Let me feel you near me.

"Jay gege, are you all right?" Xiao Xing asked when he saw Xie Jayden looking into space like recollecting something that was bothering his heart. "Jay gege...Are you listening to me?" Xiao Xing called him again putting his left hand on his cheek.

"No matter what happens Jay gege, I need you to know you have my heart. It will only beat for you..."

The words which were faded with the epoch of existence resurfaced again in his heart and then a distant sound called his name to take him to the reality of life but he wasn't ready to listen to that voice.

"Jay gege..."

The same name got called again from that voice but this time he was adamant and the touch that he yearned for like eternity shook him from deep down and his eyes turned to the person who just called him.

"Ahh...You...you said something?" Xie Jayden asked Xiao Xing when his gaze got fixed on him.

"What are you thinking, Jay gege?" Xiao Xing begged with pain in his eyes when his heart felt the sorrow of his alpha.

He saw that pain in his omega's eyes and taking his face into his palms he asked him in worry "N...nothing but are you all right, A-Yuan? Are you hurt? Did that bastard..." He was about to ask for more but sudden interjection halted him again.

"Mind your tongue, Mr Xie. You are not allowed to disrespect anyone with your words and he is family." Zhang Kai roared so furiously that Xiao Xing almost flinched from Xie Jayden's hold.

"THEN TELL HIM TO STAY AWAY FROM MY LOVE AND IF HE CANNOT THEN BE READY FOR YOUR FALLING." Xie Jayden gritted under his teeth. His rage was very much visible in his eyes. That made Zhang Kai think of danger promptly.

"Xie Jayden...How could?" He was almost about to whisper his words in fear but Xie Jayden hadn't let him finished them.

"How can I? Because he comes first in everything, Zhang Kai. He comes first in everything even in we, he comes first." Xie Jayden said holding Xiao Xing's hand in his while his gaze was rooted on Zhang Kai. Then swiftly it turned around on the person sitting on the couch who was still holding his face.

"If you don't want to hurt our mothers by being my enemy. Stay. Away. From. Him." Xie Jayden whispered yelled at Lu Dequan and moved out Of the office taking Xiao Xing with him.

"I don't know exactly why you are doing this I never interfered with you that time when the incident happened same as this but that time our destiny played a very harsh part but this time I promise if I found out you are hurting any one of them I will make you regret your life."

Zhang Kai moved out of the office after saying this leaving behind the chuckling soul.

"Mo Yuan, see how many people around you care for you. For them, you are their life and for my stupid cousin, you are more than that but have you ever cared for it?" He said and chuckled again. "You will never understand anyone's love for you, their sacrifices for you. Yuan'er will you ever?"

Drops of emotion then started to fell from his eyes, when a hand came to wipe them away from his cheeks. He sat near Lu Dequan and put the first aid kit on the centre table. Clasping the chin of his with a soft hand, he then observed the injury of the face.

"Sir is too good with his punch. I missed the best moment of my life." Zhao Zhang teased Lu Dequan with a happy tone but equal worry in his eyes which was visible to the dominant alpha.

When he checked all the injuries, he opened the first aid kit and then taking the disinfectant liquid he cleaned it up and then put on a cream that could give it relief but in that process, a whimper left Lu Dequan's mouth. That made Zhao Zhang ceased applying the cream to his face. He looked deep into his eyes with guilty eyes.

"I am sorry, does it hurt too much?" He asked worriedly. "Sir hit hard and I too applied the cream hard."

"Yes, no one can beat him in that, I am still feeling dizzy with that punch. I think the bone of my jaw is broken." Lu Dequan said with a very serious expression and saw Zhao Zhang almost jumped out of the couch.

"What? Are you enduring pain? Oh, shit why haven't you told this earlier?" Zhao Zhang yelled as soon as words hit him. "I need to call the ambulance right away. Do you know how serious this can be?"

He said while taking his phone in one hand and the other hand ran from his hair as anxiety stroke him hard. He turned around to walk a bit to relieve that anxiety but before he could get few steps ahead he got pulled back.

Zhao Zhang's chest hit his chest. Their faces were mere inches away from each other, as Lu Dequan's hot breathes hit his face the heartbeats started making a loud noise. But without losing the sanity over just a mirage, he tried to push him back but to his dismay, nothing worked at all.

"Lu Dequan, what the hell are you doing?" he whimpered trying to come out of that grip.

"Trying to pursue you." Lu Dequan smirked announcing it but only for a second soon his right foot felt the strong pain in it as the omega's foot landed sharply on it and his grip got loosened around him.

He bent down a bit to touch his painful feet when the hand that was circled around the dominant omega's waist got caught forcefully and got twisted behind his back.

"Aaaaah...Zhao Zhang...It's hurting." He screamed at Zhao Zhang trying to get out of his grip but it got more tightened up more. "Aaaa...No, please. Stop, please. You are hurting me."

"I am hurting you? Don't you think that is you who are hurting every single soul here?" Zhao Zhang left his grip on Lu Dequan and moved two steps back after turning back. His hand ran from his hair as a habit and his left hand held his forehead for seconds.

"Stop whatever you are trying to do, Lu Dequan. In the end, you will be the one who is going to be left alone." Zhao Zhang requested him to look at him with all the pleading eyes.

"No, I won't. Because I know what I am doing, Zhao Zhang." He moved closer to him and taking the omega in his embrace again he put his face into his nooks only to get push again.

"No, Lu Dequan, if you are against them then you will always find me standing in your way." He moved back with the fervour of devotion that he had for his boss and left the office in the second scared to lose his sanity.

"Will, you never understand me?"


His steps brought him nearer and nearer to his love with every step that he put up with him. When Xie Jayden held on to his hand without looking at anything else, he straight away carried him to his personal elevator in the office.

When they both entered the elevator Xie Jayden only dawdle for it to get closed. As the door got closed, Xiao Xing found himself in his alpha's tight embrace.

Getting bewildered with his doings when Xiao Xing ceased to advance with his closeness, Xie Jayden tightened his grip around Xiao Xing and whispered in low voice.

"Let me feel you near me, Xing Xing. Let me feel you before I will lose my sanity."