Chapter Eleven

Back in Forks, the family were chatting, mostly with smiles on their faces.

"I've never seen Aro so scared." Eleazar said, happily. "You made him dance to your tune the moment he read Carlisle's memories."

"What was he so scared of?" Carmen asked.

"It was likely the Fiendfyre." Carlisle said. "Immortals don't like the idea of being set ablaze, but intelligent fire, that will follow you and consume you no matter where you go? No doubt he was seeing his own end in those flames you showed us back at the Denali house."

"I'd almost forgotten about that." Harry mused.

"I didn't." Carlisle said, smiling softly at Harry. He'd actually focussed on that memory, to ensure Aro didn't skip over it.

"So, what do we do now, master?" Jane asked. Alec was standing next to her.

"First off, don't call me master." Harry said. "I'll be your friend. While you may technically serve me, you are not required to spend your lives subjugating yourselves to me. Have lives, make friends. See what it could be like living with us, our way. My wives will show you to the empty spare room. If you require separate rooms, you may ask and I'll provide them. We typically spend dinners together, but most of us have our own pastimes.

"Leah and Seth are part of my pack. You will meet them in the next few minutes. I already sense them coming." Harry said.

"Pack?" Alec asked.

"Our Harry is also the Alpha of a pack of shape-shifting wolves." Tanya said. "They are to be treated as any of the covens."

"Which means, no harming them." Harry confirmed. "My wives and my Second, Leah, speak in my voice. If they request something of you, you may consider it a request from me. You will never be asked to harm others or yourselves. If you feel you want to, you may consider yourselves part of my coven."

"Coven?" Kate asked.

"They are called the witch twins." Harry elaborated. "With my magical abilities and your own supernatural gifts, I'm going to call our combined covens, the Witches Coven."

"So you're a witch?" Jane asked.

"Technically, where I'm from, I was called a wizard. Female magicals were called witches." Harry said, for the first time identifying what he was. "With magical covens, however, witches covens were the most well-known, so we'll go with that."

"So the Denali and Olympic covens are considered part of your coven?" Esme asked.

"A combined coven makes sense." Harry shrugged. "Since Eleazar, Carmen, Irina and Laurent recently moved in next door, I don't see why we can't have a combined coven. In name only, if you want." They had moved in, when his closest neighbours had moved out, but they still spent most of their time either at the Cullen's or Harry's places, since that's where the food and drink was. They all enjoyed the drink. Harry had even added sound-proofing in their rooms, for them, where they had beds in which to do their private things, or sleep, if/when they wanted.

"Come on, then." Tanya said, indicating for the twins to follow, to show them to the room. "We'll be able to set you up with anything you want to spend your time on. I'm assuming you don't need beds?" she was heard asking as they left.

"Do you think they need some time first, or do you think your magic will be enough to ensure they don't attack children if we sent them off to school?" Emmett asked, smirking.

"If that's what they want." Harry said. "My magic will make them follow any direct orders from me, without the chance of them attacking anyone."

"Can you do that on me?" Jasper asked.

"If you want." Harry said. "I don't think you need it anymore, but I'm willing to add security for you, if that's what you want."

"I don't want to attack Rosalie and Emmett's baby, once it's born." Jasper explained. It had been on his mind for a while.

"Sure thing, Jazz." Harry said, smirking at the man.

Kate soon left and returned with a laptop she'd recently purchased. It was connected to Harry's internet connection, so it was probably the fastest connection in the world.

"What's got you in such a vindictive mood?" Harry asked, noticing her smirk.

"I'm looking to see if there's a catholic school near the Miami house." Kate said, her smirk only growing.

"You are one sick woman." Tanya said as she returned, Jane and Alec following. They'd role-played catholic school-girl recently, and Harry was just as unable to resist them in those plaid skirts as he was in others.

"Oh, come on!" Edward objected, when Tanya projected that image into the forefront of her mind. She'd been getting good at keeping him from her more intimate thoughts of late and he'd hoped that he'd soon not have to have those thoughts in his head.

Tanya smirked. "Learn to control it and you won't have to see them anymore." she said. "I'm certain the mental arts will allow you to do that."

"Fine!" Edward finally agreed. He hadn't wanted to do it, having learned that Harry had to go into their heads to test their progress. He didn't like the idea of Harry in there. He also knew it was hypocritical, considering he was almost always hearing everyone else's thoughts. "Just… stay out of my private thoughts when you test me, okay?"

"Would that I could, Eddie." Harry said. "I'm afraid part of the process is learning to not think about things, so if you can't keep me away from your fantasies about Bella, that'll only serve as incentive to learn."

"Why are you looking up catholic schools?" Esme asked Kate.

"She wants to see Harry's reaction to Jane in a school uniform." Tanya said.

"Why?" Jane asked.

"Harry likes skirts." Kate said. "Also, a Catholic school will be a challenge for you two. You'd have to learn about their faith and how to act like normal teens."

"We are not uninformed." Alec said. "We're over a thousand years old."

"Turned when you were thirteen, by the looks of it." Harry said. "That'll put you in middle school, if you decide to go."

"Are we not allowed to stay with you?" Jane asked. "You have others living here, after all."

"If that's what you want." Harry said, not really caring. "Just, stay out of my bedroom. My ladies and I tend to spend all our time there naked."

"I wouldn't mind spending my time naked in your bedroom." Jane said easily. She didn't even look concerned.

"We tend to have a lot of sex." Harry reiterated.

"Again, we're over a thousand." Alec added. "My sister is saying that she wouldn't mind taking part. I'd rather not, if you don't mind, sir."

"Kinky." Kate said.

"Wait, why are you so accepting of this?" Harry asked Kate.

"She wants to start a proper harem." Tanya said, shaking her head. "Somehow, since Leah joined, she's gotten it in her head that your household will only keep increasing."

Harry was quiet at that. He'd never actually discussed that with the ladies. "Yeah, about that…"

"You've seen this before, haven't you?" Kate asked, excitedly. "I knew it!"

"Yeah… My life has never been what I'd call simple." Harry admitted. "In some worlds, I do actually end up with many wives, concubines, love-slaves, or whatever is normal in those worlds. Most of the time it's to protect people, but sometimes it's just expected. A dark goddess once actually contracted me to protect her priestesses. In that world, it meant that I had to bed them all, and sometimes hold revels in her name, that ended up with a lot of moaning and sweating. Sometimes animal sacrifices were involved. Human sacrifices were never allowed after I joined. It was my price."

"A goddess and a whole sect of priestesses?" Kate asked, excitement blooming on her face.

"When did this happen?" Carmen asked, looking at Kate's face.

"Like I said, just after Leah joined Harry's pack." Tanya said. "I claim head wife!" she added quickly.

"Head-wife?" Kate asked, her excitement fading.

"There's always a head-wife." Tanya said. "I'll get priority treatment."

