What if he never comes back?

"Practically? What the hell are you talking about, Mo Jin?" She asked looking back. Her criticizing gaze was drilling a hole in his heart but he stood firm on his points.

He came forward and made her sit back on the couch holding her arms.

"Nuan, listen to me very carefully. I need you to understand my point." He said sitting beside her. He took her hands in his and looked at her deeply.

"You know the business world is cruel. They don't have patience and mercy and we are not different even if we are on top. Mo business is collapsing day by day. I am trying hard but the snakes in the office are doing their best to get hold of Mo business. I am a foster child. My value in that business is zero."

"But Gege is there, why don't you trust him?" She asserted, shoving his hands from her arms. She looked away from him in anger.

"We are still surviving in this world only because Jay gege is there. Otherwise, all Mo businesses would have gone into the hands of our uncle.