leon said, "So, have the Naga clan forgotten their race?"

The naga raised the trident in their hands without hesitation.

In it, a strong dark magic was exuding.

"We are Naga, the banshee of the Howling Sea!"

"In this case, you can go!

Leon said in a flat tone: "Put away your weapons, calm the dark storm over the night swamp, and return to your wailing sea, otherwise, the weak banshee will be exiled again!"

"The Elf King!!"

The naga stared at Leon in anger.


Unicorn King Aisi released sacred magic power with a low roar, directly purifying the dark magic power exuding from these naga bodies.

"I hate you naga who dominate the dark power, even though our ancestors fought together!

"Holy Unicorn King!"

[T/N- unicorn king is a title given to the leader, either male or female; so Leon's unicorn is aisi who is female in gender but has the title of unicorn king. So from now on I will not edit the text, and it will remain as unicorn king which means she(aisi) is getting called by her title]

The nagas were so scared that they backed away a few steps, their faces pale.

at this time.

In the camp of the Naga clan in the distance, a beautiful Naga came out.

She twisted the serpentine tail, extremely fast, and came to Leon almost in the blink of an eye.

"Your Majesty!"

The surrounding naga saluted respectfully.

Naga Queen looked at Leon with a complicated look in her eyes.

But soon she returned to normal, and said in a cool tone: "Your Majesty the Elf King, I hope you will not intervene in this war! This is a battle of revenge, and the anger of the Naga clan can only be extinguished by the blood of the fox tribe!"