"I'm second then." Kate huffed.

"You can't." Leah said, as she walked in. "I'm his Second."

"I meant, second wife." Kate said. "You'll always be his Second in the pack, but I'm his second wife, so I get priority after Tanya."

"I'm third, then." Leah said, after a sigh. "Wait, does that mean we've added another?"

"I suspect Jane will-" Emmett started.

"Okay, out." Harry suddenly decided. There were far too many people, for this discussion. "This is private family business."

"Can I stay?" Jane asked, as the others, including her brother, left, most of them chuckling as they went.

"I don't know, Jane." Harry said. "You're technically a servant. I don't like the idea of bringing someone that looks thirteen into my bedroom. Especially one that cannot decline a direct order."

"Are you ordering me to leave?" she challenged. "I'll have you know that I've wanted to have sex for hundreds of years. I'm unspoiled and I have all the working parts. I may not be as developed as your other wives, but I could be just as vigorous, if not more so… to please my master."

"I told you, you don't need to call me that." Harry said.

"But, what if I want to play the role of your love-slave?" Jane asked. She turned around and bent over slightly. "Do you want to punish me, master? Have I been a bad girl?" she asked, looking back at him over her shoulder.

"She's way too good at that." Kate decided. For a thirteen-year old looking girl, the look was just a bit too enticing, even for her.

"I'm older than you, girl." Jane said as she straightened up and turned around. "I've had time to practice. I just never seem to get the opportunity, since everyone thinks I look like a pubescent girl."

"Barely." Leah said. Then she sighed. She'd also had a feeling that things would not stay as they were. Harry had only come to Forks the previous year and he'd already bedded five girls and women. Most of those in the last few months. "Before we add anyone else to the family, could you at least start making preparations to add me properly, Harry?"

"Are you proposing?" Harry asked.

"No." Leah said. "You will speak to my father first and then you will propose to me."

"Are you sure?" Harry asked.

"You are my soul-mate." Leah said. "He will not deny you and then I can stop hiding what we're doing."

"If you're sure." Harry allowed.


That night, Harry made love to all his women, claiming them again and again. When they were all too tired to move, they rested together, with Jane and Alec watching the house and surrounding area.

"You want to join this 'Harem'?" Alec asked.

"He's our master." Jane said. "He's more powerful than the Volturi and he basically dictates how our world will function. If we're ever to have freedom, real freedom, it will be at his side. Not as subordinates, but as family."

"You are sure he won't use you?" Alec asked.

"I don't know." Jane said. "If he does, I will show him my willingness, even as I follow his orders. When the time of our servitude ends, he will not want to part with us, so we will do everything we can to make him realise he wants to keep us."

"And this is what you want?" Alec asked.

"He's old." Jane said, then. "Really old. I can tell. For him, age means nothing. His Second, Leah, is basically human and a child, at that. I want to be accepted, not used for my power."

"And he has power." Alec conceded. "What did he do to you?" he asked, then, remembering her writhing and screaming in pain.

"I was on fire." Jane said. "When he unleashed his power, I felt like I was dying. It wasn't an illusion either, the way I do it. My body was really in pain and I could feel it lingering. He doesn't need to use me. We won't be puppets to him, peons he can move to play his games. If ever there was a worthy man, it's him."

"So you will seduce him?" Alec asked.

"I won't need to." Jane smirked. "His mate, Kate, already has her eyes on me to join them. You heard her. You saw the look in her eyes. She wants me to join them. Harry will allow it, if only to keep his wives happy."

"His story about other worlds and harems…" Alec said. "I don't know what to make of that."

"He's obviously a god from another universe or dimension." Jane said.

"Not a god, I'm afraid." Harry said as he joined them.

"How did you sneak up on us?" Alec asked in shock.

"Magic." Harry said. Monitoring them was a good idea, and he'd not have left them to do as they pleased, until he was certain they weren't a threat. "And you don't have to seduce me to claim your freedom. I can set you free as soon as you have experienced enough here. I want you two to be examples of how choosing this lifestyle can change you for the better."

"It really doesn't matter if we're your servants." Jane said. "I will join your coven. Chelsea is not here to sway my loyalties anymore and since you claimed us, my mind has never felt so clear. I'm staying."

"Where my sister goes, I go." Alec said.

"So you're staying?" Harry asked.

"And I will expect a good first time from you at some point." Jane added. "Master." she added, just a bit of mischief on her face.

"And that's enough for me." Alec said, as he turned and went to go walk the perimeter of the house.

"You talk like that in front of your own brother?" Harry asked.

"He knows me." Jane shrugged. She turned fully on Harry, then. "So, should I start stripping, or do you like to do that yourself?"

"I'm not ready for that." Harry said. "Firstly, Leah has asked that I hold off on adding anyone. Secondly, you're basically a servant and I want you to experience freedom first. Thirdly…" he trailed off, looking down her form.

"I look like a child." Jane sighed. "I had hoped you could see past that."

Harry smirked, as he walked forward and placed a hand on her shoulder. He closed his eyes and focussed on her. Jane didn't understand the feeling she was experiencing, until she saw Harry's angle change. He was shrinking, or was she being levitated? She looked down and realised she was still standing on her own feet. She was growing!

While her clothing was a bit tight, when she stopped, she also realised that her chest had grown. "I have breasts!" she exclaimed, as she pulled her robes away to stare down incredulously at her new feminine attractions.

"Thirdly, I have never been able to be intimate with someone that looked like a child, no matter their actual age." Harry said. "It doesn't seem right, no matter that I know you are more than old enough."

"But you can fix it!" Jane exclaimed, sudden hope in her tone, as she looked up at him and back down at her new breasts. She'd never had a hope to truly become a woman, but he could even do that!

Harry lifted his hand from her shoulder and she started reverting. "It's only temporary." Harry said. "I'll need to create something that I don't have to concentrate on. While I can do something like this for you manually and force it to last longer, if you want to stay in that form, I'll need time to create something for it, like the pendants."

"I can wait," Jane said quickly, "if it means you can finally make me into a woman, in any way you deem fit."

"Could you, perhaps, see your way to do something like that for me?" Alec said, as he walked back around the corner. He'd not been out of earshot, as that would require quite a distance. "Make me older I mean. I don't want to be a woman, in any way."

"Sure thing, Alec." Harry said. "Once I've got something figured out, I'll give you the same capability, for as long as you stay in the coven."

"Then I'll look forward to finally being a man, and staying one, for as long as you will have us." Alec said.

"If you decide to stay." Harry said. "My magic is still enforcing your cooperation at this stage. It's the same reason I will not feel right about taking your sister into my bedroom."

"You mean your voice in my head?" Alec asked. "That went away shortly after we came here."

"Same here." Jane said.

