Chapter 15: New Beginning!

2011-2012 season.

The match fixtures were announced in Italy.

All the fans in Italy were waiting for the start of the league with great enthusiasm.

Manager Luis Enrique had just arrived on the team.

He had led the Barcelona B team for years and when he got an offer from Roma he accepted it without thinking.

Luis Enrique wanted him to join the preparatory camp as his young footballers.

And he had a private meeting with their youth team coach Luis Enrique.

Luis Enrique said to them.

"Is there a young footballer that you particularly recommend? he asked.

The youth team coaches had many name suggestions.

However, they also added that.

"But if you want us to name a particular name, we highly recommend Helder Xerxes, who did wonders for our club's youth teams." they said.

Luis Enrique had already heard of him and was not surprised.

Germany, Turkey, and Italy to wear the shirt of their national team were in constant contact with him.

Helder, in a way not expected to play in Turkey's national youth team announced.

What was Helder's purpose?

Why did he choose the Turkish National team?


There were a few young footballers in the summer camp of the A-team.

Helder was one of them.

Helder had already caught his eye on team A goalkeeping coach Michel Lee.

He was extremely ambitious in training.

Whatever Michel said, whatever he wanted, he was doing it perfectly.

Michel was happy to have such a great goalkeeper in their team, but unfortunately, Helder could not play for this team right now.

Because at the beginning of the season, Roma transferred Dutch goalkeeper Maarten Stekelenburg from the Ajax team for 7.33 million Euros.

Therefore, Helder's chance to form was very low.

He was also transferred from Sampdoria in Curci, a goalkeeper who had previously trained in Rome's infrastructure.

In short, Helder had 2 goalkeepers to pass ahead.

Would luck once again laugh at his face?

Or would he continue to play in youth team matches?

Heavy training continued before the season.

And one by one manager Luis Enrique was sending young footballers to the youth team.

Some found his performance inadequate.

But he was constantly following Helder.

"3. Could it be our goalkeeper? " he thought…


TV channels were constantly making football programs as Serie A would start in a few days.

Favorites were seen as Juventus, Milan, and Inter.

A survey was being conducted on the Telesport a1 channel.

"Who do you think will be the champion this year?" The question had been asked.

Juventus and Milan were at the top by far.

Nobody was giving Rome a chance.

While it was discussed who will be the champion in Telesport a1 channel, breaking news fell just at that time.



"Roma goalkeeper Maarten Stekelenburg was injured in training."

The studio's moderator, Sofia, tied up with his colleague Paul, who was waiting outside the Roma club to confirm the accuracy of the report.

"Yes, we are listening to you." Sofia said.

Paul started to speak.

"According to the information we received, Stekelenburg had an unfortunate fall during training. The information came that his thumb was broken. " Paul said.

Roma fans watching the sports show were devastated when they heard this news.

They had just transferred and paid 7.33 million euros.

They thought it was unlucky…

But this was a great chance for them and no one was aware of it.



First week...

Bologna vs Roma

According to the information received from the sports announcers, the goalkeeper of the match would be Curci.

This was something everyone had been waiting for.

Roma fans filled the away field.

They were cheering for their team.

And Roma's footballer squad has been announced.

Goalkeeper: Helder Xerxes

Defender: Aleandro Rosi, Gabriel Heinze, Juan

Midfielder: Daniele De Rossi, Fabio Simplicio, Miralem Pjanic, Rodrigo Taddei

Forward: Erik Lamela, Francesco Totti, Pablo Osvaldo

Substitute: Curci, Jose Angel, Viviani, Fernondo Gago, Greco, Perrotta, Bojan

The team was on the pitch with the formation of 3-4-3.

Roma fans were shocked to see the squad.

A 16-year-old was going to be Roma's goalkeeper in the first game of the season.

It was a small step for Roma and a big step for Helder.

Before the match, many sports announcers asked Jose Enrique why he made such a choice.

Jose Enrique said with confidence.

"I trust Helder Xerxes ..."