Chapter 110 Your Majesty, our fox family has seven princesses!

Redeem her with gold coins?

The fox princess Melya was stunned.

She couldn't believe her ears and even suspected that she was having auditory hallucinations.

His Majesty, the noble Nature elf king, actually wants to use her to get ransom from the fox people?

This kind of thing…

Shouldn't it be something that goblins who are obsessed with looting and blocking roads do?

Melya thought about it carefully, and said, "At least one hundred thousand gold coins can be obtained. As my father still values me a lot."

Leon lost all interest in further conversation and said: "Perhaps I should send you directly to see your beast god, so as not to waste my time."

Princess Melya wanted to cry.

One hundred thousand gold coins is already a lot, okay?

Melya quickly said: "Your Majesty the Elf King, I am willing to exchange a treasure for your forgiveness!"

Leon said in interest: "What treasure can redeem a beautiful princess?"

Beautiful? princess.

Melya's heart started to beat faster.

She immediately wanted to thank the Elf King for his compliment, but just thinking about it, she decided to forget it.

Because her next words may make the Elf King angry.

Melya said: "Your Majesty the Elf King, that treasure is not on me. It is in the ancestral land of our fox people. As long as you let me go back, I promise to send it to your territory Ash Mountain.

Leon said, "Why should I believe a sly fox princess?"

Melya gritted her teeth and said, "I swear by my belief in the great beast god, what I have said is not a lie, and that treasure will definitely please you!"

Leon smiled lightly: "Princess Melya, did you have a firm belief in your beast gods?"

Melya nodded very seriously.

Among the orcs, the races that did not believe in the beast gods have been completely killed by the royal court.

Leon said, "Then, I believe you once."

Melya gratefully said: "Your Majesty the Elf King, I will go to your territory soon. If you are not in the Ash Mountains, I will go to the Dark Night Forest and hand over the treasure to you in person."

She had heard before that Leon, the elf king, was going to establish an elf kingdom in the dark night forest.

She didn't want to miss such a grand ceremony.

It seems that when the time comes, she can take a group of swan people over.

Those guys who speak with their heads held up all day will definitely take the initiative to offer beautiful songs when facing the beauty of Nature elves.

Leon glanced at Melya.


The elf huntresses and elf archers in the surrounding area entered the fox tribe to collect gold coins.

Soon, a large number of gold coins were carried out in boxes.

Under the call of magic, even gold coins buried in the ground will show traces.

Those who were still kneeling on the ground could only watch the gold coins of their tribe being taken away.

Because their lives were spared in exchange for these gold coins.

And considerable people understand that without the protection of tribal warriors, these gold coins will only become a butcher knife hanging above their necks, and the greedy neighboring tribe will not pity them.

The most important thing is that.

These noble Nature elves did not take their tribe's food, leaving them hope.

As long as they have food, they can survive.

After all the gold coins of the fox tribe were sacked, Leon collected all these gold coins into the space ring and then stored them in the system.

He glanced at the gold coin value of the system.

Over eleven million seven hundred and fifty thousand.

Except for the 10 million mined by the elf miners day and night, the remaining 1.75 million gold coins were seized by him from the fox tribe.

To him, this much gold coin is not too much, nor is it too little.

But it also shows that this fox tribe is very rich; at least their life in the orc hierarchy is pretty good.

At this time, Leon's gaze drifted to the fox princess Melya.

A dignified ethnic princess is worth only one hundred thousand gold coins.

Is this the fox princess underestimating her value, or is her father too stingy?

Leon didn't think too much.

In the horrified and excited eyes of everyone, he led the army of Nature elves and headed towards the Ash Mountain.

It wasn't until the army of elves completely disappeared into the distance that the foxes stood up one after another.

With the joy of getting a new life, proceed to collect the corpses of the tribe members on the battlefield.

A group of people gathered around Melya.

Looking at her with begging eyes.

Melya knew what they meant, and said, "Don't worry, I will shelter you. Collect all the supplies of your tribe and head to the ancestral land. I will ask my father to arrange a territory for you. This land will not be too big, but under my protection, no one will plunder you!"

"Thank your Royal Highness!"

"You are a kind princess, our tribe will always serve you!"

Amid the grateful cheers, Melya mounted her big silver fox and chased after the army of elves that had disappeared at the end of the grassland.

And after a short time, she finally caught up.

The sweaty fox princess appeared in front of Leon again.

"His Majesty the Elf King!"

"Something ?"

Leon looked at her curiously.

Melya gritted her silver teeth and said: "Your Majesty, in our clan, there are seven princesses in total, and each of us princesses has the qualification to inherit the position of patriarch."

Leon was surprised: "You don't have an older or younger brother?"

Melya smiled happily and said: "I had three older brothers. They all died in a war with the half-hawks and gave their precious lives to the race."

Leon said to Melya, feeling a little bit weird, "You don't seem to be sad."

Melya said: "My relationship with them is not good, and after they die, our seven sisters are eligible to inherit the position of the patriarch, which is a good thing for us."

Leon looked at her and said, "Do you want me to help become the patriarch of the Fox clan?

Melya hurriedly said: "You are a wise elf king! Among the seven princesses, my power is not weak, but it is also not the strongest. Without the help of external forces, it would be difficult for me to succeed in the position of the patriarch."

Leon said: "Your rank is too low, this is not the strength that a clan chief should have.

Just like him now.

Only in the late stage of the ninth stage, without the rank of the holy stage, it would be demanding to fit the identity of the elf king.

But he was prepared.

He has a large number of gold coins and an ancient tree update task that can help him upgrade by a full level. [tl/n- like from rank 8 to 9].

He will work hard to promote himself to the holy rank before establishing the elven kingdom; so that he will not be underestimated by the races who would come to participate in the ceremony.

Melya blushed and said: "You are right, I am still only Tier 5, and I am not dominant among our seven sisters, so I beg you to help me!"

Not waiting for Leon to speak.

Melya hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, I know that there is an extremely precious water of life in the Nature elves. It can enhance my talent and promote me to a higher level."

"Your Majesty, as long as I become the patriarch of the Fox clan, I can meet any of your requirements!"