"Wait, you both resisted mind-control magic?" Harry asked, shocked. He'd never met a non-magical with enough willpower… "You've been resisting Chelsea, haven't you?" he asked, as understanding dawned. He'd not used as much power as he could, because he hadn't met resistance in a long time. It seemed that these two would take more power to control, due to them having experience with something similar.

"We've been aware of her control." Jane said.

"We could always start resisting, but she'd just apply her control, and we'd do as Aro says, again." Alec agreed.

"Probably because she constantly used her power on you." Harry theorised. He cocked his head to the side then. "Why did you come with me, if you could resist the spell?" he asked.

"You were the one with the power. Chelsea tried to affect us again, but your will was stronger." Jane said. "We saw a way to leave the Volturi, so we didn't want to resist."

"When you told us you wanted us to consider you our friend, the compulsion faded." Alec added. "I think it helped that I liked the idea of equality, for once."

"Could your magic have decided that you don't need to control us, when we willingly decided to join you?" Jane asked.

"It is actually quite possible." Harry theorised. "Mind control works against your own will. If your will is to do as the spell says, it could be a way to break it, because the magic is unnecessary. Though, it's usually done the other way around." Maybe they were strong enough to reject the magic, and chose to follow him themselves, which would actually be a good sign. It was likely, though, that the magic was still there, but dormant, until they decide to change allegiances again.

"Cool." Jane said. The way she said it, made it sound wrong coming from her mouth. Her expression was all wrong too. Much too calm.

"Wait, does that mean you…" Harry started, looking at Jane.

"Chose to be with you the moment the option presented itself?" Jane finished for him, cocking an eyebrow. "Why, yes, it does." She smirked then. "Seeing our 'glorious leaders' nearly defecate themselves at your display of power, will be a memory I value for many years to come."

"It was nice to see." Alec agreed, smiling more naturally than Jane had. His face straightened then. "You do realise that this is not over, correct?" he asked, then.

"What do you mean?" Harry asked. It had felt a little too easy to him, but he wanted to know his reasoning.

"The Volturi are good at manipulation." Jane said.

"They will try to incite the vampire world to turn against you, with fear and hatred, when they force your new rules onto them." Alec said. "Most will not understand that you offer freedom."

"They will likely try to convince as many as they can, that feeding exclusively off animal blood is part of your rules." Jane agreed. "You did leave that opening, by feeding them food made from animals."

"That's good to know." Harry said. "Do you have any idea how long we'll have to prepare?"

"They will need time to spread the word." Jane said, a thoughtful look crossing her face. "They will likely tell one and give him the mission of informing the others, and spreading word like that."

"They will be vague about your instructions, making it seem like you have tied their hands, but leaving anyone else who wishes to face you free to do so." Alec agreed. "If there's anyone with a spine, they will start gathering a group to stand against you."

"So, what you're saying, is that it would be simpler to just destroy all of them and put someone else in charge, before they start on something like that?" Harry asked.

"Well, Aro seemed genuinely afraid of you." Jane said.

"Marcus doesn't really care." Alec agreed. "It's Caius who will start on something like this. He hates being dictated to. Being controlled. It doesn't even matter that you are offering them something better."

"He is the one you need to ensure doesn't step out of line." Jane agreed. "If your magic was able to control us, maybe it would be best to do something like that to him as well."

Harry thought about it for a while, before finally responding. "No." he decided. "We'll let them come to us. Then we'll kill them and set an example."

"You should have the Coven call in any of our friends and allies, then." Tanya suggested from the door, where she and Kate were standing. "We do have friends that don't follow our diet, after all."

"If they're not evil and don't mind a bit of regulation in their dietary targets, I won't mind." Harry said, easily, not showing any shock at her presence. They couldn't sleep without him, after all.

"We could also show any attackers our way? Give them an option?" Kate added.

"If a militia shows up to your castle, you don't invite them in for dinner with your family." Harry argued. "You throw boiling pitch on them from the battlements, set them ablaze and watch them burn. When the next group thinks to face you, they will remember what happened to the last group."

"That's my alpha." Leah said, with a wicked smile, as she joined the group, fully dressed again. She couldn't stay all night, after all.

"I love it when you turn all vengeful." Kate said with a shudder.

"It's not vengeance. It's justice." Harry said, his eyes flashing.

"Even better." Tanya purred, as she stepped up to him and took his arm. "Come, my love. We want to sleep in your arms."

"Sleep?" Jane asked.

"Our mate has magic that allows us to sleep, when he does." Kate said. "It is wonderful feeling so human again, when we wake up invigorated and with him ready to claim us, again."

"I wouldn't mind sleeping with my master." Jane said.

"He can set you to sleep whenever you want." Tanya offered. "Only his wives get to sleep with him in the master bedroom." She smirked at Jane.

"For now." Jane allowed, looking away, as if scanning for any threats around the house.


"So they've been free since they got here?" Tanya asked, after closing the door, once they were back in Harry's room.

"It seems so." Harry said. Then he smiled. "I think it's a good thing. I checked for any lies and read their surface thoughts, once I found out. Either they are lying to themselves, or they truly want to be here."

"I bet they are just curious about the food." Kate said.

"Damn!" Harry exclaimed, about to go to the door, to make them something to eat. He'd completely forgotten about that. They hadn't eaten with them, while they stood guard.

"Harry, stop." Tanya said. "We don't need to eat every day, you know that."

"Give them something filling for breakfast and allow them to join us for dinner as well." Kate suggested. "They won't complain, I promise."

Harry sighed, but finally relented. "You ladies are just hoping that I'll have more energy to spend on you tonight." he accused, as he climbed into bed.

"We are still quite sated, but I wouldn't mind another go." Kate allowed, even as she snuggled into Harry.

He didn't respond. He was already asleep. His magic soon drew his wives into sleep with him.

The next morning Harry did end up making something for the new residents. They were not displeased for the wait.

"You eat like this every day?" Alec asked Kate.

"Our breakfasts aren't as filling as the ones you got." Emmett said, slightly jealously.

"That's because they didn't get dinner." Harry pointed out.

"Still." Emmett said.

"It was lovely, thank you, master." Jane said.

"Could you stop with the 'master'?" Harry asked.

"I could…" Jane agreed, but then she smirked. She didn't need to finish the statement. Harry knew it wasn't ending.

"At least, when we're out in public, then?" Harry asked.

"Of course." Jane said. "Master."

Harry just sighed. "Anyway, I'll be in the library and then likely the runes workshop for the day, so if you have any needs, please let me know now?"

"Something to read would be nice?" Alec asked.

"We'll make a plan, sometime." Tanya said. "Today, I'm thinking it would be best if you just enjoy the pool room, or something."

"The mini fridge on the right is for immortals." Harry pointed out. "Try to enjoy the amenities. Catch a movie on the TV or something."

The twins didn't have much of a choice in the matter, because as soon as Harry and his ladies went up the stairs, they disappeared. Fortunately Leah soon showed up to show them around.


