When Camellia blooms.

"...Yuze..." Grandma Nuwa called out as soon as she smelled Camellia fragrance in her room while she was sitting on the chair and looking at the moon from her window. She got up from the chair and almost ran to the door of her room and opened it to catch a glimpse of the person whose fragrance intertwined her peace.

"...Yuze..." She called out again but ceased to speak her next words when she saw the person standing at the door. Controlling the threatening tears inside her, she calmed herself before Xiao Xing could see it by looking back and forth. She looked down for a second, closing her first, she perked up again.

"Xing Xing, what are you doing here at this time? Have you finished your date so fast?" She held Xiao Xing's hand and took him inside. Sitting on the chair next to each other she saw in his eyes that something was wrenching his heart.

"You are smelling different, you used some strong perfume today for the date?" She asked, taking his hand and smelling it.