The chest mark.

"To remove accident marks?" Lu Feng asked and took the bottle in her hand.

"When young madam dropped by that day, the young master saw a small mark on her hand and gave it to her but while going home she must have dropped it here by accident. The maid just found it lying below the furniture and gave it to me."

"But how do you know about this?" Xie Bao asked him.

"Sir, the other day a young master was telling me that he had this cream which removes all the marks on the body. He told me his friend makes this cream in her house and it is a secret formula of her family."

"What else he told you?" Grandma's attention rose when she heard the healing of mark. "About this cream and his friend? Did he use it somewhere?"

"Yes, madam. He told me he used it for some mark on his chest and after using this cream almost for some time that mark faded away."

"Does he tell you anything else? And why did he explain all this to you?" Lu Feng asked hastily.