"Xie Jayden, Life's journey can't be completed without walking together!"

Xiao Xing's eyes sparkled when he said those words and something moved inside Xie Jayden's heart. Xiao Xing's walking steps halted when he got gripped by elite Alpha and he remained rooted to his spot like something bound him there.

"Then why did you delay our journey of walking together? Don't you want to start a walk on our journey of togetherness quickly, A-Yuan?"

His heart felt the heartache like someone squeezed it mercilessly but knowing his place in Xie Jayden's heart clearly, he chose to stay calm.

"How I wish I could just start our journey at this very moment but you are not mine to start with. Maybe you are the only one for me but for you, I am not the only one. How I wish to be the one for you but our fate hasn't kept that choice for me. "

The mind spoke the true words for the first time but the truth was vicious like hell's punishment. Then he let the other truth come out from his lips, which was partially true.

"Xie Jayden, I have just delayed the rituals but if I am not wrong we have already started our life's journey together the day I came back. Isn't it?"

Xie Jayden looked at Xiao Xing with bewildered eyes and smiled from the bottom of his heart.

"What just A-Yuan said? Isn't he correct that we have already started the journey of life together since he came back? When he asked me to be his boyfriend. How can you be this stupid, Xie Jayden?"

While Xie Jayden was in a daze, Xiao Xing's words made him understand what he was supposed to think but in that thinking, he completely went into a trance that he stopped on his track while Xiao Xing went much ahead of him.

But he came out of his daze when heard the screaming sound of his beloved from afar which was almost coming near you every second.

"Xie Jayden...Help meeeee...HELP ME..."

Xie Jayden looked in confusion when Xiao Xing came running to him like his life was dependent on him. He thought to go near him to ask him but before he could move a muscle, the big cute omega landed on him with all his might that directly made them fall behind.

Alfa, whose back hit badly on the ground, started continuously staring at the gorgeous omega and omega, who was okay even after falling, had closed eyes as if he got hit very badly.

"Xie Jayden...Xie Jayden help me. That monster is coming to kill me. Help me, help me."

When coherent mumbling made some sense to cold alpha he looked back at the path from where Xiao Xing came running for his life and saw a big black and white husky coming to their way.

"A-Yuan, what happened to you? Why did you come running from there? Where is the monster? No one is there. Only Oreo is coming to us."

Hearing what Xie Jayden said, Xiao Xing forgot about why he was running just a few moments ago, put his head on Xie Jayden's shoulder and relaxed for a bit. Thinking about the name Oreo as some small girl he let lose himself around his love.

But without knowing what effects he was making on his strong alpha. Tough alpha's breathing got hitched when plum blossoms smell filled his lungs. His body got stiff under the softness of the omega's delicate figure and his hands turned into tight fists when he felt he won't be able to control his desires anymore.


A whisper came out from his mouth as he tried to get his omega's attention to their position and got the quick reaction to his calling out.

Xiao Xing got up as he heard a whisper of Xie Jayden. He got up from Xie Jayden's body and stretched his hand to help him to get up. As he got up from the ground, Xiao Xing looked back at the path he came running from and without wasting a single moment he jumped on Xia Jayden, circling his long slender legs on the thin waist of Xia Jayden and both hands circling his neck. He buried his whole face in the nooks of cold alpha's neck, inhaling the strong sandalwood fragrance that he loved so much started to release from his alpha.

The position was awkward enough in front of a crowd that followed them and now when both the pheromones started to travel into the air the crowd's attention fell on them.

"A-Yuan, please can you come down? People are staring at us. See, I don't mind it at all but I don't want to attract any alpha's attention here.

You smell so good that no alpha will be able to control their heart to fall for you right here, just like I am..."

As words left Xie Jayden's mouth, Xiao Xing got down from his waist but thinking of what Xie Jayden couldn't speak out loud.

But as soon as he looked back, he saw the husky standing inside his proximity staring continuously at his face like in the next second he would eat him alive.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaa...Jay gege, help meeee...Monster..."

Xiao Xing shouted hard and turning back he went to stand behind Xie Jayden.

"Gege, help me please. Take that monster away from me. Please...please...I beg you."

Xie Jayden was stunned for a long time after seeing the behaviour of Xiao Xing. He turned back and faced him.

"A-Yuan, he is Oreo. Your Oreo. How can you call him a monster? Have you forgotten him too?"

As the question landed on Xiao Xing his eyes stared at Xia Jayden for a long time.

"Jay gege, I...I don't remember anything. I don't remember him and who calls the big husky monster Oreo?"

His soft spoken words made a great impact on cold alpha as he thought about the days he left his omega in his solitude, to stand alone for himself in the harsh world.

For the last thirteen years, he never cared much for Mo Yuan's actual feelings and even Mo Yuan never complained about it. But when he said he doesn't remember anything, Xie Jayden felt guilty towards him and he hugged him tightly,

"A-Yuan, Everyone except you and me calls him Brute. He is that dangerous but not for his family. We all are his family. You and I are his parents. Do you remember you told him that I am his daddy and you his papa? You gave him this name when he was two days old. You said he looks like your Oreo biscuits. Black and white.

Oreo was the first puppy you left in my care when you went with your parents. That time if that accident would not have happened, Oreo would have been in your care forever. He was just three months old when you left it with me."

Xie Jayden explained it to Xiao Xing when he was tightly embracing him.

"Jay gege, I don't know why but I started fearing dogs."

"I know when you came back from the hospital thirteen years back, you started hating them and even Oreo never treated you like the way he was treating you before that. I know you won't be able to remember him that way but I just hoped that how you changed for me, maybe you changed for Oreo too."

"I know Jay gege, what you are thinking but everything is messed up right now and now that I am afraid of the dog, it will be better if I just stay away from them."

"I know what you feel about A-Yuan but would you like to start a new relationship with him now? Would you like it if I let you know him? Maybe this time we will succeed. Will you...let me introduce him? I will be with you for the whole time."

Xiao Xing who was pretty much sure about the things that were going to happen next nodded his head in acceptance only for his love who asked him to do it. Xiao Xing was ready to be Xie Jayden's slave for his whole life and this was just a small thing Xie Jayden asked him to do.

Slowly he came out of Xie Jayden's embrace and looked back at his gaze which was now seeing the black and white husky who sat down at his leg.

The much awaited love started to flow through their eyes totally unknown to both of them when Oreo put his right leg on Xiao Xing's right hand.

The touch that was still immersed in his mind somewhere started to poke through his head like it was always there. The feeling of knowing the touch and the person lingered in the heart of Omega.

"Jay gege, is he crying?"

Omega innocently asked alpha about what he was experiencing in front of him, but got a question in his answer,

"A-Yuan, can you see clearly?"

The amber eyes fluttered like butterfly wings when he tried to look into Xie Jayden's chocolate eyes.

"Gege, what is happening to me?"

"Nothing A-Yuan, you are perfectly fine. It is just that you met your best friend after a long time. See, not just Oreo but you are also crying.

Do you still remember when you rescued him from dying in winter? He was just one day old at that time when he lost his mother in that accident.

Did you remember you asked your dad to stop the car at a high pitch when he kept on driving while seeing Oreo dying beside the road?"

"Jay gege, I don't remember anything but what happened after that? Why did I leave him in your care?"