The burdens on the pure heart

After Xiao Xing came back from the washroom, he wandered inside the hotel after looking at a few paintings that were placed on the pathway of the massive patio of the hotel that was facing the city lights. After checking out all the paintings when it was time to go back to the party, his steps were halted.

The face that was engraved in his heart forever failed to make him walk to the place where he was supposed to be that time. He turned his heels and moved to the terrace of the restaurant.

He opened the glass door to the patio. After closing it for the first time he felt that he could take a first true breath in the last few hours while falsely claiming the dress designs as his.

The brightly shining moon over his head made him lose those restrained tears free from his heart. The small little twinkling stars made their way to open his heart to the moon.