A fight.

Xie Jayden rasped out violently before putting his hand to the door handle to open the car to go out to survive the suffocation. He breathed hard for some time and realised another alpha standing near him.

"That's why uncle always calls me a traitor, right? Because I make decisions with my heart. Well, he is not wrong though. Yes, I am a traitor who still believes in love, not in profit or loss. I am a bad businessman." He stopped and looked up to his elder brother. "Ge, I am going to marry him soon." He said and tried to open the door to go away from there.

"But how can you ignore what he told you?" He asked in dismay. "He will never back off. He will fight for your good till the end. He is stubborn to the core."

"My good? Chuckles* What theory does he apply to say that Yuan is not good for me? He must have some criteria for this, so how much in loss am I? Am I going to go bankrupt? Am I going to lose everything that I have?"