
"Sweetheart, you are angry? What happened grandma? Was my mistake too much for you to get hurt? Did I mess up truly this time? Please, scold me as much as you want me to but don't go silent like this."

Xiao Xing stood in front of Mo Nuwa's bedroom for a long period, knowing very well that that door was not going to open till morning but still his heart told him things got a bit worse with that silence.

The heart that always yearned for the love from everyone around it, got it in many unexpected ways when it was about to lose everything around but when just a small mistake threatened the base of zeal that was the trust, his heartfelt grief by it.

He hurt grandma Nuwa for the first time since he came to Mo house. This broke his heart just thinking about grandma Nuwa's sad and hurt face. He wanted to apologise to her, he wanted to tell her that he was very sorry about it but with just one warning from grandma Nuwa he kept quiet but somehow it didn't feel right to him.

"Was Mo Yuan this irresponsible kind of person? Did he never share his routine with her? But why? Are you a real brat like we always heard about rich kids, Mo Yuan?"

His thoughts slowly made him think of a person because of whom he was standing in Mo villa in the first place.

"Yes, that must be the case, otherwise grandma Nuwa is so sweet and caring. Why anyone will not talk to her or share anything with her? You are a really unfortunate person, Mo Yuan."

Xiao Xing decided on his own accord that Mo Yuan was a brat but as he stepped forward to go to his room he saw a new photo frame that was replaced in the place of another expensive painting just in the morning.

He saw a photo of little Mo Yuan laughing his heart out on his grandma Nuwa's lap and suddenly a pang in his heart made his breathing hitch like someone grab his heart from inside and started to squeeze it to the level that he felt suffocated and out of breath.

He tried to get some furious and hard breathes but even after his hard work. Soon with that aching pain, he drifted into the land of dreams where he saw himself laughing and playing with his familiar people but without a particular face.



His dark aura was clearly not something that Zhao Zhang wanted to come face to face ever but this time he certainly made an obvious way to hailed it upon himself.

He realised he made the biggest mistake of his life by finding a cab to go away from him. But he needed to speak for himself before it could lead to what he never hoped for.

"I...I have...I need...Xie sir...need" His shattered words were enough for alpha to know that his omega was scared. Zhao Zhang's shuttering words then got ceased into his mouth when Lu Dequan came near him and piercing the gaze into his soul, he started to speak his next words,

"How long have you been doing this?" Lu Dequan asked, holding Zhao Zhang's left arm in his hand and pulled him with so much force that Zhao Zhang crashed into him hard.

"Just tell me, will you?" He again asked, heaving strongly with rage.

"I don't go out unless it's necessary and...and..." Zhao Zhang tried to talk some sanity into Lu Dequan but all he saw in his eyes was the pain of betrayal.

"I told you before, haven't I?" Lu Dequan almost shout his heart so loud that many lights of the buildings started to switch on gradually to check what was happening.

"Lu Dequan, please keep your voice low. It is midnight and even the sound of crickets could be heard clearly." As Zhao Zhang pleaded with Lu Dequan, alpha's hold on omega got tightened much more. "Lu Dequan they will know you are here with me." Zhao Zhang said enduring all the pain inside him.

"I don't care. All I want to know is what you are doing with your life now?"

"Lu Dequan, I am living my life as you..." He was about to say but before he could do so, his both arms got held by alpha and soon he heard the voice that made him shiver uncontrollably.

"It's almost 1 in the morning." He said with a dark voice. "Have I ever said that you can work after hours?" He tightened his grip more.

" are hurting me, Lu Dequan. You can't get mad at me over this simple thing...I can take care..." He said what he wanted to but got pulled even before he could explain himself better.

His whole body got collided on the seat as he got shoved in the passenger seat of Lu Dequan's car. Soon he saw Lu Dequan coming to the driver's seat from the front.

"Shihui, I will be driving tonight. Take Lele with you. I will be okay." As Lu Dequan reached the driver of his car, he instructed his driver to take his bodyguard home.

"But sir, everyone got to know that you are back home and we are not with you then it can add your difficulty." Shihui, his driver, explained the problem to him but Alpha was stubborn. He hasn't listened to him.

"Then this is your work to hide it from them and my little cousin needs my help right now." He said it while he sat in the driver's seat.

"Handle it in your way. I am going to the police department to help Xie Jayden, isn't it dear, Zhao Zhao?" Lu Dequan said this facing his omega with a wicked smile on his face. A shiver ran down his spine in thoughts of their meeting again.


"Mr Xie, I know your time is so valuable, I should have taken care of the case on my level only." When the head of police officers said this to Xie Jayden, his frigid gaze made him break into a cold sweat.

"Then what the hell I am doing here?" Xie Jayden whispered yelled at him but soon he found the hand on his shoulder. Their uncle Sam was their corporations and family lawyer.

No matter how the case was tried not to get the limelight but only the name of Xie cooperation would make it to the headline without single news as it was the number one cooperative firm in the country.

"This time it is difficult. Their family members are asking for a full investigation." Uncle Sam explained the case in detail.

"Sir, this time they got to know that something was wrong about the accident. They want throughout inquiry of everyone that was involved."

As he heard everything that uncle Sam explained to him, he greeted his teeth and murmured to himself,

"This is the last time you are going to file a complaint against me or Mo Yuan."