The comeback.

"Aunty, Yuze came to consciousness." Xie Bao announced when he came into the VIP waiting room in the hospital.

"Can we meet him?" Mo Nuwa got up from the couch of the VIP waiting room. She almost went out but Xie Bao's words made her stop in her tracks.

"Aunty, when five years back he came into consciousness, he asked about Mo Quang but slept into a coma after knowing the truth because of shock. Doctors asked me not to tell him the thing before the doctor checks his condition."

"Oh, I understand. I know when I told him that Mo Quang was already dead, he couldn't take the news well." She then sat back on the couch. "Will he be okay?"

"He will be, Aunty. Don't worry. He already has suffered a lot and I know there is something that is keeping him alive till now."

"Excuse me, sir. You can meet your patient. He is stable." A nurse announced and they took a breath of relief.
