The opened door of his new bedroom showed the new reality of life to Xiao Xing, which he always saw in the movies or dramas.

The extravagant room that was the biggest from his home was sparkling its gleam on Xiao Xing's face, the western style decoder, big French-style windows. The long gallery with lots of plants and big swings, the cute tea table and wind chimes everything made that room look luxurious and contemporary, exactly the way it was supposed to be like the taste of modern omega who loved everything to be perfect.

Elegant dark grey curtains swaying dramatically with the wind that was playing with them.

The big walls coloured in a white and beautiful shade of grey made it look bigger, the king-size bed was beautifully prepared with silk bed covers and an equally soft comforter. The insignia that were placed in the room were catching the interest of every incoming person towa it.

The walk-in wardrobe was another room that was attached to the main bedroom. It was just another thing that was biggest from his house, just like the bathroom of that room, full-length length mirror showed Xiao Xing his reflection he came out of the daze, in which he has since entered the room.

The royalty was showing in every inch and piece of the room

"What the hell, how many people live in this room?" Xiao Xing exclaimed when he found his voice back after watching the incredible room.

"Xiao Xing, what are you talking about?" As soon as he heard the words and way of his speaking was one more time take off from what he learnt, he got super irritated.

"Jin di, I am asking how many people live in this room?" He kept his voice low and then asked his question.

"Xiao Xing, this is only your room till the time you won't get married to Jay gege." Mo Jin snarled back.

"What the hell? My whole colony will get fit in this room. You are saying this is my room. I just can't believe you rich people. Why do you need these big bedrooms when you live only for a few hours in it?" Xiao Xing was full of a grin when he first time saw everything so stunning.

"You know what Xing gege, just enjoy it till you won't get married to Jay gege and please don't use this kind of language here in Mo mansion or Xie mansion. They will know our secret. They will immediately catch you as an impostor."

When Mo Jin took Xiao Xing to his room, the first thing he did was make him understand how to use the bathroom, wardrobe and necessary things that were placed inside his room.

The small freeze, T.V station, air conditioner, the remote of everything that moved in the room from the opening of the curtain to windows, then using the music player to the light system in the room. Everything had a remote.

"Xing gege, I think you know how to use everything in the room now. I hope you will not make any mistakes in it. Don't touch anything unnecessarily to attract anyone's attention to you.

If you won't be able to do anything on your own then either call me or any aunty Hua. Do you get me? And please don't call her aunty..."

"Yes, sir. I will call her Mrs Hua. I won't make any mistakes. You have my words."

"That's why I fear Xing gege. That's why I fear the most."

As he said those words he moved to go out of the room. He turned back to look at Xiao Xing again,

"Xing gege, Jay gege is coming in a few hours. Please don't make any mistakes."

"Don't worry Jin di, I will make sure he will not get suspicious. I will charm him with my talk. Okay."

"Xing gege, please, just do one thing."

"Yes, Jin di?"

"Don't talk in front of Jay gege."


{At lunchtime.}

"Yuan ge ge...Yuan gege, can you come out of the room for lunch. Everyone is waiting for you."

When Xiao Xing listened to someone calling Mo Yuan's name for lunch, his heart started to beat erratically. The meeting with the enigma was a much worse thing than fighting with the actual enemy,

"A Xing, don't worry, you know you are a fighter. You can do it. You just need to keep your calm. What is going to happen even if you speak stupid? Just speak what comes to your head naturally. You are smart and you know it. Okay." Xiao Xing spoke to himself.

"Yuan gege, are you listening to me? Gege are you getting ready?"

"Yes. I will come in a minute."

Xiao Xing looked himself in the mirror and one more time giving the assurance to himself closed his eyes to see the happiest things of the timeless memories of his life with his sister.

"Jiejie, I will come back to you soon. I just have to believe in your words about our fate, that It has changed for good. I hope I can write my destiny one day. I love you Jiejie. I will come back to you soon." He thought for some time.

The wind got news of his coming to the raging heart that was waiting for him for so long and something churned inside his guts that pained him like anything.

His heart was bleeding the tears for the loss of love in his life. That love again knocked on the door of his heart and he opened it till the extent of his life allowed him.