Be with me always

He said those words and the next second uncle Sam took out the paper from his bag where every detail of the crime of Mr Qin Chung who was Mr Qin's nephew, was written. When Uncle Sam started to mention everything, Xie Jayden looked at his watch which indicated the time 2:00 a.m. He remembered the words Mo Yuan asked him to do.

"Call me immediately after you reach home."

His all senses went to the only person who was the most important in his life but somehow he forgot to call him back. How? Even he hasn't had an answer. He immediately looked for his phone if he got any miss calls from Mo Yuan but to his surprise there were none.

"This is not possible. Is he okay? Does something happen at home?" All the negative questions then came to make him distressed to the heart and deciding in the mind, he spoke his next words.

"I think I am not needed here anymore. Uncle Sam, please take care of Zhao Zhang and send him safely to his home and do call me when you reach home safely, Zhao Zhang."

Then he got up with the jolt from his seat and without notifying anyone about where he was going, he sprinted out of the police department in a hurry.

While he was making it to his car a familiar silhouette came into his vision which was railing against the car that was his gift to someone special to him and his quick steps came to a sudden halt and they automatically turned closer to that silhouette.

"What the hell do you think you are doing here?" He asked Lu Dequan, stopping exactly in front of him. "Don't you love your life anymore?"

As he said it a loud chuckle was heard by Xie Jayden. All the blood started to boil in his veins when he remembered the same chuckle around Mo Yuan a year back.

"What the hell are you doing here, Dequan?" He held his collar and shouted hard enough to make another soul tremble in fear but nothing worked at all.

"Taking care of my mate whose responsibility I gave on your shoulders when I promised you all that I will go away from all of you." Lu Dequan said, ripping Xie Jayden's hands off his collar.

"He is not yours, to begin with, and he doesn't love you. It is just your wishful thinking from the start to become a couple." Xie Jayden said with greeted teeth looking directly into his eyes.

"Chuckles** He is my mate, Jaydi. Why don't you just understand this simple fact?" Lu Dequan said while his emotions started to fill his eyes.

"You can't force yourself on him just because he is an omega..." Xie Jayden started to speak but got interrupted by his older brother's words which hurt him to the core.

"Then why are you forcing yourself on Mo Yuan? He doesn't love you anymore. He is a totally different person now." Lu Dequan argued back and heard a scream from raged alpha.

"DEQUAN...How dare you speak about my Xing Xing?"

"That's what I am trying to tell you, Jay di, he is not our Xing Xing. He changed entirely after that accident that happened thirteen years back. Now he doesn't love you the way he used to."

"Lu Dequan, go away before I will kill you."

When the pain of the heart intensified with the biggest degree only because the pain was taken from his dearest, it needed to be healed by only the person who was the sole reason behind that agony.

For Xie Jayden love always had only one meaning that was Mo Yuan but when the most trusted person said that it is all unreal truth of destiny, his whole world shattered down breaking into thousands of pieces a year back, when he was getting engaged to his love.

They were about to get married when the second unfortunate accident took Mo Yuan away from him but only to give back his real love in his life.

"You don't know anything now. Everything has changed, Quan ge." He whispered as he turned around to go away from his brother who was everything to him till one year back when they argued over Mo Yuan after his engagement.

"He has become just like before...but you will never understand." A lone tear made its way when his all strength to make Lu Dequan understand this fact left his body.

"Sir...are you going to..." A voice that came from a few meters away from them took them both out of their own thoughts and Xie Jayden immediately turned his head to go near to his car avoiding both gazes upon him.

"Zhao Zhang, I have asked Uncle Sam to take you home. Don't go alone or with strangers. I am going to check on you." He said his final words and stepped into the driver's seat only to go to his life where he needed the solace to come out of sorrows.

"I am taking care of him very well. You don't need to be here, Quan ge. Why do you come back again? Why?" His heart asked one question while getting his car out of the parking lot only to get more confused with the incident that happened in his office in the afternoon.


When Xiao Xing got a bit conscious of his surroundings, he tried to open his eyes with a lot of hard work. He almost ripped off the eyelids from each other and as soon as he opened them fully a strong light hit them and promptly he ceased the light with his hand very effectively.

"Where am I?" An abrupt question arose in his mind only for seconds when he realised he was in the bedroom of Mo mansion.

Then slowly the memories of the night's occurrence visited his mind one by one only to give him a jolt from the dreams that occurred while seeing that photo.

"Why did I felt so much pain in my heart when I saw that photo?" His thoughts wandered around for moments but soon he felt his right hand numb and heavy. He turned to look at his right side when the most fascinating sight made him smile like a fool.

Xie Jayden was half sleeping on his right arm while sitting half in the chair. He tried to move his hand but the stirring that happened because of it made him stop his movement to come out of his hold.

"Hey, Jay gege, are you real or am I still dreaming?" He slowly whispered near Xie Jayden's ear and lightly pecked on his forehead only to give reward for giving him a smile to his heart in the morning.

"Hey, gege, always be with me just like this. I love you, Jay gege. I love you." He whispered one more time near him but this time the sound was louder than before as he wanted his feelings to reach the deserving heart without realising someone else's presence in the room.