By lunch-time, Harry and his ladies returned. He even had some gifts for the twins. The library was definitely making things easier for him. Before, the kind of things he'd figured out in hours that day, would take days to weeks.

Jane put on her pendant as soon as Harry handed it to her. Her body grew and her chest expanded, and she felt a thrill as the magic made her look and feel human.

"I'd say, around nineteen." Tanya guessed, looking at her critically.

"We knew it would be limited to only a few years, with how the magic would be resisted by her body." Harry said. "How does it feel?" he asked Jane.

"Fantastic!" Jane responded. "I'm finally a woman."

"Well, little more than a teenager, really." Kate said. "But you could pass for twenty-one with the right make-up, I suppose."

Alec, in the meanwhile, had put his own pendant on. He also grew, but he felt distinctly uncomfortable, as his pants did not grow to accommodate his new size. "Ouch." he said, as his newly human skin was pressed by the fabric, until he could scarcely move.

"Yeah, let me show you how to switch that off." Harry said as he reached out and twisted the end of the arrow-head pendant. Alec soon returned to normal. "You have to take growth into consideration. We'll ask Alice to take you two shopping. You could likely borrow a few pieces of clothing from them."

"Why not you?" Jane asked, as she spread her legs slightly to test the fabric of the robe that was currently hugging her mid-thigh.

"Alice would never forgive me." Harry said.

"I'll send a message." Kate volunteered, taking her phone out and rapidly typing a message to Alice. A minute later, she said, "Alice will be here directly after school, to take you both out. She's asking for a lift to Milan."

"Tell her that the twins don't need to go shopping in Italy." Harry responded, even as his eyes were drawn to Jane's attempts to tear her robe, which was not much more than a skirt in her new size. She was completely aware of his attention and actually enjoying his gaze, which was why her fingers were running along the rim of the robe as she went.

"You know Alice." Kate responded. "Any chance to flit around and use her new freedom."

"Consider it a compromise." Tanya suggested. "This way, she doesn't bother you to just make things."

"Fair enough." Harry allowed. "We'll take the Chevy." he decided.

"Drop them off with return items." Kate suggested. "You shouldn't need to drive them around all day. They can call a cab or something."

"Harry?" Rosalie asked, a hopeful look on her face.

"Yes?" Harry asked. "Want to go with?"

"No." Rosalie declined. "Could you give us the command words to call up the baby in our room?" she asked nicely.

"Um. Okay." Harry shrugged. "Have you been wanting to check since we came back?" he asked.

"We've been taking them back to Miami, a few times a day." Tanya admitted.

Harry chuckled at that. "You should have said something." he said as he walked to their room, beckoning for them to follow.

"Return items?" Alec asked, when their door closed.

"I think they are called portkeys." Tanya said. She'd read the term in the library, though it seemed that Harry chose not to use the original terms, for some reason, likely to avoid thinking of his first world.

"Item-based transportation, like the onyx pendants Harry gave the Volturi." Kate elaborated. "We've used them once or twice. It's not really instant, but we've travelled hundreds of miles in seconds using them."

"Our master is a very capable man." Alec stated then, a small smile on his face.

"Not you too?" Harry asked, as he came back to them from the room, where both Emmett and Rosalie had decided to stay, to watch their baby grow.

"It's said mostly in jest." Alec assured Harry.

Harry smiled at the young-looking man. "You know what Alec? I think I'm going to like having you here."

"One can only hope." Alec smiled back.

Leah and Seth soon joined them. Harry served lunch, which was only really filling for himself and the wolves.

Alice was in rare form when she showed up, with Jasper, Edward and Bella. She was almost bouncing off the walls in excitement, before she dragged them all down to the garage. Before they could leave, however, Eleazar showed up with Carmen, Irina and Laurent. Then Esme joined them as well. Apparently the only one that wouldn't join them, was Carlisle, and that was because he was at work.

Jasper looked at Harry like he'd betrayed him, and Harry just sighed and allowed them to all enter the car. He took off and they shot into the sky.

"It flies?!" Jane asked incredulously from the back seat. Alice had already dressed her in something flattering, for her new form, while Alec looked respectable in one of Edward's nicer outfits.

"It flies." Emmett agreed, a huge smile on his face, as Harry did a couple of loops and quick turns for the new passengers, before transporting them to Italy and setting course for Milan, with a bit of direction from Alice, who seemed to have a sixth sense for detecting her mecca.

The trip was a bit of a longer one, since Harry decided to see some of the beautiful country-side.

"You know, it wouldn't be so bad to own a bit of land here." Harry mused. "It's nice and open and the weather seems agreeable."

"But, the Volturi are here." Esme said.

"So?" Harry asked. "If they become a nuisance, I'll just hide the property."

"How would you hide property?" Edward asked from his seat, where he had an arm around Bella.

"It's a bit of security magic." Harry said. "Makes it so that someone that doesn't know the exact location, can't even see it. Very useful to hide things with."

"Is that how your stairs work?" Alec asked.

"No, that's something the house can do." Tanya said. "If you hadn't realised, Harry's house is very magical. He brought it with him from the last world."

"Last world?" Jane asked, deciding to jump on that, since there was an opportunity. She wanted to know more.

"I tend to spend fifty to a hundred years on any given world, before being shoved into a new one." Harry said. "It's not something I do by choice, but it's a fact of my life."

"Of course, that's not something we ever speak about in public." Rosalie warned the new coven members.

"So, you're just here for a short while?" Alec asked. "What happens once you leave? The Volturi will not willingly continue following the new way if you aren't there to enforce it."

"They won't have a choice." Harry said. "By the time I leave, they will have gotten used to the advantages I gave them and won't want to give up the power I've left them with."

"Power?" Jane asked.

"Besides being able to interact more normally with humans, once they have a system for making food and are able to facilitate transporting it out to places around the world, they will have a monopoly on the easiest and most delicious way to feed our kind has ever known." Esme said. She knew the plan, after all.

"So, when you leave, you'll leave some things that will make it unthinkable to go back to the old ways." Jane said, contemplatively. "What about us?" she asked then, indicating between herself and her brother.

"We'll discuss that at another time." Harry said, as he spotted the city and accelerated, before coming in for a landing.

The Vampires and Bella all exited the car with Harry handing a scarf to Alice, which would work as their way home. The only people who stayed in the car were Harry and his ladies, including Leah.

"Have fun." Harry called out the window, as he sped off, disappearing from sight a few seconds later.

"I will convince him to join us one of these days." Alice swore. She'd tried to convince him to stay, to join them, but Jasper had shaken his head behind Alice's back, intimating that he should get out while he still could.

Harry took his ladies for a bit of a flight along the coast of Italy. Before long, however, clothes started becoming optional and Leah soon took the front passenger seat and started worshiping his manhood. She'd wanted to join the mile-high club since she'd heard about the flying car.

