
It was a cold morning, all was quiet on the streets of Cybrion, which was a rarity especially these days, because in recent times violent riots had been taking place over Telekon's sketchy control over the androids of the city, and more importantly, the planet itself. People who had been working at Telekon's many facilities for years, even decades, were starting to become paranoid, the cause of all this, an insurgency that wanted complete control over all of the company's facilities, even if they had to kill employees to achieve their nefarious plans. As for who was betraying who, well, that is a different story.

"Another day in the office," Gary said as he looked out the window of his apartment, "I bet the insurgents will be pleased to see me" The insurgency had been wreaking havoc inside Telekon's many factories, by murdering employees and fitting others with illegal tracking devices for spying purposes, but that was just the beginning of Telekon's problems, they were also in the midst of a financial crisis too, as demand for parts had unexpectedly grounded to a halt due to the shenanigans that the insurgents were causing.

"Alright, time to head out," he said as he went outside to catch a train that was heading towards the main facility of Telekon's now-infamous Alpha Complex, which was one of several located across the planet. Telekon had quickly become one of the planet's biggest industries, however in recent years it had been involved in several scandals that had been sending shockwaves throughout every corner of the planet, reports of sly deals with other companies, brutal working conditions, and even employees getting attacked by the androids that were supposed to help move production along, had all but decimated trust between the employees and the corporation.

Most, if not all of the blame was being put on the Chairman of Telekon, Mr Oswald, he had been running the company for just over a dozen years, now in the aftermath of all of the things that his business had been up to, his reputation was hanging on by a very thin thread. He had been rumoured to have hired people to spy over his employees, forcing factory owners to give up their profits and even creating androids that would attack employees if they were not meeting his standards. In other words, he was trying to use his position as chairman for his own personal gain, which as you can imagine didn't make him very popular within the workplace.

Eventually the train arrived at Alpha Complex's main facility, and Gary made his way into the building, all seemed to be going fine, for now at least, but he knew that a day at a Telekon facility is never uneventful, especially with the fact that there was a murderous insurgency that wanted him and everyone else in the building dead. As he made his way through the building, a false sense of security seemed to follow him wherever he went, because he knew that there was at least one member of the insurgency watching him at all times. The only trouble was, it was almost impossible to tell who was a worker and who was part of the insurgency.

"Welcome back, how is our favourite comrade doing this fine day?" said Ray, who was Gary's friend and fellow worker at Telekon, he had been a frequent target of the insurgency as he had been trying to trade his supplies of Photon Fluid to factory owners so it wouldn't get seized by the insurgency. Photon Fluid was one of the most valuable fuel sources in the universe, it could also be used to manufacture spare parts and other things, but a few months ago, in response to the stalling of production, Mr Oswald ordered the confiscation of all supplies of Photon Fluid, anyone who had possession of it would be shot dead.

"I'm doing alright" Gary replied with, the threat of the insurgency still plagued him, he knew they wanted to kill him, and he had to be careful with who he was around with, because anyone could kill him at any moment, so he had to be prepared for whatever the insurgents threw at him, "So have you got that glitch sorted out yet?" Gary asked, "Almost there" Ray replied, Ray was an expert when it came to patching glitches, bugs and everything in between, however in recent weeks, a suspicious file had appeared in the Alpha Complex database, and it had been causing a lot of concern since people didn't know what to do with it, since its effects were unknown, the only thing people knew about the file was its codename "Rex.exe"

Meanwhile, in another part of the building, Mr Oswald and his insurgency were holding a meeting to discuss their next moves. "Well gentlemen, we have a problem," he said to his followers, "It seems to me that some of our employees are smuggling illegal supplies of Photon Fluid" Oswald had an interesting backstory, his father was the previous chairman of Telekon who was killed in a fatal accident when one of Delta Complex's Photon Fluid conversion chambers exploded, the accident also killed sixteen other workers, this was one of the main reasons why Oswald had been trying to get the resource banned in his honour, as he didn't want a repeat of that fateful day. But this idea was not received well, as a lot of people said that its benefits outweigh the dangers by a considerable amount and if it was banned, the industry would self implode. This further damaged his already ruined reputation, but he didn't care, he only wanted to do his deceased father a favour.

"What are we supposed to do sir?" asked one of the insurgents, "They know that it's getting confiscated, we can't just let them get away with it" Oswald thought hard about it, he might have been a horrible man, but he certainly was a intelligent one, he knew what to do in these kinds of scenarios "Well, there's only one thing we can do" Oswald said, grinning, "Which is, kill"