A new sapling

"What do you mean by that? I haven't understood your question very well." Rong Chyou asked doctor James when he asked her a question.

"I mean have they mated in those days?" Doctor James when detailed in his question, Rong Chyou's eyes widened.

"Do you mean to say...Song Yuze... He is..."

"Yes, he is one month pregnant." Doctor James cleared the fog with one sentence and Rong Chyou looked back at Song Yuze but before she could ask him anything she saw him fainting in her arms.

"Oh, no. He fainted again. Rong Chyou, we need to give him drips right now. We can't afford to be careless around him. He is so weak with his first pregnancy and he even met with an accident in this pregnancy. He is Omega X. It is a miracle that he is still breathing but we can't take chances now."

Doctor James made Song Yuze lay on the bed and pierced a thin injection in his vein with a drip attached to it. Rong Chyou looked at the sleeping angel's face and tears rolled down from her eyes.