By the time they returned to Forks, all three ladies were barely able to walk, with smiles plastered on their faces, giggling like school girls.

"Not to interrupt or anything," Carlisle said, as they came up the stairs from the garage, "but since Esme is currently unavailable, I thought I'd come by and try to convince you to let me help with the cooking?"

"Sure thing Carlisle." Tanya said, as she stood against the wall. "I don't think I have the energy at the moment, to help our husband in the kitchen."

"You ladies look radiant as ever." Carlisle complimented, smiling at their states.

"Thank you." Kate smiled at him, as she and Leah helped each other walk steadily to the bedroom.

Harry and Carlisle started working on a large pot of stew. They'd not be able to support all of the Volturi for an extended period of time, but their stock had grown and Harry suspected that they should be fine for a month or so.

They made a large batch of stew, plating everything individually and making a note that the Volturi would likely need to start stocking their own plates and cutlery. Then they transported everything to Carlisle's home and through the cabinet, which would transport the food out.

Half an hour later, there was a thank you note in the cabinet, for a delectable meal and mentioning that plans were already being made to supply everything that might be needed for an evening meal. A personal note from Marcus requested a few bottles of wine for himself.

Harry chuckled and sent along a few bottles, with a note stating that the wine will last for only a day, once opened. As an afterthought, he sent along a bottle of scotch whiskey, with another note stating that it would last a week.

When that was done, they returned to Harry's house, to see Esme was already dishing up for everyone with what was left from the pot. Harry had ensured to make enough, after all.

"Looking good." Harry said, nodding at Jane. She was wearing a summer dress, but she seemed to be wearing something that accentuated her bust, which she was very happy to show off.

"You made it, so you may as well enjoy it." Jane said.

"I didn't do that." Harry said, indicating her chest. "It's just what you would have looked like, had you grown older. For all intents and purposes, except for the magic, it's natural."

"Even better." Jane said, with a satisfied smile.

After dinner, the guests returned to their own homes and Emmett and Rosalie disappeared into their room.

Harry noted his ladies going to the guest bathroom and he soon heard water running into the tub. Shrugging, he went to his own room, intent on a shower. When he got to his bedroom, however, Jane was waiting. She was wearing her sundress still, but Harry spotted her underwear on the floor by her feet.

"I'm not waiting forever, Master." she said, as she sat down on his bed and spread her legs slightly.

"I don't think-" Harry started.

"Don't. Please." Jane interrupted. "I want to thank you properly." She ran her fingers down a leg and then back up, moving the fabric of the dress ever so slightly.

Harry shook his head and smiled. "Well, why not?" he asked himself, as he closed the door.

Over the next hour, Jane experienced why he was considered a god in the bedroom. Next time, perhaps, she could learn why he was considered a demon.

By the time Harry was finished with her, she could barely see straight.

As his heart rate calmed down, with him having pulled her into his shoulder as he lay down next to her, she asked, "Is it always like this? I don't think my legs work anymore." She giggled as she tried moving her legs. They were shaking badly, but also in the most wonderful way.

"I do tend to tire my ladies out." Harry admitted. "There's a reason why I usually end up with multiple wives, mates, soul-mates and/or love-slaves."

"I can see that." Jane said, as she snuggled in close, loving the feeling of her breasts pressed up to his chest, his one hand slowly drawing circles on her back. "I'm afraid I will no longer be able to resist considering you my mate, as well."

"As I understand it, that's natural for your kind." Harry said, his breathing finally calming down as his heart-rate slowed. He lay there for a bit, before he stretched out. "It's about time we called the others in."

"Could we not stay like this, for a short while longer?" Jane asked, disappointed.

"They were willing to give you privacy for this." Harry said. "No doubt they would at least like to sleep with me, tonight."

"Could I join?" Jane asked.

"That would be up to Tanya, I suspect." Harry said, as he looked at the door, twitched a finger and let it open. "Come on in, ladies." he said softly.

It was two seconds before they were both there and in bed with them. Tanya took his open side and Kate snuggled in behind Jane, pressing her up to his side.

"I think that's your answer." Harry chuckled, as he used his power to close the door and switch off the lights.

"Don't I need to go clean up?" Jane asked, realising she was slightly overdressed, seeing as how the other two were completely nude.

Harry lazily flicked a finger and her clothing disappeared, appearing on a pile on the floor. Another flick and she felt his power wash over her, leaving her spotless and without any odours.

"That's very useful." she sighed, relaxing into him again.

"Shush." Tanya said very softly, below normal human hearing. "He's falling asleep."

"Night, girls." Harry breathed out, as he was pulled into slumber, his ladies being drawn into it with him.


"I slept." Jane said, in her next waking moment.

"Good morning, Harry." Tanya said, kissing him gently.

He'd not moved yet, his eyes still closed.

"How do you know he's awake?" Jane asked.

"We only wake up, when he starts to." Kate said, leaning over her to kiss Harry as well.

"Or when he does, because of his wards." Tanya added.

"Good morning." Harry mumbled.

Jane, moved up and kissed Harry as well, a little more hungrily than the others had.

"Good morning, Jane." Harry said, his eyes still closed, but a smile on his face.

"It is a very good morning, indeed, master." she purred, as she felt Harry draw all his girls to him for a hug.

"Will you claim us today, as well, Harry?" Kate asked, a look of hunger entering her eyes.

"If that's what my ladies want, that's what my ladies get." Harry said, as he stretched out and yawned. "Just give me a human minute." he said, as he got up and walked to his en-suite.

"Human minute?" Jane asked.

"He needs to use the facilities, first thing." Tanya said.

It was only a minute, before Harry walked back in. His face was wet, but he had a gleam in his eyes that promised a very vigorous morning.

True enough, Harry claimed all three of them for the next hour, his magic doing things to speed up the process for all of them. Jane had not known about his magic playing a part, but after the last, group climax, she understood why he was considered a demon in the bedroom. He'd not held back. He'd been an animal, claiming them like they were his property. She loved it, and a part of her was already looking forward to the next time, even as she stumbled out of bed, when the ladies got ready to leave the bedroom.

"If you're struggling, you can deactivate the pendant." Kate suggested, as Jane tried and failed to stand properly.

"Why don't you?" Jane asked.

"We like to show off Harry's handiwork." Tanya said, as she struggled into a pair of panties, nearly tripping in the act.

"Then I'll do that too." Jane decided, as she got dressed as well.

When they got to the door, Leah was already standing there and she was scowling.

"You claimed her too, didn't you?" she asked, referring to the stumbling Jane.

"I begged my master not to keep me waiting." Jane said. "I will not take your position as his third wife." she promised. "He bedded and claimed you before me, so it's only right."

Leah seemed to consider this for a few seconds, before deflating with a sigh. "Fine." she said. "But I demand the right to have him to myself after breakfast."

