Chapter 24 Silence and Anguish

- Jack? And he released me, and I heard him speak

- What is happening here I can know, but before I answer I heard my daughter scream

- Daddy you arrived, and they ran to meet their father, who hugged them both at once, but he was looking at me in a way that I had never seen before, and I didn't even see the time when the idiot leaves me he just disappeared from there,

- Love how good you came, but he said angrily in his voice,

- It was good that I arrived Dona Kristina hem, but I don't have any endorsement of what he was talking about, and I heard my daughter say

- Come on dad, have lunch, I'm hungry,

- I also want to eat French fries, lots and April's arms and he smiled forcedly at her and did not look at me, But I knew why he was angry with the scene he saw, but I am not to blame, I need to tell the truth about what happened there, So we headed towards the restaurant right there, but he didn't look at me or talk to me, but my daughter Andri decided to say that Noemi was gone that my friend found her and took her to the Park, but I keep my mouth open when mi spoke,- Dad knew that his mother's friend said I was supposed to be his daughter, Jack swallowed hard and looked at me with fury in his eyes, I confess that I was getting scared of him I had never seen him like that, in these 10 years of marriage never he looked at me like that,

And so it was our lunch, I couldn't eat anything or touch the food, and he talked only with the girls and barely looked at me, it was getting too distressing I wanted to go home soon so I can talk and tell him the truth. And so we finished lunch and left on the way home already in the car I saw him looking at me from the corner of the eye more when I go to look at him he would look away from me, and the silence reigned because they both slept in the car. As soon as we got home I took my kitten on his lap and he took the princess, to take him to his room, I put my baby on his bed and stood there looking at his beauty, when I saw him he opened the door and told me

- We need to talk Kristina, this time I felt a shiver in my body because he never calls me by name, never,

- We really need it, and I got up from the bed and left he stayed there so many kisses our daughter and I went to our room and sat on the bed waiting for him to arrive so we can talk, Minutes later he arrived and stood in front of me with arms crossed looking at me, and for long minutes a silence that I couldn't take anymore, and I decided to say,

- Jack, I didn't do anything to you. The idiot that took me by the arm is like me,

- And if I hadn't arrived he would kiss you, I heard him say and I kept my mouth open but said,- Never that will happen Jack Spatula I was never asking him to release me when you arrived,

- Kristina, I'm tired of riding you of him, you know, I can't stand to see him near you and my daughters and not to mention that he has the nerve to say that he could be the father of my daughters, how do you think I feel? my 2


-old daughter say something like that, say, Kristina, he already spoke shouting at me, he had never spoken like that, never, I decided to speak,

- Look here Jack this would never happen and I am not to blame for him saying these things and there is more I will never cheat on you with another man and it got worse with him if I want to be with him I had to stay with him and not with you now what happened it was not my fault. Things happen in our life without asking for permission and you know it, now if you are going to be angry with me this is your problem, and what to know is that I will sleep in the guest room and leave it there alone,I entered when and I started to cry forever, it had never happened, at this time I felt like praying and talking to God and I bent my knee and started, "God I know you're seeing what's going on I didn't do anything I'm not to blame for what happened now I'm here alone in this room with my heart hurt by my husband who's there in our room, I just want to know why this is in our lives and because João does it because "after praying I felt sleepy and ended up sleeping, I woke up with a knock on the door with someone calling me,

- Kris, kris,

- I'll be right back, I didn't recognize the voice, and I opened the door was the boss,-Who was the boss,

- Kris I'm sorry but I came to call because Jack left with a suitcase and said he was going to travel and asked me to deliver this note to you,

- What? I said and took the ticket, which said"my little one I am going to travel and I hope you forgive me because I was an idiot with you and I know that you are hurt with me this trip was meant to be with you and the girls but it all happened it all felt better for me to travel alone and cool my head, I'm sorry for everything I know that this and our first fight forgive me, my love, I love you very much "PS: JACKI

can't believe he did it like he was traveling without saying goodbye to me and the girls like, he thinks this ticket will take the hurt away, it only increased it even more, but I won't go after him and I won't even call him. , and I don't want to know where he went, I'll show him, I'll go, 1

-week later it had been a week and every day he called to talk to his daughters but I didn't want to talk to him. It's still hurting my heart a lot. I didn't want to know where he was and he was approaching them. tell me I was going to spend the holidays there with the girls, and I didn't say anything to anyone because I didn't want him to know, so I packed my suitcase and sent Lorenzo to go with me to the interior of São Paulo. So we went, my daughters and I send her and Lorenzo,


