Chapter 39: What is Oscar Leite's Expectations from Helder?

It had been a day since Helder had his dream.

He understood what his friend wanted from him.

It would change now.

And it was in his hands to direct his future ...


Training Time…

Manager Oscar Leite gathered the whole team before the practice started.

"Are you happy?" he asked.

Silence prevailed.

"Do not be afraid. Did you just enjoy playing the Marseille game? " he continued to ask.

The eyes of the team were shining.

"Yes, we are happy with both the game we played and the win we got." the team said.

"Good… we'll be even better." Oscar Leite said.

The training had begun ...

Oscar Leite and the assistant coaches had a special method for them.

They called it "Hard And Easy Ball".

In this training method, the strikers were defending for 10 minutes.

Likewise, the defenders were also being strikers for 10 minutes.

Midfielders were also constantly changing places.

The main purpose here was this.

They wanted rival footballers to be able to fully understand the way of thinking.

The whole team was resting for 5 minutes after this training ended.

In the next stage, Oscar Lite was just making a match for the team.

It might sound interesting.

But yes they were just playing matches ...

Two teams were divided into 11 to 11.

The match never stopped for 120 minutes.

Neither Oskar Leite nor his aides were interfering with the match.

The specially prepared cameras were recording the game for 120 minutes.

When the training was over, the whole team was watching the match together.

Mistakes made, right, right time press, wrong passes, right tactics were all discussed.

Oscar Leite asked footballers to think and speak out ideas without hesitation in his mind.

According to him, the real feeling of winning would only begin if the whole team united and met in common thought.

This was his philosophy.

Time would show whether his philosophy was right or wrong ...


The workout was over.

Helder was just leaving the field ...

"Helder!" shouted Oscar Leite.

Helder turned towards him.

"What did you want, boss?" he asked.

"It doesn't matter what I want. What you want matters… "

"I do not understand?" Helder said.

"How do you feel here?" asked Oscar Leite.

"Pretty good…" said Helder without thinking.

"I'm happy."

"Why are you happy?" Helder asked.

"It is very important for a loan footballer to feel good where he plays. That's why… "he said.

"So if you don't have any other questions, I'll go to my room with your permission, boss ..."

It was just going ...

"Helder!" shouted Oscar Leite.

He turned back to the manager.

"I have high expectations from you." Oscar Leite said.

"What expectations do you have?" Helder said.

"I want to change the world of football. Can you help me?"

Helder did not expect such a thing.

"What do you want to say?" Helder asked.

"This is what I mean. Do you want to play in the Brest club? " asked the manager.

"How so? I am already playing in this club. "

"No no, I want you to transfer here. I need you." said.

"Transfer?" Helder thought.

He threw his hands back.

He was a little nervous.

"Boss, I don't think the time is right." could say ...

Oscar Leite smiled.

"He didn't refuse…" thought Oscar Leite.

"You know what, Helder? You also exceeded my expectations. I trust you completely… "and left the field without even looking back.

Could Brest buy the Helder?

Real Madrid had just transferred him.

Could this be possible?