"Your days are getting fuller, husband." Tanya chuckled, even as she nodded to Leah, in acceptance. They'd had the opportunity. It would be wrong to deny her.

"Well, what man in his right mind would say no to so many women wanting to spend time with him?" Harry asked, as he walked to the kitchen to start breakfast.

"Good morning, sir." Alec said, from where he stood in a butler's outfit, white gloves and all.

"A butler?" Harry asked, amused.

"It seems to me that you need someone tending to your days." Alec stated. "You have many responsibilities and it would be a good idea to hire or assign someone the role or varlet or butler."

"Alice put you up to this, didn't she?" Harry asked. She'd probably just seen an outfit and ran with the idea, pulling Alec into it. It was surprising that Jane hadn't been given a maid's outfit.

"She made a suggestion and I decided to follow her advice." Alec admitted. "It would also keep me close to the action, as it were." He was curious about what magic could really do, and the idea of working for Harry in this way excited him.

Harry walked into the kitchen as he spoke and found that all the tools and ingredients he would need to prepare waffles had already been set out. "What's this?" he asked. How had he known he wanted to make waffles for breakfast?

"Emmett informed me of your routine." Alec said, just slightly smugly.

"You mean, he wanted waffles and made you believe today was waffles day?" Harry countered.

"Was I mislead, sir?" Alec asked.

"No, he was right, but waffles are his favourite breakfast food." Harry said.

"I'll keep that in mind, sir." Alec said. "Shall I prepare the breakfast table?"

"Thanks, Alec." Harry agreed with a smile. It had been a few hundred years since he's had a worthy butler.

Breakfast proceeded as normal and Harry was beaten to the clean-up, by his ladies, Jane joining them and asking where things were supposed to go with the other two washing and drying.

Leah decided to take the opportunity and dragged Harry to his bedroom. He didn't actually have too many things to do that morning, so he took his time with her. Before an hour was up, she'd actually passed out with a smile on her face, her body still shaking from an earth-shattering climax.

When he opened the door, Jane was standing there in a maid's outfit. "Alice?" Harry asked, not being able to hide the smile on his face.

"Alice." Jane agreed. She looked past him and saw Leah laying there, her eyes closed and her body limp. She was covered in a thin sheet, though, to protect her modesty, but to also allow her to cool off. "She looks like she barely survived your attention." she noted.

"She's hardier than that, but almost as inexperienced as you." Harry noted. "She'll be fine in half an hour or so."

"Harry!" Seth called out, as he rounded the corner, a smile on his face. Harry quickly closed the door. Seth sniffed the air, and about-faced.

"Sorry, Seth." Harry said.

"No." Seth said. "It's still better, now that she's happy."

"What did you want to discuss with me?" Harry asked.

"I'm guessing Leah didn't get to tell you?" Seth smirked.

"Tell me what?" Harry asked.

"There's a few wolves who'd like to join your pack." Seth grinned.

"Who?" Harry asked.

"Half the pack." Seth smirked.

"No." Harry said instantly.

"But-" Seth tried.

"I don't have the time." Harry said. "With just the three of us, I can slowly teach you the right way to think and act in a pack. With so many, I'd hardly have time to do anything else."

"Like the maid?" Seth asked, smirking.

"Among other things." Harry allowed. No doubt Seth had picked his scent up all over Jane. "But she's not really the maid. She's part of my coven."

"You've established a coven, as well?" Seth asked.

"It's just the new recruits, the Denali and the Cullens." Harry said. "It's easier to pull everyone together in one coven, than referring to everyone separately."

"We're all basically one family, as it is." Tanya added.

"But you have sex with half the women!" Seth argued. "Seriously, how do you have the stamina? I'm a wolf and I don't think I could handle all that."

"Jealous?" Harry asked with a smirk.

"Yes!" Seth agreed instantly. "I mean, come on! You've got three hot blonds, just wanting you every second of the day."

"And your sister." Kate pointed out.

"Not something I'm jealous about." Seth said easily. Kate liked to make people uncomfortable. He'd learned to live with it pretty quickly. Between her and Emmett, it was a pretty steep learning-curve, but he was a capable young man with a good solid sense of humour.

"Magic helps a lot." Harry admitted. "That, and my other gifts."

"Cheater." Emmett mumbled, from in front of the laptop, where he and Rosalie were looking through property listings again.

"Still looking for a place?" Harry asked.

"Miami is a very popular place." Rosalie said. "There's waiting lists for every house in the good areas, with people with too much money already having made deals. Every time a property becomes available, someone snatches it up, before we can move on it."

"How did you get your house?" Emmett asked.

"Paid a few million extra and forced the deal, by buying a bigger house for them somewhere else." Harry shrugged. His systems were able to take advantage of financial knowledge and online activity, to make a few suggestions that helped sell the deal to the previous owners of his Miami house.

The Cullens were rich, but they couldn't afford to do something like that and calling more attention to themselves. Harry's systems tended to take care of paper trails and stuff.

That gave Emmett an idea. "Could you get your systems to do something like that for us?" he asked.

"I've got one better for you." Harry said. He stuck a hand into a pocket and produced a key, tossing it to Emmett. "Merry Christmas, or whatever." he said.

Emmett looked at the key. Attached was an identification tag. It read: 'Mr and Mrs Cullen', with the address of Harry's house in Miami.

"What is this?" Rosalie asked, slowly.

"The house is yours." Harry said. "I've recently purchased a yacht. It's going to be able to take me to any beach I want to in the world. I won't need, oomph!" He was cut off, by a projectile with blond hair.

"Thank you!" Rosalie exclaimed, hugging him tightly.

Emmett soon joined them, embracing them both.

"Air…" Harry wheezed out.

Emmett chuckled and let go, but Rosalie was still hugging him.

"That area, Harry." Rosalie said. "It has all the best schools and it's safe and there's other children in the area and parks and parents… It's perfect!"

"That's why we loved the place so much." Emmett agreed.

"Well, I picked the place based on the suggestion from my computer system." Harry said. "I even purchased the air rights to the neighbourhood. I didn't want any large houses or apartment buildings popping up and casting any unwanted shadows."

"Genius." Emmett said, in awe. "I love you, man." he said, pulling his wife and Harry back into a hug.

"Gerroff!" Harry said, finally having enough of the group hug and forcing them off him.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, sir, but I believe you have it on your books to start on that facility for the Volturi?" Alec reminded him.

"Oh, right." Harry said.

"I've taken the liberty of discussing your current facility with Mrs Cullen." Alec continued. "There are a few abandoned factories a few kilometres outside of Volterra. I would suggest purchasing the land for use in this endeavour."

"Good work, Alec." Harry said, nodding in thought. Something like that would have the space and he'd be able to do a lot with that.

"I live to serve, sir." Alec smirked.

"Get the guy a laptop." Emmett suggested. "He was hogging ours all morning."

