Chapter 30 Bleeding Heart Again

2 years and 2 months later

Everything is going smoothly I had already recovered from my cat's fold I was working in the living room again, everything is in its right place, we were living in the apartment, my daughter was close to turning 12 and we were going to be 13 years old married in a few days, we are very happy my husband was taking care of a church for a year we had been doing the work of the lord, but deep down you wanted to move and leave, to another place Jack even said that we could live out of the country again, or moving to a city in the countryside, because, with the ease of technology, it works anywhere, I started to dedicate myself to the stores again with my sister, well everything was wonderfully well, there was a party service in the church and God used the preacher to speak to my daughter, and everything started to look different in her life, Birthday the last

- Mother today I am very happy because I am sure that God has done many things in my life,

- My daughter, I am also happy because it was on this day that God presented us with our greatest treasure that was you and our lives, it is 12 years of happiness that you brought us, and will continue to bring,

- Mother when you were my age as you were, my grandmother says that I don't look much like you, and not to mention that my aunt told me that at my age you owe a boyfriend, when I heard you speak my heart stopped beating for a few minutes,

- Mother, you're fine, telling my daughter because I always told her that I'd only date after I graduated, and now that question what my sister had to open her mouth to say,

- Mom something happened, and at this time I left my thoughts and decided to tell her my story because my daughter in this part was very mature, we always talked, because we were a supreme friend to each other and we had complicity between the two of us,

- Good daughter I will tell you a little of this story, and so I did I told everything that happened and then, I told everything about how I met Jack who is and will always be the greatest love of my life, she kept looking at me more I said,

- This happened in my life because I did not know God and did not serve him and unlike you and his creation, if I had known God before when I was a child none of this would have happened, in my life and through the beams I would not be telling this story for you today,

- I know mom, but I wouldn't be here with you and my father and lady might not even have met him,

- Yes daughter maybe all this happened because it was God's plan in our life, well let's get ready because from here your little father arrives to go and celebrate his day today my beautiful, um and don't say anything to him that I told this story because he does not like,

- You can leave mom this and another one of our secret,

- My love, you are not my daughter but my friend too, so we get dressed and go out to celebrate her birthday,1 month later we were getting ready to have a party to celebrate our 13th anniversary, which would be on a farm of a sister of the church that we met with an agent, we were fixing everything and suddenly my nieces and Kelly, Luiz and Brenda they asked to bathe in the lake that was on the farm, so we went out to go there, but I was not in the mood to go into the water and so I kept looking from a distance and my daughter didn't go into the water anymore sat on the edge of the tabard and watched the cousins ​​take a shower.

And so it was getting late it was about 16:30 when I got up to have a glass of water and talked to her,

- Girls, I'll be back and when I get back, the bath is over, so I got up to go drink water, but it was at this moment that I felt a hand lightly go over my shoulder and I turned around and saw my daughter fall into the water and disappear. I couldn't believe what was happening and I started to scream, no, not my daughter, God and falls into the water in an attempt to help her but it was impossible because at the time of despair I jumped in a deep place and started to drown and the desperation was greater at that time I struggled and screamed calling her name

- ANDI, ANDIR, CADE YOU HELP, HELP, ANDRI, but it was in vain my despair was already running out of focus when I felt someone pull me out of the water because I already I was drowning, Jack came out of nowhere I said

- Our daughter, our daughter

- To where? I showed it and he jumped in the water and nothing came up and yelled at me,

- kris where she is I said and showed the place and with that, it had been a while before I will get a trawl and pass, and then there she was passed out in the same place where she had fallen.

We did the first aid and called the same but they take so long and so we put her in the car and took her to the hospital on the way it started to rain very hard working the vision, and from a distance, we heard the ambulance sirens and Jack stopped and passed our daughter him to do the rescue because her heartbeat is very weak she is still passed out. But we thought it was strange because he received her and it took a long time to take her from there, after an hour there, the ambulance leaves towards the help point, nearby, but I was very distressed because I didn't know what was happening there and I didn't even know what was happening. that was happening to my daughter.

So the minute we got to the help point and they took her from me and nothing news I just knew how to pray and I asked God not to let anything happen to her I was sitting on the hospital floor when a doctor approached me and said-You and the girl's mother, I said yes

-And where is the father I showed him where Jack was, he went there to talk to him I went along and heard I need to talk to you, and so we entered a room and he started talking

- Look, dad, mom we did everything else ... but unfortunately, we couldn't do it, at that moment the world ended and I started screaming, and broke everything I saw in front of me until I felt the embrace that calmed me down, and I turned in front of him,

-Love is not like that, but I screamed,

- How can I not be like that and that is not true I need to see her, I started to cry and I felt my chest hurt and anguish invade my soul and I didn't have the strength to say anything, just cry and the doctor took us and I looked at her, that he seemed to be sleeping in a deep sleep and the only thing I did was run away. And I don't know how long I ran until someone catches up to me and hugs me and tells me,- Kris my dear I am sorry for all this, but you need to be calm God knows what you are doing, I heard that I let go and I looked to see who was Marcus,

- No he can't be doing it again with me Marcus can't her and my life, and everything for me as I am going to live without her without the smile without hearing her voice sing in church like tell me how all this is a dream or lie,

-Kris this and your reality and you need to accept,

-How to accept this Marcus as if he were with you, tell me, but he was silent and he didn't say anything, he hugged me and said,

- Jack needs you and you need him now and just you two, come on, I'll take you home,

- I don't want to go home, never to go there again, it takes me to a place where I don't remember anything in my life so he took me to the car and took me to a hotel, in fact, I didn't want to see Jack and nobody, I just wanted to cry and nothing else.

If hours passed and he always came with a glass of water, he wanted me to drink more. I knew that there was something in the water to make me sleep,

It was a few more hours before Jack entered the hotel room and saw where I was, he said nothing and neither did I just look at each other right into each other's eyes and then we hug and cry together like a child and so we stayed and then he said,

- My little one now and just the two of us and we need to say goodbye to her for the last time I take a shower and get ready, so I showered and got ready and went to the place where the funeral would be, and as soon as we arrived we were faced with a lot of journalists and a lot of well

-known people plus Robert arranged everything, so no one came near us, so it was the funeral of our firstborn she was beautiful she looked like an angel I don't say anything, just silence, and anguish in my soul, and there were no tears more to cry.

The moment of pain in my soul was too great, I was there once again watching over the love of my life, the pain was immense, it seemed to have no end, I felt that my soul would never be the same after that day, I had lost my kitten and now I was in front of my princess's lifeless body, as a mother and father can be without their children, I didn't know the answer, but in my heart, I was in pieces at that difficult time in our lives, the suffering and pain that we felt that day was something inexplicable for a human person to feel.