It had been two long weeks since I was in São Paulo on a company business, but I called every day to talk to my daughters and asked about Kris and called on her cell phone but she didn't answer me, I think I was dumb to have coming here like this, I fought with her, because when she gets hurt she stays, I remembered when she disappeared in São Paulo because of the photo she saw of me and my cousin it was a month ago and she just came back because of Andri's fever if not maybe today we were separated, in fact we are, because they are there and I am here, more in two days I will come back and fix this, and we will take a trip maybe we will go to New York in the holidays that will be in two days,If the days have passed today I am coming home, I boarded the plane and sent a message to Marcus to pick me up at the airport in Cuiabá, and I thought I can't wait to get home and see my daughters and my beloved wife and I apologized to Is it over there,-The plane landed and I got out and saw Marcus waiting for me in the lobby,

-The peace of the brother how things are here, he looked at me with a face that gave me goosebumps and I stopped and asked

,- Marcus, what happened, say something happened to my daughters with Kris,- Well, my brother's peace, we don't know yet and Kris and the girls disappeared two days ago nobody knows where they are and sends her too, I heard that I was afraid, and it came to my mind she left with my daughters,

- My God the wave these women of mine, I can't live without them, I can't, and will her and Andri's cell phones ever call?

- Yes, she left her cell phone at home, Jack, what did you do with her this time?- Well, I traveled after our first fight to say goodbye to her,

- Vixi my friend so you can prepare to suffer because you know when kris gets hurt you don't know

-And like Marcus, I am an idiot and all that and the fault of that imbued João,

-What does João have to do with this and your fight,

- And a long story, on the way home I told him what happened, and he told me- Jack Spatula you and very stupid to fight with your wife because of that idiot João knew you think kris will one day leave you and stay with him or exchange you for him, look my friend this will never happen to know me I thought you knew your wife, but I can see that not enough,

-Look man, my head was full of problems that week, and I did it without thinking- And with his head full and decided to take it out on the wrong person now he will suffer a little to see what you are going to do without them at your house, he said so, leaned against the car and I saw that her car was not just mine, and Lorenzo's, and I said

- Where they may have gone,

- Look if you, the husband doesn't know, imagine me,-Does she take her things,

- Well, according to my mother


-law, she only took the basics with them and the girls are all in place,

- And this is not a problem for her, we are talking about a woman who has a lot of money and can go wherever she wants with nothing in hand,

- This is true my dear this is true, more where she went hem

- I already know there's only one place, I'll call there, I'll go there,

- Call first, you didn't hit the first place,

- Marcus hours she must be at the Atibaia farm,

- She is not there, my mother


-law has already called there and nobody knows about her there, she was not that I guarantee you,

- So where, um, I know, I'll have her credit card tracked,

-Good idea, but already thought about the possibility that she made a withdrawal not to use the card,

- Look Marcus, you're not helping me, you know,

- And I know more we are talking about my wife's sister and a France and they are difficult and very intelligent,

- You're right, I'm going to the company apartment because I won't be able to stay here at home without them,

-Jack I had an idea hire a detective to find her,- Good idea Marcus, and living with Ju did you well,

- And I know more about yours with her sister it was the other way around, he said that and burst out laughing at my face. 2 weeks went by and nothing I heard that she took an extra week off, the detective I told you still didn't find, he said she was seen in the car in camping but it must be a problem she left him there and went on a plane and really Lorenzo and sends her with her my mother


-law says that if she doesn't come back she won't forgive me, I heard that she sent the idiot João away and her wife too, I thought it was strange what she did, but she did she and the owner of the school. I was at the company and my cell phone rang and I answered


-Hello dad? I heard my daughter's sweet voice made me silent and I started to cry, and I heard

- Father and you, I stuttered to speak,

- Yes, daughter and dad,

-Father I miss you, sir, you're already home,

- Well, I am, but where are you daughter and why didn't you call me before,

- Dad, mom forbade to call you anymore today she woke up crying without stopping and not having to leave the room, I took the cell phone of the caretaker to call you, Lóris and tells her they don't know what she is doing and mi is crying also,

- Daughter where are you, the final,

- Father hours on the farm in our paradise in my castle, I heard her say that and I was thinking how stupid I am she went there even has nowhere else for her to go with the girls even more than I had ever been there, like me I was stupid again for not going after them there,

- Father, are you still there,

- Yes, daughter, don't tell anyone that you spoke to me, I'm going there to pick you up

- Okay, good father, I will wait, I'm not afraid of mommy feeling sick and dying

- My daughter does not think this will stay with her. I am already going there. Kiss, Daddy loves you, my princess.

- I also love you very much, so she hung up the phone,


- Yes sir

-Call Marcus for me and urgently,

-Ok sir I'm going to call him, Minute passed by Marcus enters my room

- Did you call me?

-Yes, I found out where they are and I want you to get me a rural landing plane for me now I will get them,

- Jack, where are they?

- Guess what

- I have no idea where they are

- Hum in paradise, as Andri says,

- I can't believe she's been playing Atibaia this whole time

- Yes, they are more, Kris is not well- With you know- My daughter called me about 20 minutes ago saying I hid her mother, of course, but now I need you to fix this plane for me now, I promised my daughter to pick them up today.