Chapter 24: Helder Xerxes and Real Madrid! Wait a minute. Manager was fired?

Helder Xerxes was officially at Real Madrid.

The manager who wanted him was Jose Mourinho himself.

Jose Mourinho had been chasing him since he was transferred to Rome at the age of 12.

And at the right time, he wanted to recruit Helder to his team.

For him, the right time was now.

He felt 16-year-old Helder would be the best of the future.

And with his special request, Helder Xerxes was transferred to Real Madrid ..


Helder started training without wasting any time.

He would work directly with the A-team.

After coming to the field, he met everyone.

"Welcome to our family and to the biggest club in the world." said captain Casillas.

"Thanks." Helder said.

Goalkeeping coach Silvio wanted to get to know Helder better.

When Silvio first saw a goalkeeper, he could only understand his potential through his body and eyes.

When he looked at Helder, it seemed to swallow his tongue.

"This kid has limitless potential, I feel. I also see a champion in his eyes. " he thought.

Silvio was right.

Helder was the legendary goalkeeper that marked the 1960s.

And he was born to be a champion.

The training started with Jose Mourinho coming to the field.

Silvio gathered all the goalkeepers and started their warm-up first.

They made warm-up movements for about 20-25 minutes.

After the warming movements were over, he gathered everyone in front of him.

Silvio's training methods were different.

"I want you to run for 5 minutes with all your might. Then you will rest for 1 minute. Then you will run again with all your strength for another 5 minutes. After that, you will rest for 2 minutes. After resting, you will run for 4 minutes with all your strength. Is that clear? " said.

"Running at 100% for 14 minutes?" Helder thought.

He was a little surprised.

Other goalkeepers were used to it.

Silvio wanted a goalkeeper to have great fitness like any other footballer.

According to him, a low stamina goalkeeper was doomed to fail.

And another thing he wondered about was Helder able to do that?

All the goalkeepers were prepared.

With Silvio blowing the whistle, they started running.

Casillas suddenly sprang up.

Helder was left behind.

He was ahead of Helder as well as the other goalkeepers.

"Waow…" thought Helder.

"So it's time to show me completely." he continued to think ...


The training was over.

Helder had told the Real Madrid executives that he wanted to stay in facilities like Roma.

The executives also agreed.

Helder went to his room on the premises and immediately threw himself on the bed.

He was so tired that he fell asleep as soon as he threw himself into the bed.

Mourinho and the team's coaches were talking about training systems.

One thing he wondered about was Helder's performance.

He looked at Silvio.

"How was it in your famous fitness test? I hope Helder wasn't too hard. " Mourinho said, laughing.

Silvio was not laughing.

He was extremely serious and his eyes were shining.

"You won't believe it." Silvio said.

"What will I not believe?" said Mourinho, wondering.

"Helder even surpassed Casillas. And finished the conditioning training 1st. He was even great at reflex, playmaking, side ball exercises throughout the entire training. I couldn't take my eyes off him in training. How could this kid be 16 years old? I still can not believe it. It's as if he was born with blessed abilities. " said.

Mourinho was both delighted and grinning.

"So you finally realized it, too." said.

"It is impossible not to notice. But it is more interesting than you have observed Helder since the age of 12. " Silvio said.

"Oh, I'll tell you about that later." Mourinho said.

Another coach Karanka started to speak.

"So are we going to send Helder on loan? Or will he be Casillas' backup? "

"I'll say that when the time comes." Mourinho said.

"What time is the boss? There are a few left until the transfer season is over. We have to make a quick decision. "

"You just relax and trust me." Mourinho said confidently…

"Also, we will announce the roster of the Getafe game tomorrow." he continued.

"Our work is going great so far." Silvio said.

"The only great thing in football is a win." Mourinho said.

He was right but did not know what would happen in the future ...


Goalkeeper Helder makes a big mistake in the last minutes of the match and Bayern Munich loses the match. The fans whistle Helder. Helder can't hold back his tears. Would this be the result of the retirement match? All of his teammates are consoling Captain Helder, but Helder's facial expression looks terrible.

"You know what Helder? You lost for the first time. It is also very important to enjoy losing. You just didn't lose. These tears are an indication that you are actually winning. You have matured, Helder. You are grown up now… "

"Get off my head, Mark." said Helder sadly…

"Dude, how long will you close your eyes to this world? How long will you give up on a mug and give up life? You won't have a second chance, right? It didn't happen in football, but maybe it would be in the manager. Concentrate ahead and think about your life. You are a dear friend to me. "

"I said enough for you, Mark. Please shut up."

It was dark…


It was losing the light.

"How long are you going to cry there?"

"Can't you see my hand behind the darkness?"

"I can't see your hand, Mark. I can hear your voice but I can't see you. " Helder said.

"You've been given another chance, Helder. Take this chance well. Don't waste your life as before… Farewell, my friend… "

"Mark… MArk… Mark…" Helder was yelling.

Helder opened his eyes.

He was sweating excessively.

He was shaking.

"What kind of nightmare was that?" he thought.

"Mark, why are you in my dream now? Do you live my life? What do you mean?"


Helder took a shower after this dream.

He needed to calm down.

But this dream affected him very much.

He came out of the shower.

He turned on the TV and changed the channels.

He caught sight of breaking news.

The following was written in the subtitle.

"Jose Mourinho was fired in Real Madrid."

Wait a minute?

Helder couldn't believe his eyes.

He remembered everything that happened until 2021.

In the 2011-2012 season, Real Madrid was going to win everyone in the La Liga, and their manager was Jose Mourinho.

Jose Mourinho would be fired in 2013. There was a problem at the time.

"What's going on here?" he thought.


Would the future change?

Was a future unknown to him awaiting?

Fate would reveal itself to Helder once again ...