"Done." Harry said, instantly. He turned to the stairs down to the garage. "Coming, Alec?" he called.

"Where to, sir?" Alec asked.

"We're going shopping." Harry called behind him.

Those were the wrong words. All his ladies were in the car before Harry got down there, with Emmett, Rosalie, Alec and Seth following after him.

Harry just shook his head and climbed in. Alec took the front seat this time, since he was actually invited.

"The car smells like sex." Seth mentioned.

"That's because he had sex with your sister in here, yesterday." Kate said.

Seth was instantly out of the car.

"Yes!" Kate exclaimed, high-fiving Emmett. It was becoming more difficult to get a reaction out of Seth.

"Probably best that you keep an eye out." Harry said. "Your sister is still sleeping it off."

"Yeah, I think I'll just stick to the pool room for a bit." Seth said, as he beat a hasty retreat.

"Strange that he could smell anything." Rosalie mentioned. "I don't smell it."

"I may have decided to make it smell like that in here for him." Harry said, smirking back at them. He had cleaned up everything magically, after all.

"You set that up." Emmett said, nodding respectfully.

"My family had a long tradition of pranking." Harry said.

"You should know." Rosalie reminded him. "He turned you into a whale, remember?"

"That was a fun experience." Emmett said.

Harry soon set off. First thing, he went to buy some cell-phones for the new members of the Coven. Then, they both got laptops. Then beds.

Then he took them back to Volterra.

Purchasing a rundown factory building was simple, once you had the contact information for the right people. Harry owned a large enough building within the hour. Then he proceeded to place a spell to hide the building. It would not do to have the vampires find out he had a large stockpile of human blood in one location. It would get overrun in hours. Once the Volturi had started bringing in the 'cattle', Harry would go check them out and proceed if they were acceptable.

They went back home within three hours of leaving. Esme was handling the food for the Volturi and her family that day, so Harry only had to cook for his own household, while the Denali's went to the Cullen house to eat with them. Esme had decided to go with Spaghetti Bolognaise for their meals that day. She'd be making the spaghetti from scratch, too, like Harry had taught her.


The weeks started flowing by in a routine, until a month had passed and Harry received a summons from all three rings, meaning they wished to meet in the grand hall, in front of the Guard. It was a simple system he'd suggested. If one of them wished to speak in private, however, they could summon him individually and he'd either go to them, or he'd summon them to him.

Because of that, Marcus had been the only one to request an audience privately, and that turned out to be a request for more alcohol. He did mention speaking to his mate, but Harry deflected, stating the correct conditions weren't met yet. Since they knew nothing of magic, Marcus couldn't argue and he nodded in acceptance and accepted the bottles of bourbon Harry handed him, with a sad smile. They'd actually sat down for a drink and a bit of a chat. Nothing specific was discussed, but Marcus was a bit of a quiet person, so they sat in companionable silence most of the time, watching a fire and nursing their drinks.

Harry appeared in the great hall with Jane and Alec at his sides. They both looked older, but not human. Harry had modified the pendants for them when they requested it. It made sense to him, so he allowed it.

"Harry Potter." Aro greeted with a smile as he got up and walked forward to meet them in the middle. Then his eyes widened as he recognized the other two. "Jane, Alec, is that you?" he asked.

"All grown up." Jane said. She did not smile. She did not show any emotion. "Our master finds us more useful in these forms." she added.

Aro smiled at that. "Indeed, our benefactor is most gracious to offer you such useful, and beautiful forms."

"Has he been defiling you as well?" Caius asked from his seat, a sneer on his face.

"Our master treats us well." Alec stated. "We have been given clothes and rooms. He even allows us to sleep, when we please him."

"Sleep?" Aro asked.

"I tend to find more drive to succeed, at any given task, when there is a beginning and an end to a day." Harry said. "I offer my friends and servants the same comfort."

"And you find rest in these states of sleep?" Aro asked Jane.

"I find that a day is brighter, when seen through newly wakened eyes." Jane replied.

"While sleeping, less energy is spent." Harry said. "The mind finds more time to recover from being used, when subjected to the mercies of Morpheus's embrace."

"Such an eloquent description, for time wasted doing nothing." Caius sneered.

"I wouldn't mind the ability to sleep." Marcus offered. He was enjoying a glass of bourbon and he lifted the glass in solute.

Harry nodded back, ignoring Caius. "If you want, I can bring you something the next time we have a drink together." Marcus nodded and smiled at that. He'd not mentioned them meeting again to the others.

"What's this?" Aro asked.

"We had a couple of drinks a few weeks back." Harry said. "Marcus is a chilled guy. Good company for a bit of a drink and some nostalgia."

"I am sorry, again, for your losses." Marcus said again. Harry had mentioned understanding the loss of a mate. He'd even gone as far as saying that, since he was immortal and they were not, he'd lost all of his lovers over his many years.

"It's not your fault." Harry said. "So, what brings us to this meeting today?" he asked, changing the subject to get back on topic.

"Ah, yes." Aro said. "We have had some success in bringing together some, volunteers, for the purposes of our meals."

"You stayed within my guidelines?" Harry asked.

"We would not wish to lose our primary sources of blood, when you decide they deserved to be released." Aro agreed.

"Fair enough." Harry said. "Lead the way."

"Demetri will show you the way." Aro said. "But before he does, could I enquire if you've prepared a viable facility?"

"It's already setup and I took the liberty of adding a few volunteers for you." Harry said.

"You have?" Aro asked in shock.

"Yes." Harry said. "I won't give too many specifics, but suffice it to say, I've found a wellspring of willing volunteers, who love eating but dislike putting on weight. The process works better with a healthy appetite, so they lose weight, while giving you their excesses in energy, through donated blood." It had actually been a suggestion from Carlisle, when they discussed the plan.

"What a marvellous addition." Aro said. "I thank you for the effort."

"Did you acquire a chef, yet?" Harry asked.

"It just so happens that there was one among our number who was quite a talented cook, some five hundred years ago." Aro agreed, looking off to the side and indicating for someone to step forward. "His name is Andrea Errani. He was turned by an acquaintance of a rival cook, who wished for a position Andrea was about to receive in the House of Habsburg."

"Mister Potter." the obvious Italian man said, walking forward, a smile on his face. "It is a genuine pleasure to meet the man who has brought us this marvel! I will strive to supply for our comrades, the best cuisine attainable by your methods. It was a shock and wonder to taste the Lemon Ricotta Pasta you made last week. I could not achieve that with what was available back in my human days, but you have elevated the dish to-"

"Yes, yes, we know you are excited to start working on this." Aro interrupted. "Mister Potter will likely show you how to perform this miracle, when he has had a chance to inspect our acquisitions."

"Of course." the man said, half bowing before he stepped away, walking backwards.

