"Xiao Xing, listen to me. We are not in that bad state now. See papa is gone now we will never need to make more money for his addiction. I promise you, Xiao Xiao, we will never sleep empty stomach now. I know I have been a bad sister, couldn't even manage to get you proper food, leave about any luxuries of life but I promise you from now on you will get everything.

Everything you hoped for. I know you never wanted all those materialistic things but I know your cravings for colours. I know how much you missed doing that painting course, that professor offered you just to give that saved money for mama's hospital bills.

Now, we don't have a single other responsibility. We can raise money to complete your final year and all the painting courses you want to do. We will have food for lunch and dinners every day, we won't be sleeping feeling our stomach with water.

We can buy new clothes for ourselves now you don't need to wear someone else's old clothes. We don't need to walk everywhere, we can buy a bus fare from now on.

You don't need to work in those dirty places as a waiter now, we won't be having any emergencies now, I can save money for it. My Xiao Xiao from now on I will be the one who will take all the responsibilities for the two of us. I can raise you very well. Now you can go to college.

Yes, it is late to complete your studies now but Xing'er I have asked in my company they are ready to give me a loan for your education. You are going to complete your studies. I will manage everything.

You can enroll in that painting course. I will manage everything, everything, Xing Xing. You know that I got an increment of 50 yuan yesterday. You know how I will be getting 750 yuan per month. Do you know if I will work 1extra hour in a day they will give..."

Xiao Mei wanted to convince Xiao Xing to not go but Xiao Xing had to go. He could not possibly stop or tell his elder sister the real reason behind his going. He interjected Xiao Mei between.

"How much Jie? Do you know how much this education is going to cost us? More than 24,750 yuan per year even after getting half a scholarship. I won't get any full scholarship now JieJie because I left that course in between. How are we supposed to manage that much Jiejie?

The painting course that professor offered me was free but you know how much those colors, canvases and other things cost JieJie?"

Nevertheless, how much he tried she was his stubborn sister, she looked into Xiao Xing's eyes and holding his gaze in her, said to him

"Xiao Xing, then I will take a loan for your education. I will work even harder but I will make sure you get everything for your education. We will sleep empty stomach again, we will not buy new clothes, we will go walking everywhere, I will get the extra work home just like I used to do it before but I will make sure you study. Now let's go home. Our savings starts tonight."

She commanded Xiao Xing and turn to leave the amusement park but his utterance immobilised her in a single place for a long time,

"Jiejie, I am going to the USA for this job. They have offered me a decent office job and they are going to pay for my education and stay over there. There I will get more opportunities to get real-life experience."

He said everything in a single breath while coming forward to stand in front of her. When what he said registered in her heart moisture gathered in her eyes which threatened to come out as soon as he said his next words.

'Jiejie, please listen to me, this job is going to save us both. I will come back in three years. I am not going there forever. When I come back then we will stay together for all our life."

It took Xiao Xing a long time to make his elder sister understand how important and the best thing this job can be for their future. Xiao Mei was still not convinced to let her little brother go alone but yet her trust in Xiao Xing was more than anything.

When they sat on the bench of an amusement park, they watched the twinkling stars together.

"A Xing, Do you remember when you were little that time you used to get angry at mama for keeping your name Xing. You know boys in your school always made fun of your name. They always said that you are an Omega that's why mama kept your name like this.

You know what it's not true. She kept your name Xing because you are like that star that is making this sky extraordinary with your magnificence. Would you like to see that black sky without that twinkling star? It is the same in our life, without you my life is also dark but I don't want to stop your progress because of me.

But Xing Xing, listen to your jiejie carefully. If any time you feel alone or scared you will come back without any second thought. Promise me this then I will let you go. Promise me!"

"Jiejie, I promise if I ever feel scared or alone I will come back immediately. Jiejie please don't care about me. Take care of yourself. I have got a new job for you too. They are offering a handsome salary for you and a flat to stay in. My new friend will take care of you and she will work under you there. She is also from a small family like us. She and only her brother who works in another country.

Her brother wanted someone good-hearted to take care of her, so he asked me to keep her with you. She will do all the household chores and come with you to the office. Jiejie will you accept that job for me? If you will do this job I will be at peace."

"Yes. A Xing, if you wish I will join there. you I will do that job and save money for ourselves so that you can come back to me as soon as possible. Right, Xing'er?"

