
As promised these are the real ANDRIELLA FRANCE DE ÁVILA AND NOEMI FRANCE DE ÁVILA, she was my beautiful princesses will be eternal in my heart I wrote this book with eternal tears. More as my psychoanalyst says, writes if our history reveals makes our greatest anxieties come out of it 'out of us and that is what I did. As promised I will explain in detail the true story.

True story

15 years and a month ago in a tragic accident, a motorcyclist was diverted from a truck that was parked on the side of a street, in the interior of Mato Grosso exactly in Várzea Grande, three girls were on the sidewalk, one was 10 years old, another was 13 years and the little girl of 3 years and 11 months, who passed away hours.

IT WAS her youngest daughter, my kitten, I was at the doctor this day and I had left her at home sleeping more at the time I depended on her doctor and as you delay the service, I am already coming home when my cell phone rang and went the worst news I got in my life was that day I was so desperate that I came back after a person helped me because I was in the middle of the street screaming my desperation was great.

A minute later I was in the emergency room, but as soon as I arrived I received the news of the confirmation of the greatest pain of my life and soul, my daughter had just passed away her body was still hot but I started to feel her body getting cold at the little and, anguish and pain invaded my life and mine, I lived the worst days of my life.

After two years everything is fine, I had gone back to work, all moving forward, we renovated our house to be able to live there without a memory, and that's when it happened again, we were at the sister farm to celebrate our 13th anniversary, already married. everything was tidied up more, my nieces who always stayed with an agent on the weekend wanted to bathe in the dam, and they were more than anything happened my daughter disappeared in the water, and hours after we found her, I lost my senses that day just me I remember screaming and I asked God not to let her die or I would jump in the deepest part of the dam, so we were able to remove her from there and take her to the hospital as it took her a long time to put her in the car on the walk we passed her over to Samu make the appointment more she must a cardiac arrest in the ambulance they resuscitate her after hours and then they took her to the hospital but nothing helped she died after 4 hours. my world ended that day for me. I went through difficult times, I had depression of the last degree, panic syndrome, and other things at the time I went to college, and even so with the help of colleagues I finished it because I only had one year to finish.

But the crises started to be frequent, I got sick, I had blackouts and so on, there were long years taking medicine, in fact, I am a miracle because I was surprised by a disease in my uterus that I discover after 2 years, of the accidents and I had to have a surgery and I almost died I had 4 types of hemorrhages during the surgery plus God had a plan in my life I won and received a nickname of sister Jo because my doctor put this nickname he was evangelical also says prayed not to lose my life in his hands there. Well, I'm not going to tell you more because I will report in the next chapters of the book "The Pastor's Wife. This is part of my life story. ..... this is not crazy, I am a miracle of God's plans.