"Actually, I'd like for him to come with us, when we go." Harry said. "Like I said, the better the 'stock' is fed, the better they will produce. If he has the ingredients, he will likely use them to feed the humans."

"Could this be achievable?" Andrea asked. "With our sense of smell…"

"I already devised a way by which that can be overcome." Harry said. "You'll be able to make food a human will enjoy, as much as you'll be able to produce food for an immortal."

"You must have been sent by god himself." Andrea said, a look of wonder in his eyes.

"Or the Devil." Jane added. Her face betrayed nothing.

Aro turned to her at that and he looked, for a moment, like he wanted to take her hand, but thought better of it. "Are you trying to tell me something?" he asked, instead.

"Our master has power over most things, including life and death." Jane said. "If he was not sent by divinity, surely he is of the other sort."

"Or something far more neutral." Harry said. "Death has no favourites, after all."

"You speak of death as an entity." Aro asked. He did not like hearing what he was.

"My people once had a story about some people, three brothers, meeting death and defeating him in a contest of sorts." Harry said. "He congratulated them and gifted them with items of power that later got them all killed. It's just a story, but I've since learned of the actual existence of those items. I even owned a few, on occasion. They were called, the Deathly Hallows."

"And what did these items bestow the receiver with?" Marcus asked.

"True invisibility, Power and the ability to summon the spirits of the dead." Harry said. He became invisible for a split second as he said it.

"So… you still have these items?" Aro asked.

"No." Harry said. "I just happen to have very similar gifts." He reached out to Jane, placed a hand on her shoulder and made her invisible. "I can even choose to bestow them on others."

Aro's eyes went wide. Carlisle had not seen this side of Harry. It was either a very careful ruse, or something else was going on here. "Are you, Death?" Aro finally asked.

"If I was Death, and you asked me directly, do you think I'd answer that question?" Harry asked back.

Aro smiled then. "Of course. How silly of me." he said. His smile did not reach his eyes, but he became more animated after that. "Demetri, please show Harry, here, to the cells." he beckoned and the severe looking man stepped forward and led them from the hall. Jane was still invisible, so Aro dared not speak until he heard all of their footsteps a few hallways away.

"Caius, I think it would be best not to proceed with that plan you didn't discuss with us." Aro stated then, as he went back to his seat.

"I don't know what you are referring to." Caius said.

"Don't play with me." Aro said.

"Don't tell me you believe that children's story?" Caius asked. "He's obviously a lunatic! A powerful madman, but still mad! Vampires are predators! We will not be domesticated!"

"We live in hiding." Aro countered. "We don't hunt excessively. We control ourselves. We are not wild animals."

"We drink blood. Humans eat meat. Animals eat other animals." Marcus said. "If you don't fear his power, remember that he's a bigger predator than us."

"That has yet to be proven." Caius stated.

"I've seen his power." Aro said. "If you doubt his claims, believe my knowledge."

"He tricked Carlisle!" Caius argued again. "He's too simple from all the animal blood! His senses are dulled and easily fooled! He used mere illusions to fool them!"

"Are mine?" Aro asked dangerously. "I remember the table he created with nothing but his will. We sat on chairs he produced the same way. We eat food he makes that sustains us. It's not necessarily as satisfying as human blood, but still has more variety than we could hope to experience with our current means."

"I rather enjoy the alcohol." Marcus said, sipping from his cup. "That's something we could never have without him."

"And you've turned into a drunkard!" Caius exclaimed. "I will concede that he has brought us gifts that we could not produce ourselves, but once we have the process for the food, we don't need him."

"And the ability to be in the sun without revealing yourself to humans?" Aro asked. "Would you give that up?"

"We are immortal." Caius said. "The humans should be at our feet. We should not have to cower in the dark."

"You sound like a new-born." Aro sneered. "We are superior to the humans, but only individually. They possess means by which they could destroy even us, if they knew we existed."

"This is pointless." Marcus said. "It doesn't matter what he is. He can control anything he can see, and likely anything he can focus on. If you send anyone after him, he will find out who sent them and he will destroy you. Unless you think one of us can stand against him?" he asked, actually smiling at the idea that Caius would try.

Caius was quiet at that. A sliver of fear was now solidly embedded in his non-beating heart. If his plans worked out, he'd die. How to recover from this, though…

Harry in the meanwhile was inspecting the prisoners. They were all glaring out at him through the bars of their cells, but they were all kept in separate cells.

"These look like good choices." Harry said.

"All evil men, who have killed multiple people without remorse." Demetri said. "I was informed to gather the darkest of men, with the worst of intent."

"I can see that." Harry said, until he came to a stop, before one cell. "Holy shit! I've never seen a soul quite that twisted." The man in the cell looked like an average person. He didn't look strong and he had dirty blond hair with grey blue eyes. His soul, however, looked like someone had dipped it in ink. It was dripping malevolence, and constantly writhing like it was in pain. "I'd kill this one, personally." he mentioned.

Then he walked on. "This one is innocent." he pointed at one of them.

"He was found in a building filled with corpses." Demetri stated. "He was laughing, when they found him."

"I don't know what was said about him, but what they think happened likely doesn't match up with reality. I've seen it before." Harry said. "I see a pure soul. He's in pain, though."

"You know." the man said.

"I do." Harry said, kneeling to look the man in the eye. "What happened?"

"I killed them." the man said. "It's my fault."

"Guilt." Harry said. "You feel guilt, and feel you deserve to die, so you never argued, when they blamed you."

"It doesn't matter." the man said.

"The murderer?" Harry asked.

"Dead, but I was too late." the man said. "I just want to die."

"You lost someone." Harry stated.

"My family." the man said.

"Their names?" Harry asked.

"Rhea and Kate Hobson." the man replied, tears starting to form in his eyes.

"Your name?" Harry asked.

"John." John whispered.

Harry straightened and spread his hands, before speaking to the ceiling. "I call forth the souls of Rhea and Kate Hobson. Let them appear to John for five minutes." he intoned. A mist lifted from the floor. Nobody could see what John was seeing, except for Harry, who saw a little girl who could only be the man's daughter, and an older woman. "Your husband and father require you, to save his soul. Be a balm to him and say your farewells." He stood up then and walked on, as John broke down in tears, before his cell became pitch dark and nobody could see or hear him.

"John Hobson is to be given his freedom." Harry pronounced. "He will be released into my custody before I leave."

Demetri simply nodded, his face showing fear and wonder all at once. He really could see souls and summon them from the afterlife! "Of course." he finally said.

"The rest are all dark and mostly irredeemable." Harry said. "I will re-evaluate in one year. If any of them show proper remorse and their souls start recovering, I'll consider giving them a chance."

"I'll be sure to tell Aro." Demetri stated.

"I'd still prefer that other man dies." Harry noted. "He's a monster. I've not even seen an immortal in this world with such darkness in their souls."

Demetri just nodded again.

They soon returned to the hall.