Extermination. (2)

Yong-sun blazed through the large dungeon, heading towards the boss room with full speed. The dead bodies of a few guild members and goblin like-monsters lay scattered on the ground, forming a grim scene before him.

"These guys were way over their heads coming in here. I guess what was said in the series was indeed true. Low-ranking guilds are desperate and hungry for success. Heh. Prime targets for manipulation."

The dungeon Yong-sun was in wasn't particularly special as it was just mostly made up of rocky terrain and a few magic crystal deposits laying about. It was as unimpressive as a dungeon could be.

As Yong-sun got closer to the boss room, the magic power emanating out of it became even denser, causing him to tense up just a bit.

After all, this was his first time in a dungeon. No matter how fearless he was, suddenly being able to fight inter-dimensional monsters when he was used to fighting humans was just unrealistic. The stakes would be much higher as if he fails, he would die and the monsters would escape the gate. Although a capable enough hunter would handle the dungeon break with ease, he still had to build a reputation for himself. Who would want to join a guild where the master can't even handle a measly D-rank dungeon?

A short while later, Yong-sun arrived in front of a large open door which was adorned with the heads of murdered humans and goblins alike. Inside the room, Yong-sun could see about 5 humans fighting against an army of smaller goblins who were being led by 3 massive hobgoblins who all wielded different types of weapons. The hobgoblins just stood in the middle of the room snickering between themselves as they watched the hunters pathetically flail about trying to hold off the small goblins.

"Yah-so, cast great barrier on the healer so she can take care of the wounded!"

"Jiwon, taunt some of the mobs to your side to lessen their aggro on me! Fuck!"

"Seoyun, please, hurry and heal those guys so they can get back into the fight! I don't know how much longer we can last against these goblins! Shit, shit, shit! And we still have those 3 hobgoblins to kill after! Boss, why don't you just give the order so we can get the fuck away?!"

"Soh Jinhong, why can't you stop being so fucking useless?! How were you even a guild master?!"

The whole group was just in absolute chaos. There was barely any trust between teammates and everyone tried to pin the blame on each other. It was a recipe for failure. Out of the entire group present, only 3 of them had a semblance of teamwork and were skilled in battle. One of them was a large shirtless man wielding a giant silver broadsword that was cutting through goblins like a hot knife through butter with every swing. His black hair was littered with blood large spots of blood as he moved through the army with reckless abandon, ruthlessly demolishing any goblin that came near him.

This man was the ex-guild master of the White Legion and the main target of Yong-sun, Jin Yurim. His skill with the broadsword was as masterful as ever.


Not too far away from him was a young, stoic man with long black hair and grey eyes who wielded a pitch-black longsword with great speed. His movements weren't what one would call graceful as for the most part, he handled the longsword like it was a greatsword. His style was brutal and aggressive, resembling the movements of a man who was experienced in war. No matter how many goblins stood in front of him, the young man's expression never changed. Even amid the chaos, his heart was calm. This was the so-called coward known as Soh Jinhong, Yong-sun's best friend.

The last one remaining was a beautiful girl with angelic white hair who looked like she was in her early twenties. Sweat poured down her chin as she healed the two people who were in the barrier with her. Their injuries weren't light as each of them was missing a limb but she managed to stabilize them well enough so they would at least live. Her name was Yoo Seoyun.

As Yong-sun watched these 3 in action, a small smile appeared on his face as he thought, 'Those 3 are good enough to be my main subordinates. Hm, but since when was Jinhong that skilled with the sword? It looks like he's been practicing for the short time I've been in the hospital. But he couldn't get this good that quickly...could it be he reawakened too?'

Yong-sun just decided to stop thinking too much about it at the current time as he had business to take care of. Too much time was already spent waiting around. it was time for action.

As soon as Yong-sun stepped through the giant door and released his magic power, everyone suddenly stopped fighting. Since most if not all the hunters there knew his face by heart, they looked like they had seen a ghost. Even the hobgoblin bosses stopped smirking and picked up their weapons as they stared at Yong-sun with a furious but frightened expression.

Yong-sun smiled as his red flames shot out of his eyes and his outstretched fist while he calmly said, "Yo, dont tell me my guild is clearing a dungeon without me. You're even struggling with these small fries...Jin Yurim, I expected more from the man who thought he was smart enough to con me."

Jin Yurim's broadsword trembled greatly in his hands as he felt the abominable amount of magic power coming from Yong-sun. This couldn't be the same guy who was scared to enter a dungeon just a week ago. Something had to be wrong!

But, Jin Yurim wasn't stupid enough to point his blade at someone who clearly outmatched him. He might've been sneaky and arrogant but he wasn't completely foolish. At this point, he just lowered his head and didnt even say a word.

"I'll deal with you later, Jin. First, let me give you a glimpse of the power a real guild master should possess."