Chapter 16 God's Gift and Promise

Two months later. I was in the room with my students playing games and sitting on the carpet, playing interactive games with them, as soon as I finished I got up I felt dizzy and almost fell because my vision darkened and my classroom assistant came to help me and asked.

- Teacher, are you okay?

- No I felt dizzy I need a glass of water,

- I'll get more sit here, I'll be right back, so she left the room and I sat down in the chair the minute passed she handed me the glass of water, and I drank

- are you feeling better to need something else

- It's not over yet I must have felt a drop in pressure already passed, and so I continued with the class at the time of the break I was helped with the snack, I felt a smell that made my stomach turn and I ran out to the bathroom and put everything out and I felt dizzy again in this now my assistant called Dona Micheli,

- Kris my dear are you okay Alice told me that you were sick earlier and now again you want to go to the doctor or go home,

- I'm not well it must be malaise or something I ate

- Wow you are pale and cold I will call your husband

- No mistress Micheli has passed

- No stubborn lady let's go with me to my office

- But my students can't leave them alone with Alice,

- Don't worry, I'm going to ask someone to help and it's almost time to finish class,

- Okay fine but you don't need to call my husband because I'm already feeling better,

We left to go to her room, but halfway there I felt another dizziness, but then everything got dark,


I was at the company in a meeting when and Marcus came in and said that my wife was in the hospital because she was sick at school, she left at the same time and I took out my cell phone and called her to find out what happened to my suppressed voice answered the phone,

- Hello

-Alo this cell phone and Kristina's

-Yes is yes! Who would like to talk to her

- As? Who is talking? I want to talk to my wife

- She can't answer her cell phone right now

- But who's talking can I know?

- Yes you can and João

At that moment it came to my mind what he was doing with her cell phone,

- I can know what you're doing with my wife's cell phone,

- I helped bring her to the hospital and I'm here with Dona Micheli,

Upon hearing what he had helped to take my wife, it crossed my mind he must have carried her in his lap just thinking about it I felt anger, hatred, and fury,

-I'm coming soon will you be able to pass the cell phone to Dona Micheli please I need to know how she is please,

- We have no news yet they have examined her yet, what anger I heard this idiot talks about my wife who he thinks he is

- I already said that I want to speak to Dona Micheli, please, it may be, I was running out of patience with him for his petulance, the way to the hospital seemed like it never arrived, he passed the phone to her but I heard him call me an idiot get angrier with him, but then I heard Dona Micheli's voice

-Hello Jack,

- Dona Micheli like my wife

-Jack we don't know yet they are examining her and putting medicine in her vein and are under observation

- Ok, I'll be there in 5 min. So I disconnected the call, the minutes passed and I parked the car in the parking lot and went into the hospital and asked where my wife was and the receptionist asked,

- What do you and hers please

- I am her wife, but she looked at me with a raised eyebrow and showed me the way, I arrived at the door of the room and opened the door and saw that idiot next to my wife I was blinded with anger, and I spoke almost shouting at him,

- I leave my wife's side now, and he and Dona Michele will turn to look at me, and so he did and said nothing, only Dona Micheli who spoke

- Calm down Jack Professor João helped me bring your wife and is helping me until you arrive

- Thank you very much, Dona Micheli, for bringing her to the hospital, I spoke without looking at her face, if you want to go, I can take care of her,

- No Jack I will stay here until I hear from her until she wakes up too

- She's been passed out for a long time

- Yes, since the time she was sick at school she passed out,

- And my daughter Andriella with whom she is

- Well Jack she is at school I asked her to help take care of her until her mother-in-law arrives to pick her up,

- Ok, thank you, Mrs. Micheli, I'm going to call my mother-in-law to find out how my daughter is doing, but at that moment the door opened in April and the doctor came in,

- Good afternoon, I am Dr. Natanael Correia General practitioner, who are her relatives, please?

- I'm her husband

- And who are you?

- I am the principal of the school and this is one of the teachers of the school who helped me to bring her here

- Okay fine I'll tell you what happened to her, well I want to congratulate you because you'll be a father, I heard him said that I felt joy and I smiled at that news and I got close to the bed and held his hand,

- But there's a problem, I don't know what happened to her, she should have already woken up

- good doctor she has a problem called falling asleep but this only happens when she goes through some nervousness or stress, unless, and I looked at the idiot who insisted on staying there with Dona Micheli and spoke in defense,

- Dude, I didn't do anything to her when I arrived, she was already passed out in the school hallway, I just helped,

- That is true Jack what he said I asked him to help me with his wife, I didn't say anything, but I heard the doctor say good, in this case, she has a doctor who follows her case,

- Yes, Dr. Augusto he follows her case since she was a teenager and owes the first crisis, João who spoke, I heard that idiot talk to him if he knew her or that it was part of her life made me feel more hate for him, but the doctor said

- Wait a minute and she looked at the file with her name and started talking again - this patient of ours here and Kristina? the famous international model and the sleeping beauty of Augusto Bortinellio, the famous neurologist and psychologist,

- Yes, she and the model and the sleeping beauty, but not Doctor Augusto, she and I am his patient, that's all, and everyone looked at me because they realized my jealousy, and the doctor said

- Calm down my boy, I didn't mean to say she was his, the way you thought, but it doesn't matter the most important thing and talk to him and see what he tells us,

- Ok doctor but now I can be alone with my wife please, I asked for this because I knew that if I talked to her, she would wake up soon,

- Ok let's leave him with his wife, so everyone left the room, I started talking to her - my love wakes up I have a piece of news for you, I know you may be listening to me and this ear must be everything we are talking about here, wake up my beautiful we need you kris I love you my beautiful, my little one, I finished speaking and I heard our daughter's sweet voice speaking tearfully outside, and I said

- Love our princess is here she needs you and I also our baby who is here, and I rubbed her belly, and the door opened and my princess came in and spoke

- Daddy what was it with mommy she's going to die,

- No my beautiful she will not die she is just sleeping and will wake up

-Okay I want to be closer to mommy, I picked her up and we got closer to the bed where my little one was

- Dad, she's listening to us,

- This one can talk to her, my pretty girl, I did and she looked at me and started to speak in a voice of affection for her mother,

- Mother, my queen wakes up, I love you, mother, I love you very much and you and the most beautiful mother in the world, and I want you to wake up soon. dying, but daddy said it won't happen, right now we saw her open her eyes and say

- My love the mother will not die, not now, I felt relief to see her wake up and our daughter started screaming

- Viva mommy woke daddy up and hugged her,


I heard a voice "Kristina my daughter, don't worry, I'm in control of everything again and you will have a daughter and I will use her wisely in my house, who will be very amazed by her wisdom, and don't worry and don't frighten me with what I am going to do, and my peace I left you and never forget that you and the girls of my eyes and that I love you very much ".

Soon after I heard the sweet voice of my little girl talking to me to wake me up, and at that moment I felt her little hands in mine and I opened my eyes and saw the loves of my life there and the cries of joy of my little one when she saw me awake, and I talked,

- My love for the mother will not die, not now, and I saw the relief on the face of my loving husband to see me awake.