Chapter 19The Time Has Come


I was in the company office getting ready for a meeting when my cell phone rang and I saw it was Marcus, and I thought about what happened because I knew he was going to my house and I felt my heart pounding that made my chest hurt,

- Hello! And I was already talking,

- Marcus what happened,

-Jack kris is in pain I'm taking her to the hospital,

- Ok Marcus I'm going to call the doctor and meet you there, and I hung up the cell phone and told him to leave for the hospital and inside the car, I started asking God not to let anything happen to them I don't know why I felt for the first time that I really did our baby was a girl, the journey took a little time because I was practically on the other side of the city because the company is in the industrial district, As soon as I arrived I saw my sister


-law Ju and Marcus in the corridor, and I grabbed,- how is she?-We don't know she's in the exam room with the doctor he hasn't come to inform us yet, After a few minutes or maybe hours, Dr. Claudio left the room and the wave came. We were waiting for news. I got up quickly and went towards him.

- Calm dad they are much more Kris will be hospitalized for days because she is running a very high risk of losing the baby and here she will take the medicine in her vein and it will take effect faster, but I want to know she made some effort for these days,

- Not-Are you sure because you hear the detachment again and that may have happened with some kind of effort,

- Well, only if she did it, I don't know because she is very stubborn, and if she is feeling well, she goes beyond it,

- Well let's wait for her to wake up and ask because I sent her a quiet lion because she was very agitated,- But we can see her doctor, I heard my sister


-law speak,

- Of course, she already went to her room in fact and apartment 222 on the third floor there will be her room for 15 days,

- 15 days we all spoke together in one chorus,

- Yes,

- But my daughter will not be able to be without her mother,

- Don't worry, she'll be able to stay with her mother without any problem,

- Ok let's go see her, and so we went to where she was, I opened the door and I saw her sleeping like an angel with what she always looks like when she is sleeping, and I sighed, and I heard my sister

-in-law say,

- Brother


-law I am impressed to see how you love my sister like that,

- Ju your sister and my life without her I am a man without life and without air even to breathe, I cannot live without her and her and everything I have too precious in this world if I had to renounce my wealth for her I would do,

- Our brother


-law I knew of your love for her more that way there and too much exaggeration do not you think,

- No, Ju, I don't think and that I feel for her and nothing can change that, and every day that passes I love her even more,

- You see Ju and as soon as and really love, Marcus said to his wife because the two of them live in a fight the whole time they are together because of the children and the kris who advises them and a lot, in fact, not just them and everyone in your family who goes after my wife to ask for advice,


I was taking a shower in the pool and my mother was lying in the lounge chair when suddenly she shouted at Elaine who came running where she was and a moment later and my uncle Marcus, who I don't know where he came from, picked her up and saw that she was passing by badly, and I started to cry, scared, and I said

- Aunt what my mother has,

- My angel, she was sick but everything will be fine now let's take a shower and wait for news, She said I went because my uncle took my mother to the hospital, after the bath I called Aunt Elaine to say a prayer to God for him to take care of my mother and our baby, I bent my knees and prayed"DADDY FROM HEAVEN TAKE CARE OF MY MOTHER OF MY SISTER BECAUSE I KNOW A GIRL LIKE ME, TAKE CARE DADDY DOESN'T LET ANYTHING HAPPEN WITH THEM PLEASE AND TAKE CARE OF MY FATHER BECAUSE IT MAKES NERVOUS WHEN THE MOTHER PASSES BADLY"I finished the prayer and it was almost night when Uncle Marcus came to pick me up to see my mother at the hospital and so I went with Uncle and Aunt Elaine at the hospital to see my queen, We arrived and went straight to the room, well it didn't look much like a hospital room, it was an apartment that looked like a big hotel room that was and even had a sofa, and it already had a lot of flowers that my mom likes, I said after looking at everything,

- Dad, will mom be okay?-yes darling she will stay here in the hospital for a few days and you will be able to stay with her during the day and at night you will be able to sleep more you will go to your aunt's house to stay with her ok,

- Dad, I can't be with you,

- No, my angel, Daddy is going to sleep with his mother here in the hospital,

-Hum I can not sleep with you because there is enough space here, and he looked at me and laughed and said,

- No princess you will not be able to stay here with us because we are in the hospital,

-Okay I'll stay with Aunt Ju, dad mom won't wake up,

- yes, my princess will go today and she will sleep only tomorrow she will wake up, and so we stayed there for a while and went to Aunt Ju's house. I didn't like to stay there or even at Aunt Ju's house. they were a little annoyed with me, I don't know why, but I was like that.KRISI woke up the next day and found out that I was going to spend 15 days in the hospital, Dr. Claudio wanted to know if I got any weight, I made some effort, but I don't remember doing anything.

The days passed quickly I was getting used to the hospital I received visits every day and flowers my prince never stopped sending me the flowers one day and finally, we can finish tidying up our daughter's room because we already knew that she really was a girl.

4 months later everything was ready, I was 37 and a half weeks old, we were in the service when I felt a pain and a very annoying urge to go to the bathroom and so I got up and went on the way to meet Elaine because we were meeting in the same church, followed him to the bathroom, I went in and went to pee and realized that the pee comes out kind of like too much water and I didn't want to take a while and I heard Elaine knock on the bathroom door asking if I was okay I said I was and I got up and saw that the pee or water and I noticed a different liquid and I opened the door and said

- Elaine is going to call Jack, I think the bag broke and so she was running minutes after he arrived with Marcus and he, as usual, carried me to the car and we go to the hospital and on the way, he called my mother,

When we arrived at the hospital, I was attended by a doctor on call who called Dr. Claudio who told him to take a ring exam I hate this exam and so he did and said,- You have two cents.

With dilation and the baby will only be born tomorrow morning I will give you some medicine and tomorrow morning you will come back that Dr. Claudio will admit you right, I nodded yes, I took the medicine and came home without feeling pain and without losing the liquid, that was how I slept. The other day I felt like going to pee more before I got up I felt that a lot of water came out and I saw that it was the bag this time and I called Jack who jumped out of bed,

- Jack the bag broke this time and seriously we are going to the hospital and once again the scene of him nervous with me repeated like in New York and he was like a cheap cock from one side to the other and running, I started to call Elaine that he slept at our house that day because she had gone to the doctor with me, when she came in and helped me there Jack came I started laughing at him, then he told me,

- Love because every time you are in labor you start to laugh,

- my love why and very funny looks at you walking from side to side and does not help me I said that and I felt pain and screamed,

-Jacke let's go to the hospital then he picked me up and took me to the car.