The first encounter after decade.

"Xing Xing, what are you doing here? Why are you not in the States?" Xiao Mei came in front and held Xiao Xing's arm in expectation of knowing the reasons but the unknown feelings she saw in those familiar eyes for the first time shook her to the core.

"Xiao Xiao... You... Why are you looking at me like this?" She held his both arms with her hands and shook him a bit but there was no response came other than slight fear in the depth of those amber eyes which only she could recognise.

She hugged him tightly to move him from inside but when he didn't move a bit, she moved back and looked at him with a worried expression and then suddenly her breath caught a familiar aroma that came to her after a decade.

"Uncle Yuze..." Words blurted out from her lips that only she could hear and she moved two steps back to take an arduous breath.