Finally, I am all yours.


He screamed when Alpha started to fuck his hole with his tongue and shy Omega demanded shamelessly.

"Gege... Don't stop tonight. I want you...Make me yours."

He raised his legs in the air to give Alpha an idea of how much he wanted him. Alpha looked at the most seductive scenery in front of his eyes.

A pink hole that was twitching in anticipation of meeting his destroyer and two white legs were pulled apart from each other in the air, flushed face of gorgeous Omega gave his dick more potion to swell in a large size that got too painful inside the pants.

He put his hands on the underside of his thighs to keep his legs apart and in the air.

"As you wish, my Baobai. You are mine but now I too want you to become me. I am not going to stop tonight even if you are going to beg for mercy."