Lonely path

Xiao Xing sat down on the floor when little alpha's words made sense in his head. He was playing with fire for sure this time but now how could he possibly take a step back?

"Jin di, I am sorry but I don't know what came into my mind at that time. I just blurted out everything without fear." Xiao Xing admitted. "I don't know why but I never feel any threat from him, Jin di, I am sorry but tell me what to do now?"

Mo Jin smirked only for seconds as he heard what Xiao Xing said and turning his head toward the bright sky, he thought for some time,

"Xing ge, just go with the flow right now. I will try to postpone the marriage. I promise you nothing will happen to you and your sister if you keep doing what you are asked for."

Mo Jin got up from his seat as he said it and taking steps towards Oreo, he squatted in front of him and rubbed his head with all care and love,

"Brute, you liked him so much that you harm me!" He muttered under his breath.

Then he glanced towards Xiao Xing,

"Xing ge, it is just a matter of a few months or just one year, then your sister and you can live the life of your dreams but if you get caught then forget about that life, you will never be able to see your sister again but not just you even I won't be able to see another sunrise." Mo Jin got up from Oreo and stood to face Xiao Xing.

"Xing ge, try to remain ignorant about things going on around you. It will be better for both of us. Never provoke the beast in Jay gege." Mo Jin slowly strolled towards Xiao Xing in a most domineering posture and made sure not to lose focus from his gaze even for a second.

"You don't need to understand why. The only thing you need to know is how?" As alpha reached in omega's proximity, his eyes darkened "Xing gege, just get married to Jay gege, give an heir and live your whole life with your sister leisurely."

Mo Jin turned to leave after this but after walking a few steps, he halted and without turning back he warned Xiao Xing one more time,

"It's best you can make up with this deal and if you are so willing to dig up a grave for your sister and me, then go ahead and do whatever your heart tells you to do," Alpha said with a slight smile on his face, the words made Xiao Xing thought about his unpredictable future some more.

Mo Jin left as soon as he conveyed the message to the sentimental omega who needed to follow only his instructions, leaving behind the soul, deep in the thought of the future.

But Omega's imagination got halted when he heard a dangerous growl from Oreo who was completely immense in watching over the shadow of Mo Jin.

Xiao Xing got stunned for a moment as he squatted down in front of Oreo while his eyes were fixated on the doorway from where a young alpha just went away, still growling with destroying intent in his eyes.

"Hey, Oreo. He is your papa's brother. He is just trying to protect his family from some unknown danger." He took Oreo in his embrace and mumbled

"Try to understand his responsibility. He wants to save Grandma, himself and this business. Just relax okay?"

Though he made Oreo understand alpha's intentions he failed to understand that Oreo was someone who understood all human emotions, not just their language.


"Jiejie, How are you? What are you doing now?"

When Xiao Mei saw her phone that was indicating her about her brother's call, everything bloomed in her world. His one call every second day was like a souvenir for her to make her otherwise weary life go encouraging and delighted.

She picked up her phone leaving the file in her hand which she was going through.

"Hey, my baby, how are you? Do you have any idea how much I was missing you right now? I am feeling like I haven't seen you in years. I love you so much." She said while going near the window and looking at the beautiful blue sky in front of her.

"I know, Jiejie. I miss you so much. Tell me, are you well?" He asked while looking for the clothes to wear from the big wardrobe that was bigger than his prior house.

"Yes, Xing Xing, I am eating well, sleeping well, have made many new friends. When I go home I get proper attention and get a meal every day. When I come to the office everyone makes sure to take care of my needs." Xiao Mie said while sitting back on her office chair again.

"Chuckles* Jiejie, I just asked how are you?" Xiao Xing said while smiling cutely over the phone.

"Yes but I know what you wanted to know." She said with all her heart.

"Jiejie, can I ask you something?" Listening to her happiness, his heart started to get palpitate.

"What is it? Why is your voice so down, Xing Xing?" She asked as anxiety took over her heart.

"Jiejie, it's nothing. I just thought that if I mess up everything, what will happen?" He asked while taking out whatever clothes he could grab from the shelf and sitting on the couch near the wardrobe.

"Xing Xing, this is the best thing that happened to us. I see your pictures of the painting you are working on right now every day in our chat, my life is going on like a fairytale. This is what we always wanted for ourselves, right?"She said while encouraging her little brother.

"Now how can it go wrong? Nothing is going to get wrong when you are there. You won't let anything go wrong now."

"Jiejie, you always tell me to listen to my heart and follow it but if my heart is wrong then how can my decisions be correct?" He asked when he could not find peace in his mind.

"If you think your heart is wrong then just think about why your heart wanted to take that decision at first." She calmly proceeds to relieve him as much as possible.

"If the result of your decisions is the one which you want at any cost then whatever your heart tells you is correct." She explained it as an expert and waited for her brother to ask the next question, knowing him better than anyone in this world.

"What if the results which I wanted could put someone's life in danger?" He asked in the deepest voice. "Jiejie, what if I am betraying someone's faith and hope in me?"

"Xing Xing, what are you up to?" She eventually became tense and asked him a question back.

"Jiejie, can you please not question me?"

"Then listen. If the lonely path you have taken is to save someone's life, it is worth it but even when you are taking the right path according to this world will eventually betray and kill someone, then you choose to take that lonely path."

She explained with patience and was about to ask him why he was asking this question, but before it heard another question,

"Jiejie, have you ever met a person whom everyone else is afraid of like they are facing a devil but you just can't feel threatened even an ounce? Like..." He ceased to speak when he couldn't find the right words to speak.

"Like you know that person can never do anything wrong in front place as others said and no matter what that person will do anything to harm you?" Xiao Mei completed the words which Xiao Xing wanted to speak and it gave much relief to him but only for a few seconds.

"Stay away from that person before that person hurts you till you break down never to get up again, Xing Xing." Xiao Mei said authoritatively. "Just tell me you will stay away."

But listening to the anxiety in her voice, Xiao Xing took a back to ease his mind.

"Jiejie, I will tell my friend to follow your advice. Thank you so much for all the guidance." He lied without breaking the rhythm that he was learning like a pro nowadays.

"What? Xing Xing, you were asking all this for your friend?" She asked in surprise and a smile broke on her face like a new morning. "For seconds I got so worried. Yes, you tell your friend to stay away from that devil kind of person."

She wanted to tell many more things to her brother to warn him but the sound of barking came to her ear from the phone.

"Xing Xing, is there any dog?" Xiao Mei asked as soon as she heard the sound.

"No, Jiejie, you know I am afraid of dogs." He blurted out in a hurry and put his index finger on his lips to shoot Oreo. "T.V is on, Jiejie, thank you for solving my problem. I have to go now. Bye, I love you."

"I love you so much. I am missing you so much. Come back soon, my baby." As she said it looking at the phone she smiled a bit and talked to herself

"Stupid kid."


A big sound of the dropping of the things resonated in the office of Xiao Mei, when she put down her phone and the intruder heard her last words on the pho