Chapter 106 When the Elf Army Enters the Battlefield

On the battlefield.

The number of naga casualties kept increasing.

Although the dark magic they mastered could easily kill the wolf cavalry, they were like magicians.

Even with the protection of a magic shield, they could not allow the knight or warriors to get close.

The attack of the orc wolf cavalry was strong enough to blast their magic shield.

Most importantly, Nagas, who were fast and agile, were also suppressed by the wolf cavalry.

With the help of wind magic, the giant wolves of the wolf cavalry were as fast as phantoms on the battlefield.

The mace in their hands and the giant wolf under them were quickly harvesting Naga's life.

The warriors of the fox tribe also became more courageous seeing this.

They have a large number.

So when the Naga clan's camp is dispersed by the wolf cavalry, they will immediately besiege those Naga who are alone, and butcher them without hesitation.

If there were no wolf cavalry in this war, the victor of this battle would definitely be the naga clan.

But with the emergence of wolf cavalry, the victor of the war was also changed.

It seems the fox tribe has discovered this.

The foxes in the fox tribe on the other side were cheering as if they had won.

"Your Royal Highness, we have won this war!"

The beautiful fox princess Melya and the old fox-man Hossini were standing together.

The fox men was so excited that his tail was fluttering.

Although their tribe paid a huge price for hiring this wolf cavalry, the ending is invariably good.

He even calculated in his heart how much Naga's body on the battlefield could sell in Greystone City.

Well, that would be a lot of gold coins!

The human magicians in Greystone City are very keen to use Naga's blood and corpses to make magic potions, and they wouldn't hesitate to pay a lot of gold coins for this.

However, the fox princess Melya had no expression of excitement on her face.

Her gaze was fixed on the army of Nature elves in the distance.

And the Elf King who on the back of the Unicorn King.

The divine light enveloped him, making him look extremely dazzling.

The old fox questioned: "Your Royal Highness, you don't seem to be happy?"

Melya said: "I'm thinking about the purpose of the Elf King bringing his army to your tribe. I don't really think that he is just here to appreciate the scenery on the prairie.

The old fox man smiled and said, "I believe that even the Nature elves will not dare to go to war with us orcs.

Milyanon glanced at him.

"The kobold tribe of the Ash Mountains has been completely slaughtered by the Nature elves! Until now, the kobolds on the prairie did not know about this."

"His Royal Highness means…

The old fox's face changed suddenly.

Milya's words made him suddenly have a bad feeling.

Just at this time.

There were loud roars from the camp of the Nature elves in the distance.

Suddenly, in the stunning eyes of the elderly Hossini and Melya, and with the ground shaking and the heavy sound of their footsteps, a full hundred mountain giants of more than 20 meters high rushed towards the battlefield.

At the same time.

In the camp of Nature elves.

The hundreds of guys who looked very much like their orc people roared like giant beast bears.

Immediately afterward.

The expressions of both people were becoming duller by the second.

Because they saw those orc-like people turning into war bears with a length of more than ten meters, roaring and rushing into the battlefield.

"Are they druids?!"

Melya screamed in surprise, and said in a trembling voice: "Isn't the legendary elf druid profession been lost?"

Hossini, the old fox, was also frightened.

Druids of the elves, this profession is very famous in the Holy Continent.

Even in the eyes of many races, the druid profession is the most powerful existence of all professions, because some legendary elf druids can become dragons similar to the giant dragons entrenched in the West Sea.

"Nature elves, and the existence of druids!"

Both of them were getting paler by the second.

Following the Claw Druid were the hundreds of beautiful dryads.

Holding their magic scepters, they released Nature magic on the prairie.

With a strong green light rippling on the battlefield, a large number of wolf cavalry and fox warriors suddenly screamed and fell to the ground, as their bodies were quickly corroded by the Dryad's poison.

"Ho ho ho ho...

After the mountain giants entered the battlefield, they unleashed their talent of war taunts.

Facing the ridicule of a hundred mountain giants, the wolf cavalry and fox warriors on the battlefield were instantly stunned, and followed by an uncontrollable urge to fight; they rushed to their opponents, the mountain giants, with a look of horror.

"Oh, great beast god!

"Those are mountain giants, why am I going to attack them?

"Great beast god, please have mercy on your servant…


Not only the wise foxmen and werewolves, but even the giant wolves were scared, and their eyes, which were as big as copper bells, were full of begging.

Although they are very powerful, they are not as powerful enough to fight mountain giants head-on!

These mountain giants, after all, are as high as the ninth-level peak.

And their whole body is full of stone bumps; there is not even a bit of flesh on them; they really suspect that their fangs may break if they try to bite these mountain giants.

"Weak orc...wolf cub!"

The mountain giant raised his big foot and trampled a werewolf and his giant wolf mount into meatloaf together.

The scene was bloody to the extreme.


The wolf cavalry that had gathered around, all of them turned green with fright.

Those giant wolves that were several meters long were wailing heartbreakingly with their tails sandwiched between their legs.

"Oh, beast god!

"Please help your servants to get rid of the control of evil forces and get away from this group of bloody and violent mountain giants. Their opponent should be Golden Beamon and the Kodo behemoth, not our little wolf cavalry.


At this moment, countless sharp elven arrows fell from the sky.

The arrow containing the magical power of the elves shot and killed a piece of wolf cavalry and fox warriors who were controlled by the mountain giants.

These orcs have no resistance at all.


The elven huntresses also joined the battlefield riding on the Black Panther.

At the same time, they were followed by a large number of claw druids.

When the elven huntresses entered the battlefield, all the claw druids who had become war-bears stood up, slapped their chests with their sturdy claws, and made huge roars.

This was the bear king's roar!

This is the talent of the Claw Druid.

While releasing the talent, around each Druid of the Claw appeared a totem halo of tens of meters in diameter, and the elf huntresses who were enveloped by the totem halo had an increase in their combat effectiveness.

This kind of improvement was not only in the strength, but also in the defense, and even the speed of their mount-Black Panther.

As the elves join the battlefield.

The camp of the wolf cavalry and the fox tribe collapsed instantly.

Facing the attacks of various elven arms, the wolf cavalry and the fox tribe had no resistance at all.

Especially those who were taunted by the mountain giants, they were shot and killed by the elven archers on the periphery of the battlefield before they could react.

at the same time.

Seeing the elven army suddenly joining the battle, the nagas were shocked and elated.

The Naga Queen also felt incredible.

She did not expect such a scene to appear, personally; the Nature elves were the ones who exiled the Naga to the sea of wailing, but now they were their savior on the battlefield?

Queen Naga looked at Leon, the elf king in the distance.

She fell silent suddenly, not knowing what to do.