"I am ready to sell myself! I accept your all term and condition without asking a single question about them. I don't mind any condition. You can do whatever you want to do with me. I am ready to sell myself for my sister."

Xiao Xing shout out when someone's hand around his arm almost carried him out of the hall. The eighteen years old omega shouted from his gut to stop people to even think of doing anything to him in front of his sister. He was shocked to death whole thinking about what will happen with his sister if she will see him getting tormented.

All his life went showing his sister how satisfied and comfortable he was living his life. The lie he was living for the last eighteen years was about to turn his sister's life into a nightmare. If he would get raped or killed in front of his sister's eyes it will push her into an inferno for all her life, so he decided on behalf of his sister for their life without her consent.

"I am ready to sell myself only if you promise me to let go of my sister and give her all the money that, the client is going to give me to pay all the debts my father had taken. You will help her with it and then you will leave her once for good and will never look back at her. Will you promise me that?"


A loud laugh roamed around the hall and in Xiao Xing's ears. The intimating voice with a darker shade made him feel all weak but not broken. He wasn't the bravest soul around but the thought of saving his sister's life on his own made things adequate for him.

"You are one stubborn little omega. Do you dare to tell me what to do? How date you do it? Putting conditions in front of gangster? Don't you know any fear? I like it...I like you so much Xingchan."

When a 26 years old handsome gangster used the honorific to address Xiao Xing everyone around them got dumbfounded till death. The desperado never in his life used honorific to address anyone near to him. This was the first time he used it and that too with a stranger. Yes, the reason was so gorgeous that everyone around was mesmerised by him.

Xiao Xing was the most beautiful male omega they saw in their life. It was a very rare thing to find a male omega around and that too this beautiful was a very exceptional case.

The life-giving amber eyes, bow shaped lips, high cheekbones, loveliest smile with a breathtaking mole under the lower lip. He was the most extraordinary omega they saw. Getting attracted to unique omega was a good thing that must have happened with their boss. They didn't even blink an eye when they were seeing what was happening in front of their eyes.

"Yes, if you are ready to do the task I will make sure you both get the best things for the rest of your life. You will just need to sign a contract for it at first."

As desperado said it, the thing he wanted to say out loud and the thing Xiao Xing wanted to hear. He came near Xiao Xing and held his chin up. Though Xiao Xing was 6", he was still short in front of his 6 2" feet high. He looked carefully at his magnificent face and said in his honeyed voice,

"Surely Xingchan, No doubt you are selected for this task. You can surpass all beauty queens out there. Your beauty is too much to ignore. You look like a perfect porcelain doll, too ethereal to be authentic in this mortal world. I just can't believe I am seeing so beautiful Omega who is male. Tell me you are mere human because I can't believe it."

Then what he said was just a whisper only for his mind,

"No doubt my client wanted to use only you. I guess I can discern how he got hooked with you that he is going crazy to get you so fast and ready to pay millions just to get you in his bed."

"I know I am gorgeous. I am a grace with the curse but if what you are saying is true then I am ready for the offer, you are bestowing on me for life."

Xiao Xing spoke with sarcasm, looking directly into the eyes of his predator. An omega who is male and that too this beautiful was a curse he had since birth but others never felt the same because they never went into trouble because of it.

"Well, then you need to go through some test first."

Xiao Xing's heart trembled at the thought of the test.

"What kind of test he is talking about? Is he going to use me first?"

A loud laugh was heard by Xiao Xing which bring him back to the real world. The gangster was laughing hard looking directly into his eyes. When he stopped chuckling, he came near Xiao Xing and asked him in a very serious tone which he used for the first time since they started to speak.


He directly asked him the most dreadful truth of his life which was one more challenge to his dignity which he just gave away to save his sister's life. He wasn't a fool that he has already given away his self respect and dignity but still, these tests were going to stamp on it by saying whatever it wants to.

"Does it matter anymore Xing if they respect you or not? Isn't jiejie's life is the most important thing for your life? Does your honour is more than your jiejei's life? What is the use of me if my sister has to go through hell?"

A convoy of thoughts ran in his head in speed making it go dizzy for a few seconds.

All his life came in front of his eyes like some picture was going on and looking at those beautiful memories of his sister a beautiful smile scattered around his lips which instantly blinded the man who was holding his chin in his hands. Xiao Xing could not feel scared of that man anymore. What was happening with him was making him braver to lead to the destruction of himself with self-esteem and love for his sister. The hazel eyes too smile with his heart and the handsome man also gave in front of his bravery.

"I am a virgin, mister whatever your name is.No one in this city even tried to touch me not I got attracted to single alpha. I am ready for the offer. I only have two requests to make to you. I don't want my sister to know anything about this for all her life and I want to spend a day with my elder sister as a souvenir to spend my whole life happily."

"Your wish is granted, my warrior princess! You can go now. You have twenty-four hours for yourself. come back the day after tomorrow. I hope everything is clear to you now."

Xiao Xing looked at the victorious expression that man was giving to him and deciding the final question he asked him in his normal voice now,

"When can I sign the contract and get the money?"

"Whenever you are going to do the test after that you can sign the contract. Your sister will get money and she can go whenever she wants to go after this. It will be her choice but with our constant surveillance around her twenty-four seven."

He said nonchalantly knowing all Xiao Xing's questions way before he could even say it out loud and he looked at him flabbergasted. His hazel eyes blinking like butterfly wings.

"I need that money as soon as possible. I don't want my sister to know anything about it. Before someone like you approach her I want to sign that contract."

"so you are ready to do all the test?"

The owner of the handsome face said to him.

"I am ready. Can I go through them now? I need that money today."

He looked at his determined face and a smile came on his handsome face.

"Xingchan, Let's just sign the contract in the evening. I am calling doctors only for your blood test. Not a virginity test."

Xiao Xing was shocked when he said the last sentence coming near his left ear. He looked at him bewildered and he said only three words which made the lonely tear came out from Xiao Xing right eye.

"I believe you."