When a silver Rolls-Royce ghost car stopped at the porch everyone's attention turned towards it. The waiting of months was about to end now when the servant of the Mo Mansion opened the door of the car.

A slender and long leg came out first in view to everyone and every family member's face lit up at the thought of Mo Yuan.

The tall and handsome man came out of the car as they saw it. The black goggles of his face promptly came out and charming amber eyes with a lot of life came to everyone's sight.

The milky white skin, red luscious lips, high neck, brown hairs, extraordinary face structure, slender figure everything gave the feeling of the most magnificent omega of the town.

Mo Yuan was one of those that made up only one per cent of all the societies of the Alphas, Omegas and betas in the whole world. He was the rarest of the "Omega X" community who were male Omegas who could give birth like all the female and the female omega's, betas. And with a look of his, he became rarest of rare. Just looking at him was enough to fall in love with him and when the royal touch caressed him in its blend he became the king.

When he came out of the car he saw the big mansion subsisting tall in front of him and many people standing on the porch who completed the family of Mo Yuan.

Xiao Xing got a heart attack when a teenage girl, just two-three years younger than him, came running towards Xiao Xing as soon as he set his first foot on the porch of the Mansion.

"Yuannnnnn gggggeeeee..."

Her scream reached every soul that was standing or working in Mansion. The so-called elite family looked shockingly at the little girl who wasn't able to control her feelings after seeing her most favourite person in the world or at least she showed it like that.

"Yuan ge, I missed you so much. I thought...I thought I lost you in that accident. Thank God you are safe and sound. Just look at you Yuan ge, you are looking more exquisite than before. Have you gone for plastic surgery? You were not this gorgeous before. You are looking too handsome."

When the praising was not looking like going to cease at all, two hands pushed both of them out of each other's embrace.

"Isn't it great that Yuan ge made it back safely, Xie Nuan? Can you please let him breathe for some time? He just arrived home. Let him meet others too."

When words came out of Mo Jin's mouth he got the scrutinising gaze of Xie Nuan with a slap on his arm and for a response, he immediately made a sound of pain,

"Aauch...That hurts Xie Nuan. Your hand is no less than a big hammer. Can you please keep it to yourself?"

Xie Nuan's face immediately turned bright red not because of listening to Mo Jin's comment but hearing the giggling sounds that came from her family members.

"You Mo the idiot, what you said? You were out just for fifteen days and you already started to behave like an idiot, you need real beating. You just came here."

When she said it, she promptly turned to hit him more but got interjected by Xiao Xing,

"We just came back and you two started again? Will there be a single day when you two will not fight?"

His words were soft and requesting but they got heard by everyone at home. The voice they missed for a long month came back to them and they felt the pang of happiness that made everyone cry silently at their places.

How they all missed the presence of Mo Yuan, it will not be a lie if they say that it nearly killed them not seeing his appearance every day but more to that how they saw Xie Jayden dying every day by not getting any news of Mo Yuan.

"Now. Enough let's go inside. I want to meet my sweetheart."

The word sweetheart made everyone's attention go toward only one person who was waiting for Mo Yuan desperately.

When Xiao Xing turned to go inside, Xie Nuan's mother Lu Feng welcomed him first and he bowed in front of her to show her respect as he would be a mother in law,

"No need to do the formality, my child. I can't tell you how happy I am feeling after seeing you all right again. I don't want to cry right now but I saw my son in worse condition Yuan'er. He won't be able to live without you. Please don't leave him again, never."

Lu Feng started to shed tears when she remembered the hard days when she saw her son crying for Mo Yuan so much. Her son loved Mo Yuan so much since they were young kids but Mo Yuan changed over the period and started to ignore Xie Jayden till they officially announced their marriage.

"I will never leave his side again, Auntie. I will make sure to tie him with me. I will leave him only when he will leave me or push me away from him."

"No Yuan'er, he is never going to do it and even if he does, you don't let him forget you. You two are meant for each other."

The words were spoken by Xie Bao Xie Jayden's father and made Xiao Xing reckon about their love for Mo Yuan. Certainty in Li Feng's eyes made Xiao Xing a little bit nervous.

"Am I doing the correct thing? Xie Jayden and Mo Yuan love each other so much. Mr Xie's family look so close to Mo Yuan. What will happen if they find out that I am not their Mo Yuan but some impostor who came here to take his place, his fiancee, his right to get pregnant and give an heir to the Xie family. Am I doing the correct thing?"

His thought process stopped in the middle when Xie Bao asked him one more question,

"Don't you want to meet your sweetheart? Or are you planning to stand here till eternity?"