The beginning of the horizon.

"You were there with them, Lu Suyin, then how did all these things happen?" Mo Nuwa cried when she saw the body of Mo Quang in the morgue in Vermont hospital. Lu Suyin helped her to stand but looking at the burnt body of her son and son in law her whole existence ceased to work properly.

"Aunty, I am sorry that I wasn't able to save them. They haven't told me anything about why they were going out suddenly. I was with Shen in the bedroom at that time." Lu Suyin explained while crying her heart out.

"Xie Bao, How did all these things happen? What did the police tell you?" Mo Nuwa then asked, looking at her son's best friend.

"Aunty, When they took the car out they weren't aware of the car's condition. There was leakage in the brake line. When they reached the hill, somehow at that point brakes failed and Quang couldn't manage to control the car because it was too much speed."

He stopped speaking for some time and thinking of something, he spoke the truth in front of her.