Mo Yuan is drunk...

"I hope he has a good alcohol tolerance." She smiled dazzlingly like always and looked at his confused expression.

"He drank a whole bottle of wine and that too a bottle of Kweichow Moutai wine."

When a beautiful girl spoke in his ear about what Mo Yuan had done just now he got shocked and remembered the days when he used to take back drunken and waste Mo Yuan home without anyone's knowledge. Many times Mo Jin used to do it for Mo Yuan.

A shiver ran through his whole body. No, it can't be true when just some time back he shared his heart with him and made him sleep. When he was about to come down to meet Zhao Zhang and Wang Yuyan, he checked that Mo Yuan was sleeping peacefully in his room.

"No, that's not possible, Wang Yuyan. He is sleeping in my room right now. I saw him sleeping while coming here. You know he stopped drinking after his accident and hasn't touched it till now. You know everything, right?" Xie Jayden acknowledged back the information he got from her.