"Yes, Jiejie, as soon as I finish my work I will come back to you."

Promises which can get broken any time soon, Promises which were false since the start, promises which were just to convince and make another person happy were made for the whole night. Just to forgive as soon as sun rays touch the grounds.

The moment his sister went to dreamland because of a hectic day. Xiao Xing got up to make emergency calls.

"Hello, Mr Yamata. What are my flight timings? I will need to drop my sister at our new home before leaving."

After knowing what he was supposed to do next he put down the phone and looked at the sleeping face of his sister. After a long time, he saw his elder sister sleeping so peacefully and why not after months of saving food every night for Xiao Xing, she finally had a stomach full of dinner that night.

All the worries for her little brother's food, clothes, and education had finally vanished from her mind. How lucky could Xiao Xing get when he had the world's loveliest elder sister ever.

The pictures of Xiao Mei walking long distances with her sticks just to save a few pennies, The pictures of her sometimes drinking only water for dinner just to get Xiao Xing his favourite pastries, the pictures of using someone's year's old clothes just to get Xiao Xing new clothes, Working extra hours for paying the fees for Xiao Xing's college came into Xiao Xing's mind one by one like some movie was going on.

"It's worth Jiejie! If I will be able to see you sleeping so peacefully every night from now on then it's worth doing this journey. It's worth my life to give away in the hands of a stranger, it's worth it!!!"


When Xiao Xing left his sister the next day of their little outing to go to get all documents done to go to the USA, he saw himself standing in front of a tall building called Jade Tower. At the gate, he was welcomed by the guards of Mr Yamata. When he was led to the office of Mr Yamata. For a whole time, all they asked him questions which he felt very imprudent to even think of,

"What do you eat? How much do you eat? What do you like to eat? What types of clothes do you like to wear? Where do you love to spend your nights and days? What type of drinks does he like to drink when he is out with friends?"

For Xiao Xing they didn't feel intelligent at all but who was he who denied answering them? He answered every question politely till reaching the door of the office which he was about to open the next second,

"When your first heat came, Mr Xiao?"

The question made him paralysed, fixed at a place like someone pulled a magic wand on him and statue him at the place.

"I didn't get my first heat till this date. What should I tell them? Why are they asking me this question? Is that related to my new job? If they know the reality of my heart will they accept me?"


{In Guangzhou city. In Xie mansion.}

"Jay'er, How long are you going to stand in front of his photo? Will he come back if you will ceaselessly look at his photo?"

A dreadful mother's plea reached to the heart but he hasn't looked back in the fear that his mother will notice the tears in his eyes,

"If you are not going to look back, do you think I won't be able to see your tears, son?"

As soon as he heard his mother's words all the restraints broke down. He turned back and hid in his mother's embrace just in thought of maybe all the pain will run away if that pain will see him in his mother's embrace.

But was that pain afraid of anything?

No, it was not.

It started to run through his eyes like fierce rivers. He tried to control his heart but nothing seemed to cease to give calmness to his miserable heart.

"Jay'er, don't cry, my son. Everyone is trying hard to find him. See, if his body..."

She wanted to speak further but the pain of losing his son's love was enormous for her but still, she tried to speak sense out of it.

"If we haven't found his body, that means he is safe somewhere out there. We will find him, my son. Please don't cry. We are all praying for him to come back early."

When he heard his mother's assuring words he came to reality jolted back,

"Mama, since the day I lost contact, I have been praying for my Yuan to come back to me and you know what? Before leaving he promised me that he will come back within a week before our engagement. Why did he lie to me? Why did he say he will come back in a week? His promises are always false, mama."

"No, my child no. He always kept his promises. He always but this time his destiny wronged him but I know one thing clearly son, always remember my words.

If your love is true and pure or will rewrite your destiny. It will give back your love to you again. Your love will change the course of your destiny to bring back your real love to you."

"Mama, I love him so much. I want my Yuan back in my life like we were in childhood. I want that Yuan back in my life, Mama. I want Yuan back."

"Yes, my dear child he will come back to your life. This time it is not a false promise."


Hey, tell me how it was? Xiao Xing is finally leaving his sister behind. Where? Why? With whom? So many questions but not this early it will take time to know.

Who is Yuan? Why was Xie Jayden crying? Where is Yuan?

Want to know more about the book.